The utility of handheld metal detector in confirming metallic foreign body ingestion in the pediatric emergency department
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Metalik yabancı cisim yutan çocuklarda metal dedektör kullanımının cismi saptamadaki duyarlılığını saptamak. Yöntem: Çalışma periyodu içinde metalik yabancı cisim yutan ya da yutma şüphesi olan 40 çocuk, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Çocuk Acil servisine başvurdu. Tüm hasta verileri prospektif olarak daha önceden hazırlanmış formlara işlendi. Hastalar hem grafi hem de dedektörle yabancı cisim açısından tarandı. Dedektörle göğüs kafesi, abdomen ve inguinal bölge tarandı. Sonuçlar radyolojik bulgularla karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Sekiz aylık çalışma periyodu içinde metalik yabancı cisim yutan ya da şüphesi olan toplam 40 çocuk çalışmaya alındı. Hastalık gastorintestinal sistemde radyolojik olarak yabancı cisim varlığı olarak tanımlandı. Toplamda 35 çocukta yabancı cisim radyolojik olarak saptanırken dedektör bunlardan 31 tanesini tanıyabildi. Dedektör sensitivitesi %88.6 (95% güvenlik aralığı [CI], 72.1%-96.5%), spesifisitesi %100 (95% CI, 61.8%100%), pozitif prediktif değer 100% (95% CI, 85.8%-100%), ve negatif prediktif değer % 55.5 (95% CI, 34.3%-84.6%). Dedektör ile göğüs kafesi taramasından 1 i toplu iğne diğeri de para olmak üzere 2 yabancı cisim saptandı. Bunlar radyolojik olarak özefagusta tespit edildi ve endoskopik olarak acilen çıkartıldı. Sonuç: Metalik yabancı cisim yutan çocuklarda dedektör kullanımı güvenilir, ucuz ve radyasyon yaymayan bir yöntemdir. Tarama testi olarak kullanıma uygun olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
We aimed to identify the presence of ingested metallic foreign bodies with handheld metal detector in the pediatric population. Methods: All children (n=40) known or suspected to have ingested a MFB and who presented to the Emergency Department of the Children's Hospital of Ege University were prospectively ascertained. All patients underwent both radiographic evaluation and handheld metal detector scanning of the chest and abdomen on their presentation. in the present prospective study, we compared handheld metal detector scanning with plain radiography. Results: the end point of the study compared metallic foreign body findings with handheld metal detector vs radiological findings during an eight-month period. Forty subjects with possible metallic foreign body ingestion were enrolled into the study. the principle investigator scanned all subjects. Disease was defined by the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract on radiograph. Radiographically, 35 foreign bodies were found, and handheld metal detector revealed 31 of them. the sensitivity of handheld metal detector was 88.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 72.1%-96.5%), specificity 100% (95% CI: 61.8%-100%), positive predictive value (PPV) 100% (95% CI: 85.8%-100%), and negative predictive value 55.5% (95% CI: 34.3%-84.6%).Handheld metal detector revealed that 2 metallic foreign bodies (1 pushpin, 1 coin) were localized to the chest, which was confirmed by radiography, and urgent removal was performed with endoscopy. Conclusions: Handheld metal detector scanning is an accurate, inexpensive, radiation-free screening tool and should be used for evaluation of patients suspected of ingesting metallic foreign bodies.
We aimed to identify the presence of ingested metallic foreign bodies with handheld metal detector in the pediatric population. Methods: All children (n=40) known or suspected to have ingested a MFB and who presented to the Emergency Department of the Children's Hospital of Ege University were prospectively ascertained. All patients underwent both radiographic evaluation and handheld metal detector scanning of the chest and abdomen on their presentation. in the present prospective study, we compared handheld metal detector scanning with plain radiography. Results: the end point of the study compared metallic foreign body findings with handheld metal detector vs radiological findings during an eight-month period. Forty subjects with possible metallic foreign body ingestion were enrolled into the study. the principle investigator scanned all subjects. Disease was defined by the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract on radiograph. Radiographically, 35 foreign bodies were found, and handheld metal detector revealed 31 of them. the sensitivity of handheld metal detector was 88.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 72.1%-96.5%), specificity 100% (95% CI: 61.8%-100%), positive predictive value (PPV) 100% (95% CI: 85.8%-100%), and negative predictive value 55.5% (95% CI: 34.3%-84.6%).Handheld metal detector revealed that 2 metallic foreign bodies (1 pushpin, 1 coin) were localized to the chest, which was confirmed by radiography, and urgent removal was performed with endoscopy. Conclusions: Handheld metal detector scanning is an accurate, inexpensive, radiation-free screening tool and should be used for evaluation of patients suspected of ingesting metallic foreign bodies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri