Huzurevi ortamında yaşayan bireylerde kemik mineral yoğunluğu, sarkopeni, düzenli fiziksel aktivite alışkanlıkları, düşme sıklığı, denge ve yaşam kalitesi arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kemik kütlesinin düşük olması ve kemik dokusunun yapısal bozukluğu sonucunda gelişen osteoporoz, kemik kırıklarının oluşması ve yatkınlığı ile karekterize ve yaşlı popülasyonda sık rastlanan bir metabolik iskelet hastalığıdır. Eskiden beri osteoporoz ve osteopeni yaşlı nüfus için en yaygın hastalıklarından biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. İnsan hayatının uzaması ile birlikte görülme sıklığı artmakta ve kişinin yaşam kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. Denge bozukluğu ve düşmelere bağlı kırıklar yaşlı nüfusun en önemli ve korkulan sorunlarıdır, kemik dansite yoğunluğunda azalma önemli bir toplum sağlığı sorunu olarak sağlık çalışanlarının karşısına çıkmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda huzurevi ortamında yaşayan 65 yaş üstü bireylerde kemik mineral yoğunluğu ile sarkopeni, düzenli fiziksel aktivite alışkanlığı, düşme sıklığı, denge ve yaşam kalitesi arasında ki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmaya Eylül 2014-Eylül 2015 tarihleri arasında Manisa merkezde bulunan iki huzurevinde yaşayan 56 kişi katılmıştır. Ankette, kişilerin sosyo-demografik özellikleri, Metabolik sendrom tanısında kullanılan (boy, kilo, Total kolesterol ve yağ (Arzum AR-553), açlık ve tokluk kan şekerleri, insulin direnci, göbek ve bel çevresi ölçümleri) parametreler yanı sıra fiziksel aktivitelerini araştıran uluslararası fiziksel aktivite anketi (uzun) ve SF 36 yaşam kalitesi değerlendirme ölçeği anketi uygulanmıştır. Ayrıca dosya kayıtlarından kemik mineral yoğunluğuna ait bilgileri DEXA sonuçları izlenerek değerlendirme formuna kaydedilmiştir. El kavrama kuvveti handgrip kullanılarak ölçülmüş ve sarkopeni değerlendirme sonucu olarak kaydedilmiştir. Son 1 yıl içerisinde yaşadıkları sendeleme ve düşme sayıları sorgulanarak, denge ise fonksiyonel uzanma testi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada 24 (%42,9) kişide osteopeni ve 10 (%17,9) kişide ise osteoporoz tespit edildi. T skoru göz önüne alındığında 6 yaşlının fiziksel fonksiyonlarının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir etkilenme bulundu, fiziksel rol güçlüğü ise 7 yaşlıda anlamlı olarak saptandı. Mental korelasyon değerlendirildiğinde hemen hemen aynı yaşlıların mental sağlığında da etkilendiği ve sosyal fonksiyonlarının azaldığı istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Sendeleme durumu incelendiğinde 32 (%57,1) yaşlıda görüldüğü ve sıklıkla günde 5-10 arası olduğu tesbit edildi. Benzer şekilde bu yaşlıların 29 (%51,8) inde düşme görüldüğü belirlendi. Düşmelerin özellikle fiziksel ve mental rol güçlüğü üzerine olumsuz etkisi olduğu, bunlarında düşme korkusunu etkilediği değerlendirildi. Yine çalışmamızda sarkopeni değerlendirmesini Handgrip sıkma ölçümleri ile değerlendirdik. Yaşlılarda sarkopeniyi destekleyen anlamlı istatistiksel değer saptamadık. Çalışmaya katılan 48 yaşlı (% 85,8) hafif düzeyde ve düzenli yürüyüş yaptıklarını, bunların aktivite gün sayısının dağılımı 2,9+2,3 (0-7gün ) olup günde ortalama 16,4+14,2 (0-60 dk.) dakika yürüyüş yaptıkları belirlendi.Fiziksel aktivitede bulunan kişilerin yürüyüş MET ortalama 211+287,2( 0-1386), toplam fiziksel aktivite MET 230,6+289,82( 0-1386) olarak değerlendirildi.. Total MET düzeyleri ile osteoporoz karşılaştırldığında aralarında ilişkinin anlamsız olduğu (Pearson Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney U, p≥ 0.5) bulunmuştur. Total MET düzeyleri ile total aktivite gün sayısı karşılaştırldığında aralarında ilşkinin anlamsız olduğu (Mann-Whitney U, p≥ 0,5) bulunmuştur. VKI deki kas dokusu, yag dokusu, kemik dokusu ile aralarıdaki ilişkinin anlamsız olduğunu (Mann-Whitney U, p≥ 0,5), fakat hipertansiyon gelişmesi ile aralarında anlamlı ilişki (Mann-Whitney U, p≤ 0,5) olduğu belirlendi. Osteoporoz veya osteopenia tanısı olan yaşlı bireylerde fiziksel aktivite düzeyi , aynı bireylerde sarkopeni varlığı, kas gücü azalması ve bu kriterlerin fiziksel aktiviteyi nasıl etkilediği değerlendirilmiştir. Osteoporoz tanılı yaşlılarda sendeleme ve düşme korkusu nedeniyle fiziksel aktivitede hem sürede hemde ağırlıkta kısıtlamaya gittikleri gözlenmiştir. Huzurevi ortamında yaşayan yaşlılarda osteoporoz için, yaptırılacak olan fiziksel aktivitelerle yaşam standartlarının yükselebileceği, var olan sağlık sorunlarında daha hızlı iyileşmeler olabileceği ve kendi kendine yetebilirliklerinin artırılabilmesi mümkündür.
Osteoporosis is a metabolic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass and structural malformation of bone tissue, characterized by the formation and tendency of bone fractures and is common in the elderly population. Osteoporosis and osteopenia have long been recognized as one of the most common diseases for the elderly population. The frequency of seeing human life together with the extension is increasing and affects one's quality of life negatively. Unbalance and fall-related fractures are the most important and frightening problems of the elderly population. The decrease in the density of bone density is an important health problem for the health professionals. Therefore, it is aimed to investigate the relationship between bone mineral density and sarcopenia, regular physical activity habits, fall frequency, balance and quality of life in the elderly people living above 65 years in our study. Between September 2014 and September 2015, 56 people living in two nursing homes located in the center of Manisa participated in the study. In the questionnaire, the socio-demographic characteristics of the persons, the international (international level) researchers used to diagnose the metabolic syndrome (height, weight, total cholesterol and fat (Arzum AR-553), fasting and satiety blood glucose, insulin resistance, belly and waist circumference measurements) Physical activity questionnaire (long) and SF 36 quality of life questionnaire were used. In addition, data on bone mineral density from file records were recorded in the evaluation form following DEXA results. Hand grip strength was measured using handgrip and the sarcopenia was recorded as the end result. In the last 1 year, the number of stumbling and falling have been questioned and the balance has been evaluated by functional stretching test. Osteopenia was detected in 24 patients (42.9%) and osteoporosis in 10 (17.9%) patients. When the T score was taken into consideration, a statistically significant effect of the physical functions of the 6-year-old was found, while the physical role strength was significantly found in the 7-year-old. When the mental correlation was evaluated, it was statistically evaluated that the mental health of the same age was affected and the social functions decreased. When the aggression status was examined 32 (57.1%) were seen in the elderly and it was found that they were frequently between 5-10 days. Similarly, 29 (51.8%) declines in these ages were observed. It was evaluated that the fall had a negative effect on the physical and mental role strength, and that it affected the fear of falling. In our study, we assessed the sarcopenic evaluation with handgrip measurements. We did not find any significant statistical value supporting sarcoplasty in the elderly. The distribution of activity days was 2.9 + 2.3 (0-7 day) and mean 16.4 + 14.2 (0-60 min.) Was observed in 48 age group (85.8%) participating in the study. ). The walking average of physical activity people was found to be MET 211 + 287.2 (0-1386), total physical activity MET 230,6 + 289.82 (0-1386). When total osteoporosis was compared with osteoporosis, it was found that there was no relationship between them (Pearson Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney U, p≥0.5). When Total MET levels were compared with the total number of days of activity, the relation between them was meaningless (Mann-Whitney U, p≥0.5). (Mann-Whitney U, p ≥ 0.5), but a significant relationship was found between the development of hypertension (Mann-Whitney U, p ≤ 0.5) and the relation between muscle texture, fat tissue and bone texture in the BMI. The level of physical activity in elderly individuals with osteoporosis or osteopenia was assessed, the presence of sarcopenia in the same subjects, muscle strength reduction and how these criteria affected physical activity. Osteoporosis has been associated with physical activity in both age and weight restriction due to the fear of falling and falling in the elderly diagnosed with osteoporosis. It is possible for osteoporosis in the elderly living in the nursing home environment that the physical activities to be performed may raise the living standards, improve the existing health problems more rapidly and increase the self-sufficiency.
Osteoporosis is a metabolic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass and structural malformation of bone tissue, characterized by the formation and tendency of bone fractures and is common in the elderly population. Osteoporosis and osteopenia have long been recognized as one of the most common diseases for the elderly population. The frequency of seeing human life together with the extension is increasing and affects one's quality of life negatively. Unbalance and fall-related fractures are the most important and frightening problems of the elderly population. The decrease in the density of bone density is an important health problem for the health professionals. Therefore, it is aimed to investigate the relationship between bone mineral density and sarcopenia, regular physical activity habits, fall frequency, balance and quality of life in the elderly people living above 65 years in our study. Between September 2014 and September 2015, 56 people living in two nursing homes located in the center of Manisa participated in the study. In the questionnaire, the socio-demographic characteristics of the persons, the international (international level) researchers used to diagnose the metabolic syndrome (height, weight, total cholesterol and fat (Arzum AR-553), fasting and satiety blood glucose, insulin resistance, belly and waist circumference measurements) Physical activity questionnaire (long) and SF 36 quality of life questionnaire were used. In addition, data on bone mineral density from file records were recorded in the evaluation form following DEXA results. Hand grip strength was measured using handgrip and the sarcopenia was recorded as the end result. In the last 1 year, the number of stumbling and falling have been questioned and the balance has been evaluated by functional stretching test. Osteopenia was detected in 24 patients (42.9%) and osteoporosis in 10 (17.9%) patients. When the T score was taken into consideration, a statistically significant effect of the physical functions of the 6-year-old was found, while the physical role strength was significantly found in the 7-year-old. When the mental correlation was evaluated, it was statistically evaluated that the mental health of the same age was affected and the social functions decreased. When the aggression status was examined 32 (57.1%) were seen in the elderly and it was found that they were frequently between 5-10 days. Similarly, 29 (51.8%) declines in these ages were observed. It was evaluated that the fall had a negative effect on the physical and mental role strength, and that it affected the fear of falling. In our study, we assessed the sarcopenic evaluation with handgrip measurements. We did not find any significant statistical value supporting sarcoplasty in the elderly. The distribution of activity days was 2.9 + 2.3 (0-7 day) and mean 16.4 + 14.2 (0-60 min.) Was observed in 48 age group (85.8%) participating in the study. ). The walking average of physical activity people was found to be MET 211 + 287.2 (0-1386), total physical activity MET 230,6 + 289.82 (0-1386). When total osteoporosis was compared with osteoporosis, it was found that there was no relationship between them (Pearson Chi-Square, Mann-Whitney U, p≥0.5). When Total MET levels were compared with the total number of days of activity, the relation between them was meaningless (Mann-Whitney U, p≥0.5). (Mann-Whitney U, p ≥ 0.5), but a significant relationship was found between the development of hypertension (Mann-Whitney U, p ≤ 0.5) and the relation between muscle texture, fat tissue and bone texture in the BMI. The level of physical activity in elderly individuals with osteoporosis or osteopenia was assessed, the presence of sarcopenia in the same subjects, muscle strength reduction and how these criteria affected physical activity. Osteoporosis has been associated with physical activity in both age and weight restriction due to the fear of falling and falling in the elderly diagnosed with osteoporosis. It is possible for osteoporosis in the elderly living in the nursing home environment that the physical activities to be performed may raise the living standards, improve the existing health problems more rapidly and increase the self-sufficiency.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Yaşlı, Osteoporoz, Osteopeni, Sendeleme, Düşme, Sarkopeni, Huzurevi, Fiziksel Aktivite, Elderly, Osteoporosis, Osteopenia, Stumble, Fall, Sarcopenia, Nursing Home, Physical Activity