Investigation of the reaction kinetics of vitamin C and vitamin B1 with convenient oxidizing agents

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Ege Üniversitesi

Erişim Hakkı



vn ÖZET VITAMIN C VE VITAMIN Bı'İN UYGUN YÜKSELTGENLERLE TEPKİME KİNETİĞİNİN İNCELENMESİ BAĞLAMA, Hayriye Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kimya Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Doç.Dr.Mehmet BALCAN Ağustos 2001, 111 sayfa Bu tezde, vitamin C ve vitamin Bı'in uygun yükseltgenlerle tepkime kinetiği incelendi. Yükseltgen maddeler olarak vitamin C için K3Fe(CN)6 (potasyumhegzasiyanoferrat(III)) ve K2Cr2C>7 (potasyumdikromat), vitamin Bı için ise KMnO4 (potasyumpermanganat) kullanıldı. Tepkimelerin kinetiği spektrofotometrik yöntemle incelendi. Sabit iyon şiddeti (1=0.2) ve pH'ta (pH=2.5) her bir reaksiyon için farklı sıcaklıkl ardaki hız sabitleri belirlenerek aktivasyon enerjileri hesaplandı. Vitamin C'nin [Fe(CN)6]"3 ile tepkimesinde 25°C deki hız sabiti (k) 5.89 M"1s*1, aktivasyon enerjisi ise 20.1 kJmol"1; Cr207"2 ile tepkimesinde ise hız sabiti 46.33 M^s"1, aktivasyon enerjisi ise 7.9 kJmol-1 olarak bulundu. Vitamin Bı'in Mn04" ile tepkimesinde 25°C deki hız sabiti 0.0004 s"1, aktivasyon enerjisi ise 57.5 kJmol"1 olarak bulundu. Anahtar Sözcükler : Vitamin C, L-Askorbik Asit, Vitamin Bj, tiamin, potasyumhegzasiyanoferrat(III), potasyumdikromat, potasyum permanganat, yükseltgenme
V ABSTRACT INVESTIGATION OF THE REACTION KINETICS OF VITAMIN C AND VITAMIN Bi WITH CONVENIENT OXIDIZING AGENTS BA?LAMA, Hayriye Master Thesis in Chemistry Supervisor : Doç.Dr.Mehmet BALCAN August 2001, 111 page In this thesis, decomposition kinetics of vitamin C and vitamin Bj with convenient oxidizing agents have been investigated. Oxidizing agents, K3Fe(CN)6 (potassiumhegzacyanoferrate(III)) and K2Cr207 (potassiumdichromate) were used for vitamin C and KMnÛ4 (potassiumpermanganate) for vitamin Bj. Kinetics of the reactions were determined spectrophotometrically. Rate constants of the reactions were also determined. Relation between the rate constants and the temperature were investigated by calculating the rate constants at different temperatures keeping constant the ionic strength (1=0.2) and pH (pH=2.5) of the media for each of the reaction. Furthermore activation energies of these reactions were calculated. In the reaction between L-AA and [Fe(CN)g]~3 rate constant at 25°C and activation energy (Ea) were determined as 5.89 M^s"1 and 20.1 kJmole"1. The rate constant at 25°C and activation energy were determined as 46.33 M^s*1, 7.9 kJmole*1 respectively for the reaction between L-AA and Cr207*2. In the reaction between thiamine and Mn04", the rate constant at 25°C and activation energy were determined as 0.0004 s"1 and 57.5 kJmole-1. Key Words: Vitamin C, L-Ascorbic Acid, Vitamin Bj, thiamine, potassiumhegzacyanoferrate(III), potassiumdichromate,


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Anahtar Kelimeler

Kimya, Chemistry, Askorbik asit, Ascorbic acid, Reaksiyon kinetiği, Reaction kinetics, Tiyamin, Thiamine


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