Bazı gıdaların mutajenik ve antimutajenik etkilerinin in vitro yöntemlerle saptanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Ill ÖZET Son yıllarda, beslenme alışkanlıklarının sağlığı etkileyen en önemli faktörlerden biri olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kanser ile beslenme arasındaki ilişki, günümüzde ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde yapılan epidemiyolojik çalışmalarla saptanmaktadır. Bu çalışmaların sonuçlan diyet ile kanser oluşumu arasında kuvvetli bir ilişki olduğunu göstermiştir. Bu nedenle çalışmalar, kanser oluşumunu önleyecek faktörlerin saptanması ve kanserden korunmak için diyette yapılabilecek değişikliklerin belirlenmesi üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Ancak araştırıcılar in vivo yöntemlerde ve epidemiyolojik çalışmalarda kullanılacak diyet bileşenlerinin öncelikle, daha kısa süreli ve ucuz teknikler olan in vitro yöntemlerle belirlenmesini önermektedirler. Bu çalışmada, bazı gıdaların mutajenik ve antimutajenik aktiviteleri in vitro teknikler olan Ames testi ve in vitro bağlama kapasitesi yöntemleri ile araştırılmıştır. Çiğ ısırgan otu, haşlanmış ısırgan otu ve haşlama suyu, kurutulmuş ısırgan tohumu, karabaş otu, adaçayı, kuşburnu çayı, üzüm pekmezi ve tarhananın Salmonella typhimurium TA 100 susunda mutajenik aktiviteleri saptanmamıştır. 5. typhimurium TA 100 susunda sodyum azid mutajenine karşı en yüksek antimutajenik aktiviteyi çiğ ısırgan otu (% 46.32) ve kuşburnu çayı (% 44.03) göstermiş, bunları sırasıyla ısırgan yaprağı (% 41.25), ısırgan suyu (% 40.07), adaçayı (% 39.53), ısırgan tohumu (% 37.22), karabaş otu (% 36.42), üzüm pekmezi (% 33.03) ve tarhana (% 28.60) izlemiştir. Çiğ ısırgan otu ve kuşburnu çayının antimutajenik aktiviteleri ile tarhananın antimutajenik aktivitesi arasındaki farklılık önemli bulunmuştur (p<0.01). Kullanılan gıdaların dozları ile sodyum azidin mutajenik aktivitesindekiazalma arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmamıştır. Bu sonuç diğer araştırıcıların elde ettikleri sonuçlar ile uyumludur. Çeşitli gıdaların antimutajenik aktivitelerini araştıran çalışmalarda elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde, kullanılan gıdalar için saptadığımız antimutajenik etkinin; diyet lifi, polifenoller, lignin benzeri bileşikler, flavanoidler, tanenler, kateşinler, proantosiyanidinler, askorbik asit ve furan bileşiklerinden kaynaklanabileceği düşünülmektedir. Diyet lifi (patates lifi, glukomannan) ve diyet lifi bileşenleri (pektik asit, selüloz) direkt mutajen olan sodyum azidi bağlamamış, indirekt mutajen olan 2-amino-3-metil-3H-imidazo (4,5-f) kuinolin'i (IQ) OoC, pH 4.5 ve 37°C, pH 7.0 koşullarında değişen oranlarda bağlamışlardır. Desorpsiyon denemelerinde diyet liflerinin bağladığı IQ mutajeninin geri kazanılamadığı saptanmıştır. Diyet lifi ve büeşenlerinin tümü OoC, pH 4.5 'te IQ mutajenini 2.0-6.5 mg/g diyet lifi, 37oC, pH 7.0'de 2.2-3.8 mg/g diyet lifi aralığında bağlamışlardır. IQ mutajenini en fazla bağlayan diyet lifi ve bileşenleri sırasıyla patates lifi, pektik asit, glukomannan ve selüloz olmuştur. Gıdalarla aldığımız mutajenik heterosiklik amin miktarının ug düzeyinde olması ve diyet lifinin IQ mutajenini mg/g diyet lifi düzeyinde bağlaması, diyet lifi tüketiminin sağlık üzerindeki olumlu etkisini ön plana çıkarmaktadır
IV ABSTRACT In recent years, dietary habits are regarded as one of the significant causative factors that affect human health. Today, national and international epidemiologic studies show that there is a clear relationship between cancer and dietary habits. Recent studies have been intensified upon the possible ways of protecting individuals from cancer by making changes in dietary habits. On the other hand researchers suggested that diet constituents which are used in in vivo methods and epidemiologic studies should be analyzed primarily in in vitro methods which are cheaper and short-time consuming technics. In this research, mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of various foods and in vitro binding capacities of certain dietary fiber and dietary fiber constituents are studied. In vitro Ames test method is used to determine mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of various foods. Raw and boiled juice and leaf and dried seeds of Urtica sp. (ısırgan herb), Stachys annula (karabaş herb), sage, rosehip, grape molasses and tarhana were not found mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100. All of the foods decreased sodium azid mutagenicity in S. typhimurium TA 100. Among the foods tested, raw Urtica sp. (46.52%) and rosehip (44.03%) showed the highest antimutagenic effect, followed by leaf of Urtica sp. (41.25%), juice of Urtica sp. (40.07%), sage (39.53%), dried seeds of Urtica sp. (37.22%), Stachys annula (36.42%), grape molasses (33.03%), and tarhana (28.60%) respectively. The antimutagenic activities of Urtica sp. and rosehip were found to be significantly higher than the antimutagenic activity of tarhana (p<0.01).The steady state inhibition profile was not found to be a determinant between the decrease in sodium azid mutagenicity and the doses of the food. This result was in agreement with the results of the other studies. Data from other research that investigate antimutagenic activities of various food show that antimutagenic effects of our food might be due to dietary fiber, polyphenols, lignin like compounds, flavanoids, tanens, proanthocyanidins, ascorbic acid and furan compounds. Direct acting mutagen sodium azid were not sorbed by dietary fiber (potato fiber, glucomannan) and dietary fiber constitutents. However indirect acting mutagen 2-amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo (4,5-f) quinoline (IQ) were sorbed by them in variable ratios at 0°C, pH 4.5 and 37 °C, pH 7.0. IQ was not released from the dietary fibers and constitutents in distilled water. 2.0-6.5 mg IQ/g dietary fiber at OoC, pH 4.5 and 2.2-3.8 mg IQ/g dietary fiber at 37°C, pH 7.0 were sorbed by dietary fiber and constituents. It was reported that daily intake of mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amins were a few micrograms. Binding of IQ mutagen at miligram level by dietary fiber very vividly exhibits the positive impact of dietary fiber consumption upon human health.
IV ABSTRACT In recent years, dietary habits are regarded as one of the significant causative factors that affect human health. Today, national and international epidemiologic studies show that there is a clear relationship between cancer and dietary habits. Recent studies have been intensified upon the possible ways of protecting individuals from cancer by making changes in dietary habits. On the other hand researchers suggested that diet constituents which are used in in vivo methods and epidemiologic studies should be analyzed primarily in in vitro methods which are cheaper and short-time consuming technics. In this research, mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of various foods and in vitro binding capacities of certain dietary fiber and dietary fiber constituents are studied. In vitro Ames test method is used to determine mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of various foods. Raw and boiled juice and leaf and dried seeds of Urtica sp. (ısırgan herb), Stachys annula (karabaş herb), sage, rosehip, grape molasses and tarhana were not found mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium TA 100. All of the foods decreased sodium azid mutagenicity in S. typhimurium TA 100. Among the foods tested, raw Urtica sp. (46.52%) and rosehip (44.03%) showed the highest antimutagenic effect, followed by leaf of Urtica sp. (41.25%), juice of Urtica sp. (40.07%), sage (39.53%), dried seeds of Urtica sp. (37.22%), Stachys annula (36.42%), grape molasses (33.03%), and tarhana (28.60%) respectively. The antimutagenic activities of Urtica sp. and rosehip were found to be significantly higher than the antimutagenic activity of tarhana (p<0.01).The steady state inhibition profile was not found to be a determinant between the decrease in sodium azid mutagenicity and the doses of the food. This result was in agreement with the results of the other studies. Data from other research that investigate antimutagenic activities of various food show that antimutagenic effects of our food might be due to dietary fiber, polyphenols, lignin like compounds, flavanoids, tanens, proanthocyanidins, ascorbic acid and furan compounds. Direct acting mutagen sodium azid were not sorbed by dietary fiber (potato fiber, glucomannan) and dietary fiber constitutents. However indirect acting mutagen 2-amino-3-methyl-3H-imidazo (4,5-f) quinoline (IQ) were sorbed by them in variable ratios at 0°C, pH 4.5 and 37 °C, pH 7.0. IQ was not released from the dietary fibers and constitutents in distilled water. 2.0-6.5 mg IQ/g dietary fiber at OoC, pH 4.5 and 2.2-3.8 mg IQ/g dietary fiber at 37°C, pH 7.0 were sorbed by dietary fiber and constituents. It was reported that daily intake of mutagenic heterocyclic aromatic amins were a few micrograms. Binding of IQ mutagen at miligram level by dietary fiber very vividly exhibits the positive impact of dietary fiber consumption upon human health.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gıda Mühendisliği, Food Engineering, Mutajenler, Mutagens, İn vitro, In vitro