Türkmenistan'da Nasreddin Hoca fıkraları
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Mizah konusu, bütün toplulukların günlük hayatlarında çok önemli yer tutar. Batılı araştırmacılardan bazıları bu konu üzerinde durmuş, mizahın kaynağı, tabiatı, çeşitli v.b. konuları araştıran incelemeler yayınlamışlardır. Gülme konusu da aynı şekilde pek çok bilim dalının konusu olmuştur. Bugün, gülme konusunda ileri sürülen teoriler ve bu teorilere bağlı metodların çokluğu, konunun ne kadar karmaşık olduğunu göstermektedir. Çalışmamızda mizahın mahiyeti çeşitleri ve teorileri üzerinde durulmuş, ulaşılabildiğimiz kaynaklar taranarak bilgi verilmiş, daha sonra bu teorilerden hareket edilerek Türkmenistan sahasındaki belli başlı fıkra tipleri Molla Kemine, Ependi, Ata Salih, Aklar Köse ve Ataköpek M ergen' in fıkraları analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Türkmen Halk edebiyatında fıkra tiplerinin bir kısmı sadece bir tek yöreye mahsustur. Molla Kemine, Ata Salih ve Ataköpek Mergen bu tiplerden önde gelenleridir. Nasreddin Hoca ile Aldar Köse ise sadece Türkmenistan'da değil, diğer Türk boylarında da görülen fıkra tiplerini oluştururlar. Bugün Türkmenistan sahasında "Ependi" adıyla karşımıza çıkan Nasreddin Hoca fıkraları Anadolu sahasındaki Nasreddin Hoca fıkraları ile gerek teması, gerekse anlatım üslûbu ile hemen hemen aynıdırlar. Biz 305 Ependi fıkrasını bu açıdan değerlendirdik ve Anadolu ve Türkmenistan'daki fıkraların %80'i aynı oranda olduklarını gördük
ABSTRACT Humor has an important place in the daily life of all people. Some Western scholars have dwelled on the subject very widely, and have published numerous articles, books about the origin of humor, nature of humor and so on. Besides humor, different fields of social sciences have examined the subject of laughter as well. The subject of laughter is quite a complex issue. This complexity can be seen by looking at theories about laughter and the applications related to each theory dedicated to this subject. In this thesis, I have examined and explained the nature and varieties' of humor. I have also dwelled on theories about humor according to scholars from the Turkic world and from the Western world. In accordance with the theories developed by these scholars, I have tried to analyze the well known humor characters Molla Kemine, Ependi, Ata Salih, Aklar Kosc and Atakopck Mcrgcn of Turkmenistan. Some Turkmen folk literature humor characters such as Molla Kemine, Ata Salih and Ata Mcrgen arc known only in Turkmenistan or only within a specific region of Turkmenistan. On the other hand, jokes and anecdotes related to the characters Ependi (Nasreddin Hoca) and Aldar Kosc are not only known in Turkmenistan, but also in some other Turkic countries as well. This work shows that the subjects and stylistic texture of jokes relating to Ependi in Turkmenistan arc either similar to or identical to jokes and anecdotes told about or related to Nasreddin Hoca of Anatolia. By applying the comparative theory, I examined 308 jokes and anecdotes told in Turkmenistan and discovered that they are 80% similar to the jokes told in Anatolia.
ABSTRACT Humor has an important place in the daily life of all people. Some Western scholars have dwelled on the subject very widely, and have published numerous articles, books about the origin of humor, nature of humor and so on. Besides humor, different fields of social sciences have examined the subject of laughter as well. The subject of laughter is quite a complex issue. This complexity can be seen by looking at theories about laughter and the applications related to each theory dedicated to this subject. In this thesis, I have examined and explained the nature and varieties' of humor. I have also dwelled on theories about humor according to scholars from the Turkic world and from the Western world. In accordance with the theories developed by these scholars, I have tried to analyze the well known humor characters Molla Kemine, Ependi, Ata Salih, Aklar Kosc and Atakopck Mcrgcn of Turkmenistan. Some Turkmen folk literature humor characters such as Molla Kemine, Ata Salih and Ata Mcrgen arc known only in Turkmenistan or only within a specific region of Turkmenistan. On the other hand, jokes and anecdotes related to the characters Ependi (Nasreddin Hoca) and Aldar Kosc are not only known in Turkmenistan, but also in some other Turkic countries as well. This work shows that the subjects and stylistic texture of jokes relating to Ependi in Turkmenistan arc either similar to or identical to jokes and anecdotes told about or related to Nasreddin Hoca of Anatolia. By applying the comparative theory, I examined 308 jokes and anecdotes told in Turkmenistan and discovered that they are 80% similar to the jokes told in Anatolia.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halk Bilimi (Folklor), Folklore, Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı, Turkish Language and Literature, Fıkralar, Jokes, Nasrettin Hoca, Nasr bin Hodja, Türkmenistan, Turkmenistan