Yazlık II. ürün olarak sorgum X sudanotu melezinde azot dozları ve veriliş zamanının verim ve verim özelliklerine etkisi üzerinde bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
131 ÖZET Değişik azot dozları ve veriliş zamanının sorgum x sudanotu hibridi Pioneer-988'in verim, yem değeri ve diğer bazı özelliklerine etkisinin saptanması amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma, 1993 ve 1994 yılları yaz dönemlerinde İzmir ili Menderes İlçesi koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada kışlık yetiştirilen yulaf hasadından sonra yazlık II. Ürün olarak ekilen sorgum x sudanotu melezine 4 farklı azot dozu 3 farklı veriliş zamanında uygulanmıştır. Araştırma Tesadüf Bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller Deneme Deseninde kurulmuştur. Ana parsellere azot dozları, alt parsellere azotun veriliş zamanları yerleştirilmiştir. Denemede ana parsel boyutları 5m x 7,5m = 37,5 m", alt parsel boyutları 2m x 5m = 10 m2 ve sıra arası 20 cm'dir. Denemede ekimden bir hafta önce bütün parsellere dekara 10 kg P2Os Triple Süper Fosfat formunda temel gübre olarak uygulanmıştır. Azotlu gübre olarak üre kullanılmış ve azotun 5-10-15-20 kg/da dozları; (1) ekimle birlikte, (2) 1/2 ekim + 1/2 birinci biçimden sonra, (3) 1/3 ekim + 1/3 birinci biçim sonrası +1/3 ikinci biçim sonrası şeklinde uygulanmıştır. Bitkiler 100-120 cm boylandıklarında 5 cm anız bırakılarak biçilmiştir. Vejetasyon süresince toplam üç defa biçim yapılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar istatistiksel incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Buna göre; (1) Sorgum x sudanotu melezinde azot miktarının artışı yeşil otta yaprak ve sap oranlarını etkilememekte, gübre veriliş zamanının etkisi ise önemsiz bulunmaktadır. Azot dozlarının linear etkisi ise sadece denemenin ikinci yılında azotun tamamının ekimde verilmesi durumunda sap oranında önemli bulunmuştur. (2) Azot dozlarının artışının yaprak, sap ve toplam yeşil ot verimine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek verimleri 20 kg/da azot dozu vermekte,132 ancak bunun 15 kg/da azot miktarı ile istatistiki anlamda bir farklılığı görülmemektedir. Azotlu gübrenin veriliş zamanının yaprak ve toplam yeşil ot verimine etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. Azotlu gübrenin 1/2'sinin ekimde, 1/2'sinin birinci biçim sonrası uygulanması en yüksek verimleri vermiştir. Gerek yaprak gerekse sap ve toplam yeşil ot verimlerinde azot dozlarının linear etkisinin önemli olduğu görülmektedir. (3) Artan azot dozlanyla yaprak ve sap kuru madde oranlan önceleri yükselme, sonraları düşme eğilimi göstermiş, fakat bu değişimler önemsiz bulunmuştur. Azotun veriliş zamanı da yaprak ve sap kuru madde oranlarına önemli bir etkide bulunmamış, azot dozlarının linear etkisinin de benzer şekilde önemsiz olduğu görülmüştür. (4) Verilen azot miktarı arttıkça yaprak, sap ve toplam kuru madde verimlerinde sürekli bir artış olduğu görülmüştür ve bu artışlar önemli bulunmuştur. En yüksek verimleri 20 kg/da azot dozu vermekte, ancak bunun 15 kg/da azot dozu ile bir farklılığı görülmemektedir. Azotlu gübrenin veriliş zamanının yaprak, sap ve toplam kuru madde verimine etkisi önemsiz bulunmuştur. Azot dozlarının yaprak, sap ve toplam kuru madde verimine linear etkisi önemli bulunmuştur. (5) Kuru otta yaprak ve sap oranlarına gerek azot dozundaki artışın gerekse azotlu gübrenin veriliş zamanının etkisi istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur. Azot dozlarının linear etkisinin de benzer şekilde önemsiz olduğu görülmektedir. (6) Verilen azot miktarı arttıkça yaprak, sap ve toplam kuru ot verimlerinin arttığı ve bu artışın önemli olduğu görülmektedir. En yüksek verimleri 20 kg/da azot dozu vermiş fakat bunun 15 kg/da azot dozu ile önemli bir farklılığı görülmemiştir.133 Azotun veriliş zamanlarının ise söz konusu verimleri etkilemediği saptanmıştır. Azot dozlarının bu verimlere linear etkisinin ise önemli olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. (7) Azot dozlarının ve gübre veriliş zamanının genel olarak yaprak ve sap ham protein oranlarını etklemediği görülmüştür. Azot dozlarının yaprak ham protein oranına linear etkisi denemenin birinci ve ikinci yıllarında önemli, iki yıl ortalamasında ise önemsiz bulunmuştur. Azot dozlarının sap ham protein oranına linear etkisi denemenin birinci yılında ve iki yıl ortalamasında önemsiz, denemenin ikinci yılında azotun 1/2'sinin ekimde, 1/2'sinin birinci biçimden sonra uygulanması durumunda önemli olduğu görülmektedir. (8) Verilen azot miktarı arttıkça yaprak, sap ve toplam ham protein verimlerinin arttığı ve bu artışın istatistiki bakımdan önemli olduğu görülmektedir. En yüksek ham protein verimlerini 20 kg/da azot dozu vermekte, ancak bunun 15 kg/da azot dozu ile bir ayrıcalığı görülmemektedir. Gübre veriliş zamanı ham protein verimlerini etkilememiş, azot dozlarının ham protein verimlerine linear etkisinin önemli olduğu saptanmıştır. (9) Azot dozundaki artışın ve azotlu gübrenin veriliş zamanının yaprak ve saptaki ham kül oranlarına etkisi önemsiz bulunmuş, azot dozlarının bu oranlara linear etkisinin benzer şekilde önemsiz olduğu saptanmıştır. (10) Genel olarak azot dozundaki artış yaprak, sap ve toplam ham kül verimlerini arttırmaktadır. En yüksek verimleri 20 kg/da azot dozu vermekte, ancak bunun 15 kg/da azot dozu ile bir farklılığı görülmemektedir. Gübre veriliş zamanının bu verimlere etkisi önemsiz, azot dozlarının linear etkisi ise önemli bulunmuştur. İzmir koşullarında yazlık II. Ürün olarak sorgum x sudanotu melezi yetiştirilmek istenirse 15 kg/da azotun 1/2'si ekimle, 1/2'si de birinci biçimden sonra verilmesinin en yüksek verimlerin alınmasına yol açacağı anlaşılmaktadır
136 The highest yields were achieved by 20 kg/da nitrogen dose, but there was no difference between 15 and 20 kg/da nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not effect these yields. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly that yields. (7) Nitrogen levels and application times of fertilisers had no effects on leaf and stem crude protein ratios generally. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly leaf crude protein ratio at first and second years of experiment but in the average on the two years had no effect. Linear effects of nitrogen rates had no significant on stem crude protein ratio at first and two years averages but when the half of nitrogen was applicated at sowing and the other half after first cutting it was significant. (8) By increasing nitrogen rates, leaf, stem and total crude protein yields were increased and the increases were significant statistically. The highest crude protein yields taken by 20 kg/da nitrogen rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da nitrogen rates. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect crude protein yields but linear effects of nitrogen rates on crude protein yields were significant. (9) Application times of nitrogen fertilisers and increasing nitrogen rates did not affect significantly leaf and stem crude ash ratio, linear effects of nitrogen rates also did not affect significantly these ratios. (10) Generally, leaf, stem and total crude ash yields were increased by increasing nitrogen levels. The highest yields were obtained by 20 kg/da rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da of nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect significantly but linear effects of nitrogen rates showed significant effects. Consequently, sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid should be grown by producers as second crop under Izmir ecological conditions, the highest yields136 The highest yields were achieved by 20 kg/da nitrogen dose, but there was no difference between 15 and 20 kg/da nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not effect these yields. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly that yields. (7) Nitrogen levels and application times of fertilisers had no effects on leaf and stem crude protein ratios generally. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly leaf crude protein ratio at first and second years of experiment but in the average on the two years had no effect. Linear effects of nitrogen rates had no significant on stem crude protein ratio at first and two years averages but when the half of nitrogen was applicated at sowing and the other half after first cutting it was significant. (8) By increasing nitrogen rates, leaf, stem and total crude protein yields were increased and the increases were significant statistically. The highest crude protein yields taken by 20 kg/da nitrogen rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da nitrogen rates. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect crude protein yields but linear effects of nitrogen rates on crude protein yields were significant. (9) Application times of nitrogen fertilisers and increasing nitrogen rates did not affect significantly leaf and stem crude ash ratio, linear effects of nitrogen rates also did not affect significantly these ratios. (10) Generally, leaf, stem and total crude ash yields were increased by increasing nitrogen levels. The highest yields were obtained by 20 kg/da rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da of nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect significantly but linear effects of nitrogen rates showed significant effects. Consequently, sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid should be grown by producers as second crop under Izmir ecological conditions, the highest yields134 AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN LEVELS AND APPLICATION TIMES ON THE YIELD AND SOME YIELD CHARACTERISTICS OF SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS HYBRID AS SECOND CROP IN SUMMER SUMMARY These studies were conducted to investigate the effects of different nitrogen levels and their application times on yield, fodder value and the other characters of sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid-Pioneer-988 grown under the Menderes-Izmir ecological conditions during summer periods of 1993 and 1994. In this experiment, 4 different nitrogen levels and 3 different application times were applied to sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid growing as second crop after winter oat. Experimental design was split plots with four replications. The nitrogen levels were placed on main plots and application times on sub-plots. In experiment, main plot size was 5m x 7,5m = 37,5 m, sub-plot size was 2m x 5m = 10 m2 and the row spacing was 20 cm. A basal fertiliser dose of 10 kg/da Thriple Superphosphate (P2O5) a week before sowing time. Urea was used as nitrogenous fertiliser and 5-10-15-20 kg/da of nitrogen doses were applied as following; (1) at sowing, (2) 1/2 of nitrogen at sowing + 1/2 of nitrogen after first cutting, (3) 1/3 of nitrogen at sowing +1/3 of nitrogen after first cutting + 1/3 of nitrogen after second cutting. Plants were harvested at 100-120 cm leaving 5 cm stubble in the field. A total of 3 cuttings were obtained during the vegetation period. The data taken from the experiment were analysed statistically and following results were achieved; (1) On the leaf and stem ratios of fresh fodder of sorghum x Sudangrass, increasing nitrogen levels showed no effects and the effects of nitrogen application times were found to be non-significant.137 can be achieved by applying 1 5 kg/da nitrogen at sowing time and the remaining half after first cutting.
136 The highest yields were achieved by 20 kg/da nitrogen dose, but there was no difference between 15 and 20 kg/da nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not effect these yields. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly that yields. (7) Nitrogen levels and application times of fertilisers had no effects on leaf and stem crude protein ratios generally. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly leaf crude protein ratio at first and second years of experiment but in the average on the two years had no effect. Linear effects of nitrogen rates had no significant on stem crude protein ratio at first and two years averages but when the half of nitrogen was applicated at sowing and the other half after first cutting it was significant. (8) By increasing nitrogen rates, leaf, stem and total crude protein yields were increased and the increases were significant statistically. The highest crude protein yields taken by 20 kg/da nitrogen rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da nitrogen rates. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect crude protein yields but linear effects of nitrogen rates on crude protein yields were significant. (9) Application times of nitrogen fertilisers and increasing nitrogen rates did not affect significantly leaf and stem crude ash ratio, linear effects of nitrogen rates also did not affect significantly these ratios. (10) Generally, leaf, stem and total crude ash yields were increased by increasing nitrogen levels. The highest yields were obtained by 20 kg/da rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da of nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect significantly but linear effects of nitrogen rates showed significant effects. Consequently, sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid should be grown by producers as second crop under Izmir ecological conditions, the highest yields136 The highest yields were achieved by 20 kg/da nitrogen dose, but there was no difference between 15 and 20 kg/da nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not effect these yields. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly that yields. (7) Nitrogen levels and application times of fertilisers had no effects on leaf and stem crude protein ratios generally. Linear effects of nitrogen rates affected significantly leaf crude protein ratio at first and second years of experiment but in the average on the two years had no effect. Linear effects of nitrogen rates had no significant on stem crude protein ratio at first and two years averages but when the half of nitrogen was applicated at sowing and the other half after first cutting it was significant. (8) By increasing nitrogen rates, leaf, stem and total crude protein yields were increased and the increases were significant statistically. The highest crude protein yields taken by 20 kg/da nitrogen rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da nitrogen rates. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect crude protein yields but linear effects of nitrogen rates on crude protein yields were significant. (9) Application times of nitrogen fertilisers and increasing nitrogen rates did not affect significantly leaf and stem crude ash ratio, linear effects of nitrogen rates also did not affect significantly these ratios. (10) Generally, leaf, stem and total crude ash yields were increased by increasing nitrogen levels. The highest yields were obtained by 20 kg/da rates but there was no difference between 15 kg/da and 20 kg/da of nitrogen doses. Application times of nitrogen fertilisers did not affect significantly but linear effects of nitrogen rates showed significant effects. Consequently, sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid should be grown by producers as second crop under Izmir ecological conditions, the highest yields134 AN INVESTIGATION ON THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT NITROGEN LEVELS AND APPLICATION TIMES ON THE YIELD AND SOME YIELD CHARACTERISTICS OF SORGHUM X SUDANGRASS HYBRID AS SECOND CROP IN SUMMER SUMMARY These studies were conducted to investigate the effects of different nitrogen levels and their application times on yield, fodder value and the other characters of sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid-Pioneer-988 grown under the Menderes-Izmir ecological conditions during summer periods of 1993 and 1994. In this experiment, 4 different nitrogen levels and 3 different application times were applied to sorghum x Sudangrass hybrid growing as second crop after winter oat. Experimental design was split plots with four replications. The nitrogen levels were placed on main plots and application times on sub-plots. In experiment, main plot size was 5m x 7,5m = 37,5 m, sub-plot size was 2m x 5m = 10 m2 and the row spacing was 20 cm. A basal fertiliser dose of 10 kg/da Thriple Superphosphate (P2O5) a week before sowing time. Urea was used as nitrogenous fertiliser and 5-10-15-20 kg/da of nitrogen doses were applied as following; (1) at sowing, (2) 1/2 of nitrogen at sowing + 1/2 of nitrogen after first cutting, (3) 1/3 of nitrogen at sowing +1/3 of nitrogen after first cutting + 1/3 of nitrogen after second cutting. Plants were harvested at 100-120 cm leaving 5 cm stubble in the field. A total of 3 cuttings were obtained during the vegetation period. The data taken from the experiment were analysed statistically and following results were achieved; (1) On the leaf and stem ratios of fresh fodder of sorghum x Sudangrass, increasing nitrogen levels showed no effects and the effects of nitrogen application times were found to be non-significant.137 can be achieved by applying 1 5 kg/da nitrogen at sowing time and the remaining half after first cutting.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Azot, Nitrogen, Sorgum, Sorghum, Sudan otu, Sudangrass, Verim ögeleri, Yield components, İkinci ürün, Secondary crop