Geliştirilmiş İzmir kekiği (Origanum onites L. ) hatlarının bazı agronomik ve kalite özelliklerinin belirlenmesi üzerinde araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
E. Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlasında Origanum anites L. hatlarının incelendiği araştırma, tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre k tekerrürlü olarak kurulmuştur. Bitkiler Temmuz ve Eylül aylarında olmak üzere iki kez hasat edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular Çizelgeler halinde açıklamalı alarak verilmiştir. Origanum onites L. hatlarında bitki bnyu 31.6 cm uzunlu ğa, yıllık yeşil herba verimi 1045.4 kg/da, yıllık drag herba verimi 357.3 kg/da'a yıllık yeşil yaprak verimi kg/da'a, yıllık drag yaprak verimi 257.5 kg/da'a ve yıllık kuru madde verimi 335.6 kg/da'a kadar yükselmiştir. Agronomik özelliklerde 1 ve 11 nalu hatlar en yüksek değerleri vermiştir. Drog yaprak veriminde ve bitki boyu uzunluğunda 1. ve 11. hatlardan Kütaş hattı da yüksek bulunmuştur. Origanum onites L. hatlarında su destilasyonu esesına göre Neo-clevenger apareyi ile elde edilen drag herba uçucu yağ oranları %1. 65-2. 36 arasında değişirken, drag yaprak uçucu yağ oranları %1. 66-3. 00 arasında saptanmıştır. Kütaş hattı uçucu yağ bakımından en yüksek oranları vermiştir. Uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin kantitatif tayini gaz kromotograf isi metodu ile belirlenmiştir. Uçucu yağın önemli 7 bileşeni ( o( -pinen, B -pinen, cineol.oC -terpinen, linalool, borneol, carvacrol) belirlenmiş ve oranları bulunmuştur (Çizelge 15). Drag herba uçucu yağ bileşeni (X) sırası ile, %2.26, %2.99, %B.35, %7.24, %7.35, %2.25, %69,57'dir. Drog yaprak uçucu yağ bileşeni.(X) ise sırası ile, %2.58, %3.25, %9.0S, %7.B5, %7.15, %2.16, °/o67.B3 bulunmuştur. Diğer hatlara göre 1. hatta, linalool oranı yüksek, carvacrol oranı düşük çıkmıştır. Carvacrol oranı 11. hatta ve daha sonra 3. ile 4. hatlarda yüksektir. Bu hatlarda linalool oranı düşmektedir. Bu durum linalool ile carvacrol oranının ters orantılı olduğunu göstermektedir
For this study, Origanum onites L. lines were grown according to random plots test design with four repetitions in the field of Agricultural Faculty of Egean University. The yield was harvested twice, once in July and once in September. The findings are explained in tables and graphics. In Origanum onites L. lines, plant height has risen to 31* 6 cm and annual yield of green herbage, drug herbage, green leave, drug leave, dry material have increased to 1045.'+ kg/da, 357.3 kg/da, 750.4 kg/da, 257.5 kg/da, 335. S kg/da respectively. The 1st. and 11th. lines has given the highest rates in agronomic characteristics. It was also foond that drug leave rate and plant height have been the highest in 1st. and 11th. lines after Kütaş line. While rate of essential oil of drug herbage has changed 1.65% to 2.36%, rate of essential oil of drug leave has changed 1.66% to 3.00%. These rates were got by measuring the amounts which were extracted from Origanum onites L. lines by means of Neo-clevenger apparatus by the method of water distillation. Kütaş line has given the highest rate in view of essential oil. Quantitative research of essential oil components has been made by gas coromotograf y method and 7 components of essential oil (©( -pinen, R -pinen, cineal,o( -terpinen, linalool, borneol, carvacrol) have been determined and given in table 15. Average rates of essential oil components Df drug herbage are 2.26 %, 2.99%, B. 35%, 7.24%, 7.35%, 2.25%, 69.57% respectively. And average rates of essential oil components of drug leave are 2.58%, 3.25%, 9.08%, 7. 85%, 7. 15%, 2. 16%, 67. 83%. In the Lst. line, linalool rate is higher and carvacrol rate is lower than in the other lines. Carvacrol rate is the highest in the 11th» line and higher in the 3rd. and 4th. lines respectively. And in these lines linalool rate is low. This shows that linalool and carvacrol rates are inversely proportional.
For this study, Origanum onites L. lines were grown according to random plots test design with four repetitions in the field of Agricultural Faculty of Egean University. The yield was harvested twice, once in July and once in September. The findings are explained in tables and graphics. In Origanum onites L. lines, plant height has risen to 31* 6 cm and annual yield of green herbage, drug herbage, green leave, drug leave, dry material have increased to 1045.'+ kg/da, 357.3 kg/da, 750.4 kg/da, 257.5 kg/da, 335. S kg/da respectively. The 1st. and 11th. lines has given the highest rates in agronomic characteristics. It was also foond that drug leave rate and plant height have been the highest in 1st. and 11th. lines after Kütaş line. While rate of essential oil of drug herbage has changed 1.65% to 2.36%, rate of essential oil of drug leave has changed 1.66% to 3.00%. These rates were got by measuring the amounts which were extracted from Origanum onites L. lines by means of Neo-clevenger apparatus by the method of water distillation. Kütaş line has given the highest rate in view of essential oil. Quantitative research of essential oil components has been made by gas coromotograf y method and 7 components of essential oil (©( -pinen, R -pinen, cineal,o( -terpinen, linalool, borneol, carvacrol) have been determined and given in table 15. Average rates of essential oil components Df drug herbage are 2.26 %, 2.99%, B. 35%, 7.24%, 7.35%, 2.25%, 69.57% respectively. And average rates of essential oil components of drug leave are 2.58%, 3.25%, 9.08%, 7. 85%, 7. 15%, 2. 16%, 67. 83%. In the Lst. line, linalool rate is higher and carvacrol rate is lower than in the other lines. Carvacrol rate is the highest in the 11th» line and higher in the 3rd. and 4th. lines respectively. And in these lines linalool rate is low. This shows that linalool and carvacrol rates are inversely proportional.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agronomik özellikler, Agronomic characteristics, Kalite, Quality, Origanum onites, Origanum onites, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, İzmir kekiği, İzmir thyme