Turşuluk hıyar yetiştiriciliğinde ekim sıklıklarının verim ve kaliteye etkisi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma; 1990 Üretim sezonunda E.U. Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlalarında, Levina F, ve Fancipak Fi turşuluk hıyar çeşidi ile ekim sıklığının verim ve kaliteye etkisini saptamak için yapılmıştır. Denemede dört farklı ekim sıklıkları kullanılmıştır. 1333 bitki/da, 2000 bitki/da, 2222 bîtki/da ve 3333 bitki/da gibi değişen bitki yoğunluklarında sekiz kombinasyon oluşturulmuş ve deneme deseni olarak da, üç tekerrürlü tesadüf blokları deneme deseni uygulanmıştır. İki günde bir hasat yapılmış, her hasatta meyveler kalite gruplarına ayrılmış ve her kalite grubunun adet- ağırlıkları ölçülmüştür. Daha sonra her hasatta her parselden ve kalite grubundan 10'ar tane örnekler alınarak çap ve boyları ölçülmüştür. Meyve boyu/meyve çapı=Şekil indeksi çıkarılmıştır. Ve sonuçta: En yüksek verimi 2000 bitki/da bitki yoğunluğu ile 100*50 cm ekim sıklığı uygulaması vermiştir. Sıra Üzeri mesafeler bitki başına verimi etkilemiş ancak birim alan verimi yönünden sıra arası mesafelerin daha belirleyici olduğu saptanmıştır. Sıra Üzeri mesafenin 30 cm' den 50 cm' e çıkarılması I. kalite meyve oranını arttırdığı saptanmıştır. Uygulanan ekim mesafelerinin, denemede kullanılan turşuluk hıyar çeşitlerinin meyve çapları üzerinde olumlu-olumsuz bir etkisinin olmadığı görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte, bitki sıklığını arttırarak verim ve kalite iyileştirilmesinde, bitki başına verimi olumsuz yönde etkilemeden, sıra arası mesafeleri değiştirmenin gerekli olduğu ve bu amaca yönelik olarak da farklı yetiştirme şeki1lerinin(çift sıralı gibi) etkilerinin yeni çalışmalarla belirlenmesinin yararlı olduğu görülmektedir. 2i
SUMMARY This experimint was maintained to assess the effect of plant density to the yield and quality of Fancipak and Levina Fi pickling cucumber varieties, at the experimental field of Horticultural Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege Universitiy, in 1990. Four different plan densities which were 13330 plant/ha, 20000 plant/ha, 22220 plant/ha and 33330 plant/ha were tested in randomized block design with three replicates. Harvests were made once every two days and fruits were seperated in to the quality groups according to their lengts and diameters. At each harvest, 10 fruits were taken randomly from each plot and each quality group and their lengths and diameters were measured. Length/diameter values as fruit shape index were calculated. As a result; 20000 plant/ha plant density ( 100*50 cm indistances) gave the highest yield. On the other hand, it was determined that distances in the row were more effctive to the yield/plant values than that of between rows, but distances between rows was more effective than that of in rows, to the yield per hectare. Increase the distance in row to 50 cm from 30 cm resulted the high percentage of first quality fruits. Plant densities did not effect to the fruit diameters. Finally, it was understood that in order to increase the yield per hectare it was neccessary to increase plant density by changing the distance betwwen row not in row. In the light of these results, new ewperiments should be maintained to find out optimal plant density.
SUMMARY This experimint was maintained to assess the effect of plant density to the yield and quality of Fancipak and Levina Fi pickling cucumber varieties, at the experimental field of Horticultural Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Ege Universitiy, in 1990. Four different plan densities which were 13330 plant/ha, 20000 plant/ha, 22220 plant/ha and 33330 plant/ha were tested in randomized block design with three replicates. Harvests were made once every two days and fruits were seperated in to the quality groups according to their lengts and diameters. At each harvest, 10 fruits were taken randomly from each plot and each quality group and their lengths and diameters were measured. Length/diameter values as fruit shape index were calculated. As a result; 20000 plant/ha plant density ( 100*50 cm indistances) gave the highest yield. On the other hand, it was determined that distances in the row were more effctive to the yield/plant values than that of between rows, but distances between rows was more effective than that of in rows, to the yield per hectare. Increase the distance in row to 50 cm from 30 cm resulted the high percentage of first quality fruits. Plant densities did not effect to the fruit diameters. Finally, it was understood that in order to increase the yield per hectare it was neccessary to increase plant density by changing the distance betwwen row not in row. In the light of these results, new ewperiments should be maintained to find out optimal plant density.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ekim sıklığı, Seeding density, Hıyar, Cucumber, Kalite, Quality, Verim, Yield