Siyaset felsefesi içinde Locke'un özel alan-kamusal alan ayrımının yeri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İnsan yaşamına toplumsal ve politik boyutlarıyla baktığımızda karşımıza iki temel alan çıkar: Özel alan ve kamusal alan. Bazen birbiriyle çatışan, bazen de birbiriyle örtüş en bu iki alan, insanın toplumsal ve politik yanlarını anlamak bakımından kilit noktada bulunurlar. Arendt ve Habermas, 1960'larda özel/kamusal alan ayrımı üzerinde çalışan iki düşünürdür. Arendt'e göre kamusal alan her şeyin, herkes tarafından görülüp duyulabildiği bir aleniyetin alanıdır. Herkesin eşit katılımına dayalı söylemsel kamu alanı modelini savunan Habermas XVIH. Yüzyıl Avrupasında oluşan kamusallığa ilişkin değerli analizler yapmıştır. Tarihsel bir çerçeveden bakıldığında özel alan/kamusal alan ayrımı, Antik Yunan ve Roma döneminden Ortaçağ-Hıristiyan düşüncesine, Rönesans'tan Locke" a kadar varlığını hep sürdürmüştür. Fakat bu ayrım, her çağda ve dönemde kendine has karakteristiklerle sürekli yeniden şekillenmiştir. Antik Yunan' da ev yaşamı ile şehir yaşamı arasında kurulan karşıtlık ilişkisiyle temellendirilen oikos-polis ayrımı, özel/kamusal ayrımının en keskin biçimini temsil eder. Geç dönem Romanda ise özel alan ve kamusal alan arasındaki karşıtlıktan doğan gerilim büsbütün ortadan kalkmasa bile azalmıştır ve bu ayrımı belirleyen sınırlar özel alanın daha fazla genişlemesi lehine değişmiştir. Bireyi merkeze alan, etik yanı ağır basan Epikürosçu ve Stoacı öğretiler, özgür, otonom, sakin bir hayatı özel alanda arayan, politik kamusal alandan uzaklaşmak isteyen bilge tipini öne çıkarmışlardır. Epikürosçu ve Stoacı etik kavramlar ve öğretiler, Ortaçağ-Hıristiyan etik ve politik düşüncesinde dini kavramlarla ve motiflerle yeniden yoğrularak dini anlamlarla zenginleştirilmiştir. İlk dönemde politik çekişmelerin yaşandığı kamusal alanı değil, Tanrı ile başbaşa kaldıkları özel, mahrem alanı tercih eden Hıristiyanlar ve kiliseler, dini ritüelleri, seremonileri ve ayinleri yönetme iddiasıyla kamusal alanda ruhani otoritenin temsilcileri olarak varlık göstermek istemişlerdir. Feodal Ortaçağda özel/kamusal ayrımının keskinliğini yitirdiği ve kamusal alanda dini, siyasi ve iktisadi otoritelerin kendilerine aleniyet kazandırdıkları görülmektedir. Rönesans'tan itibaren modern politik düşüncede tek bir homojen, laik siyasi iktidarın egemen olduğu kamusal alan tasavvuru gittikçe ağırlık kazanmakta, buna karşılık bireye dar bir özel alan bırakılmaktadır. Bunun en uygun örneklerine Machiavelli, Bodin ve Hobbes gibi düşünürlerde rastlamaktayız. Locke' un eserlerinde bireyin haklarına önem verdiği ve özel alanı genişletmeye çalıştığı söylenebilir. Locke politik düşünce sisteminin merkezine doğa yasası kavramını yerleştirir. Temel hakların meşruiyetini doğa yasasına dayandırır. Doğal hukuk felsefesi çerçevesinde Locke, doğa durumu, savaş durumu, rıza, sözleşme, toplum, devlet kavramlarını yeniden tanımlar. Toplumun ve devletin temeline özgür bireylerin ortak rızalarını yerleştirir. Devletin güçlerini ayırır, ayrı ellere verir. Sonuçta karşımıza seküler, prosedürel ve hukuki bir çerçevede şekillenen liberal bir yönetim çıkar. Locke, "sivil" ve "siyasal" olmak üzere kamusal alanın iki ayrı cephesini ortaya koyar. 322
SUMMARY When we look at men's life with its social and political dimensions, we see two basis sphere: private realm and public realm. These two realm, that sometimes conflicted to each other, sometimes overlap to each other, is in key position to understand, men's political and social aspects. H.Arendt and Habermas are two thinkers who studied about private/public distinction in I960's. For Arendt, public realm is a sphere of publicity that everything can be perceived and looked by everybody. Habermas who argued that discursive model of public realm is based on equal participation of everybody have made important valuable analysies concerning publicity that have been formed in century of XVHI in Europe. When it is seen from a historical frame, private/public distinction have continued its influence from the period of Antique Greek and Rome to thought of Christian of Middle Ages, from Renaissance thought to Locke's political philosophy. But this distinction have taken shape continuous and over again with new charesteristics in every century and period. In the Antique Greek oikos-polis distinction based on relation of contrast to be founded between life of home and life of city, representes the sharpest form of private/public distinction throughout history of philosophy. In the late period of Rome, though tension arised from contrast between private realm and public realm, have not dissapeared completely, this tension have decreased and lines determined this distinction have changed in favour of extend of private realm so much. Epicurian and Stoic doctrines have insisted sage type, who seek a free, autonomous, quiet life in the private realm and want to go away from political public realm. Consepts and doctrines of ethics of Epicurien and Stoic have been made rich with religious significance by re-kneading with religious concepts and motifs in the thougth ethical and political of Christian of Middle Ages. Christians and churces, choice secret realm that come near to God, but don't choice public realm that lived political disputes in earliest period of Christianity, have wanted to exist as representatives of clerical authority with claim that they should direct religious rituals, ceremonies and workships. In the feudal Middle Ages, it seen that, private/public distinction have lost its sharpness and religious, political and economic authorities in the realm have achieved publicity to themselves. As from Renaissance in the modern political thought, conception of public realm that a unique, homogeneous, secular political power dominated on, have been stressed, and furthermore a narrow private realm have been allowed to individual. It said that individual rights have been attached importance and lines of Locke's private realm have been tried to be extended in his works. Locke places concept of law of nature to the system of his political thought. He based on law of nature for legitimacy of fundemantal rights. In the frame of philosophy of natural law, Locke describes again political concepts as state of nature, state of war, consent, social contract, society and state. He places common consent of free individuals to basis of society and state. He separates powers of state, gives different hands these powers. As a result of this, a liberal government that is formed in the a frame of secular, procedural and juridical, happens, Locke brings out two different aspects of public realm, as aspects of "civil" and "political".
SUMMARY When we look at men's life with its social and political dimensions, we see two basis sphere: private realm and public realm. These two realm, that sometimes conflicted to each other, sometimes overlap to each other, is in key position to understand, men's political and social aspects. H.Arendt and Habermas are two thinkers who studied about private/public distinction in I960's. For Arendt, public realm is a sphere of publicity that everything can be perceived and looked by everybody. Habermas who argued that discursive model of public realm is based on equal participation of everybody have made important valuable analysies concerning publicity that have been formed in century of XVHI in Europe. When it is seen from a historical frame, private/public distinction have continued its influence from the period of Antique Greek and Rome to thought of Christian of Middle Ages, from Renaissance thought to Locke's political philosophy. But this distinction have taken shape continuous and over again with new charesteristics in every century and period. In the Antique Greek oikos-polis distinction based on relation of contrast to be founded between life of home and life of city, representes the sharpest form of private/public distinction throughout history of philosophy. In the late period of Rome, though tension arised from contrast between private realm and public realm, have not dissapeared completely, this tension have decreased and lines determined this distinction have changed in favour of extend of private realm so much. Epicurian and Stoic doctrines have insisted sage type, who seek a free, autonomous, quiet life in the private realm and want to go away from political public realm. Consepts and doctrines of ethics of Epicurien and Stoic have been made rich with religious significance by re-kneading with religious concepts and motifs in the thougth ethical and political of Christian of Middle Ages. Christians and churces, choice secret realm that come near to God, but don't choice public realm that lived political disputes in earliest period of Christianity, have wanted to exist as representatives of clerical authority with claim that they should direct religious rituals, ceremonies and workships. In the feudal Middle Ages, it seen that, private/public distinction have lost its sharpness and religious, political and economic authorities in the realm have achieved publicity to themselves. As from Renaissance in the modern political thought, conception of public realm that a unique, homogeneous, secular political power dominated on, have been stressed, and furthermore a narrow private realm have been allowed to individual. It said that individual rights have been attached importance and lines of Locke's private realm have been tried to be extended in his works. Locke places concept of law of nature to the system of his political thought. He based on law of nature for legitimacy of fundemantal rights. In the frame of philosophy of natural law, Locke describes again political concepts as state of nature, state of war, consent, social contract, society and state. He places common consent of free individuals to basis of society and state. He separates powers of state, gives different hands these powers. As a result of this, a liberal government that is formed in the a frame of secular, procedural and juridical, happens, Locke brings out two different aspects of public realm, as aspects of "civil" and "political".
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Felsefe, Philosophy, Locke, John, Locke, John, Siyaset felsefesi, Political philosophy