Peptik ülser kanamalarında üreaz testi ile üre nefes testinin karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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1.0ZET TÜRKÇE ÖZET: PEPTİK ÜLSER KANAMALARINDA ÜREAZ TESTİ İLE ÜRE NEFES TESTİNİN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI Giriş: Helikobakter pylori (H. pylori) eradikasyonu peptik ülsere bağlı kanama rekürrensini önlemektedir. Bu nedenle kanamayla gelen ülserli hastalarda H.pylori'nin tesbiti önemlidir. Özellikle kanamalı hastalarda H. pylori tayininde kullanılan üreaz testinde yanlış sonuçlara sıklıkla rastlanmaktadır. Amaç: H.pylorinin çok sık görüldüğü ülkemizde peptik ülser kanamalarında H. pylori tanısında üreaz testinin doğruluğunu üre nefes testi ile kıyaslanarak saptamayı amaçladık. NSAİİ kullanımı ve lezyonun yerleşim yerinin testlere etkileri araştırıldı. Materyal-metod: Kasım 2000-Mart 2002 tarihleri arasında üst GİS kanaması geçiren ve endoskopisinde peptik ülser lezyonu saptanan ortalama yaşları 57±17 olan 61 erkek, 23 kadın 84 hasta çalışmaya alındı. İlk endoskopilerinde ve kontrol endoskopilerinde antrum ve/veya korpus biyopsilerinde üreaz testi yapıldı. ÜNT ilk 24 saatte uygulandı. Hastalar NSAİİ kullananlar (60 hasta) ve kullanmayanlar (24 hasta) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı. İstatiksel analizlerde t-testi ve Ki-kare testi kullanıldı. Sonuçlar: Kırkdört hastada (%52) üreaz testi, 58 hastada (%69) ÜNT pozitif saptandı (p=0.04). Üreaz testi NSAİİ kullanan 30 hastada (%50), kullanmayan 14 hastada (%58) pozitif saptandı. Üre nefes testinde bu oranlar sırasıyla 41 (%64) ve 17 (%70) olarak bulundu. Gruplar arasındaki farklar önemli bulunmadı. Her iki grup içinde üreaz ve ÜNT pozitifliği bakımından da anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı. Ülserin yerleşim yeri ile test sonuçları arasında ilişki bulunmadı. Kanamalı hastalarda üreaz testinin spesifitesi (%80.7) tatminkar düzeylerdeyken sensivitesi (%67.2) düşük bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Üst gastrointestinal kanama ile gelen ülserli hastalarda H. pylori tesbitinde üreaz testi %33 oranında yalancı negatif sonuç vermektedir. Ülser nüksünün önlenmesi için H.pylori'nin tespiti ve etkin tedavi edilmesi gerekliliği göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bu hastalara üre nefes testi yapılmasının gerekli olduğu sonucuna varılmaktadır. TÜRKÇE ANAHTAR KELİMELER: H. pylori, üre nefes testi, üreaz testi, ülser kanaması, nonsteroid antiinflamatuvar ilaçlar (NSAİİ)
İNGİLİZCE ÖZET: COMPARISON OF UREASE TEST AND UREA BREATH TEST IN BLEEDING PEPTIC ULCERS BACKGROUND: Eradication of Helicobacter pylori has been shown to prevent recurrent bleeding from peptic ulcers. However, the detection rates for H. pylori infection seem to be underestimated in this group of patients and have been scarcely investigated. METHOD: Eightyfour patients with bleeding peptic ulcers were studied for evidence of H. pylori infection. 64 of these patients were enrolled as having H. pylori infection after any one of the following two tests were positive: rapid urease test and carbon 13-labeled urea breath test (13C labeled-UBT), Patients were divided into two groups according to NSAIDs usage: NSAIDs users (60 patient) and nonusers (24 patient). T- test and Pearson Chi-Square were used for statistacal analysis. RESULTS: Urease test was positive in 44 (52%) patients, while 58 (69%) was found to be positive for UBT (p=0.04). Of 60 NSAIDs users, 30 (50%) were urease positive, 41 (64%) UBT positive. Urease and UBT positivity was 58% and 70% in nonusers, respectively. No difference was found between NSAIDs users and nonusers in terms of urease or UBT positivity. The overall sensitivity of urease test was 67.28% and specitivity was 80.7%. CONCLUSION: 13C labeled-UBT seemed to be more sensitive than urease test in detecting H pylori infection in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers. If only urease test is used for identification of H pylori, false negative result rates would be as high as 33%. Considering the importance of H. pylori eradication to prevent the recurrent bleeding, 13C labeled-UBT should be preferred to detect the H pylori infection in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers. Medikal Subject Headings terms: Helicobacter pylori, bleeding peptic ulcers, NSAIDs, urease test, urea breath test
İNGİLİZCE ÖZET: COMPARISON OF UREASE TEST AND UREA BREATH TEST IN BLEEDING PEPTIC ULCERS BACKGROUND: Eradication of Helicobacter pylori has been shown to prevent recurrent bleeding from peptic ulcers. However, the detection rates for H. pylori infection seem to be underestimated in this group of patients and have been scarcely investigated. METHOD: Eightyfour patients with bleeding peptic ulcers were studied for evidence of H. pylori infection. 64 of these patients were enrolled as having H. pylori infection after any one of the following two tests were positive: rapid urease test and carbon 13-labeled urea breath test (13C labeled-UBT), Patients were divided into two groups according to NSAIDs usage: NSAIDs users (60 patient) and nonusers (24 patient). T- test and Pearson Chi-Square were used for statistacal analysis. RESULTS: Urease test was positive in 44 (52%) patients, while 58 (69%) was found to be positive for UBT (p=0.04). Of 60 NSAIDs users, 30 (50%) were urease positive, 41 (64%) UBT positive. Urease and UBT positivity was 58% and 70% in nonusers, respectively. No difference was found between NSAIDs users and nonusers in terms of urease or UBT positivity. The overall sensitivity of urease test was 67.28% and specitivity was 80.7%. CONCLUSION: 13C labeled-UBT seemed to be more sensitive than urease test in detecting H pylori infection in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers. If only urease test is used for identification of H pylori, false negative result rates would be as high as 33%. Considering the importance of H. pylori eradication to prevent the recurrent bleeding, 13C labeled-UBT should be preferred to detect the H pylori infection in patients with bleeding peptic ulcers. Medikal Subject Headings terms: Helicobacter pylori, bleeding peptic ulcers, NSAIDs, urease test, urea breath test
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Gastroenteroloji, Gastroenterology