Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde Apartheid rejim’den günümüze kürtaj Yasaları: Kürtaj haklarında eşitsizlikten eşitliğe (mi?)
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Kürtaja yönelik uygulamalar, politikalar ait olduğu toplumun ekonomi-politikaları ve onun taşıyıcısı olan hükümetlerin politikalarının bir sonucudur. Bu nedenle makale, Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’ndeki 1948-1994 yılları arasında iktidarda olan Apartheid (ırkçı) rejim, Nelson Mandela’nın iktidarda olduğu 1994-1999 yılları ve 1999’dan günümüze Ulusal Afrika Kongresi (ANC) hükümeti döneminde istenmeyen gebeliklerin durumunu, kürtaj ile ilgili mevzuatları ve sonuçlarını incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Makalede ayrıca, ırkçı Apartheid rejiminden kaynaklanan ve ANC hükümetinin bağlarını koparamadığı kapitalist sistemde devam eden yoksulluğun ve cinsiyet eşitsizliğinin istenmeyen gebelikler ve kürtaj üzerindeki etkileri de değerlendirilmiştir. Irkçı Apartheid rejiminin tüm yasal ve toplumsal uygulamalarının dayandığı beyazların lehine olan ayrımcı yaklaşımı, kürtaj ile ilgili uygulamaları da önemli ölçüde olumsuz etkileyerek yaşamın bütün alanlarında eşitsizliklere yol açmıştır. Bu ırkçı rejim yıkılıp, ANC hükümeti yönetime geldikten sonra 1994’de yapılan yeni anayasa öncelikle eşitlik vaadi üzerine kurulmuştur. Ancak, ülkenin içinde bulunduğu sosyal, ekonomik, siyasal vb. koşullar nedeniyle bu vaatler yerine getirilememiştir. ANC Hükümeti, kadınlara karşı ayrımcılığın kaldırılması ve üreme sağlığı hakları çerçevesinde 1996 yılında İsteğe Bağlı Gebeliği Sonlandırma Yasası’nı kabul etmiştir. Nelson Mandela’nın imzası ile yasalaşmış olan bu yasa, dünyanın en kapsamlı ve en liberal kürtaj yasalarından biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Ancak ekonomi-politik uygulamalar ve ırkçı rejim döneminde şekillenen ve günümüz kapitalizmin sonuçları ile de devam eden pek çok faktör yasanın gerçek yaşamda tam karşılığını bulamamasına neden olmaktadır. Ülkede halen kürtajların %58’i sağlıksız koşullarda gerçekleşmektedir. Yoksulluk, şiddet-tecavüz ve cinsiyet eşitsizliği, kadınların başta doğurganlık olmak üzere üreme sağlığındaki öz kararlarını ellerinden almıştır.
Practices and policies concerning induced abortion are the result of the economic policies of the society and the result of government policies which carrier them. For this reason in this study, it was aimed to examine unplanned pregnancy, induced abortion legislation and their practice outcomes during the Apartheid (racist) Regime of Republic of South Africa between 1948-1994 and Nelson Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 and African National Congress (ANC) government from 1999 to present. In addition, the impacts on poverty, gender inequality, unplanned pregnancies and induced abortion proceeding in the capitalist system with which ANC government was not able to break off the connections and the effects stemming from apartheid regime were analyzed. Discriminatory approach in favour of caucasians based on all legal and social practices of apartheid regime has affected induced abortion conditions on a large scale and has led to inequalities in all areas of life. After the collapse of the apartheid regime and ANC government was in power in 1994, a new constitution was established primarily on the promise of equality. However, in this country, due to the social, economic, cultural and other circumstances not met these promises. ANC government adopted “Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act” in 1996 within the scope of reproductive health rights and elimination of discrimination against women following the regime. Nelson Mandela’s signature enacted, this law is one of the most comprehensive and liberal examples of induced abortion legislation in the world. But it could not find their consideration in the real life under the period of political economy shaped by the racist regime and effects applications and a lot of factors that continues today. 58% of induced abortions still occur under unsafe conditions in the country. Poverty, violence-rape and gender inequality in the country have taken the regulation power of women’s sexuality from their hands.
Practices and policies concerning induced abortion are the result of the economic policies of the society and the result of government policies which carrier them. For this reason in this study, it was aimed to examine unplanned pregnancy, induced abortion legislation and their practice outcomes during the Apartheid (racist) Regime of Republic of South Africa between 1948-1994 and Nelson Mandela served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 and African National Congress (ANC) government from 1999 to present. In addition, the impacts on poverty, gender inequality, unplanned pregnancies and induced abortion proceeding in the capitalist system with which ANC government was not able to break off the connections and the effects stemming from apartheid regime were analyzed. Discriminatory approach in favour of caucasians based on all legal and social practices of apartheid regime has affected induced abortion conditions on a large scale and has led to inequalities in all areas of life. After the collapse of the apartheid regime and ANC government was in power in 1994, a new constitution was established primarily on the promise of equality. However, in this country, due to the social, economic, cultural and other circumstances not met these promises. ANC government adopted “Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act” in 1996 within the scope of reproductive health rights and elimination of discrimination against women following the regime. Nelson Mandela’s signature enacted, this law is one of the most comprehensive and liberal examples of induced abortion legislation in the world. But it could not find their consideration in the real life under the period of political economy shaped by the racist regime and effects applications and a lot of factors that continues today. 58% of induced abortions still occur under unsafe conditions in the country. Poverty, violence-rape and gender inequality in the country have taken the regulation power of women’s sexuality from their hands.
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