Yazılı basının sahiplik yapısı bağlamında spor haberleri söylemlerinin analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
“Yazılı Basının Sahiplik Yapısı Bağlamında Spor Haberleri Söylemlerinin Analizi” başlıklı bu tez çalışmasında spor haberciliğinin ve spor haberlerinin günümüzde asıl amacından sapma yaşadığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada, spor haberlerinin nasıl kurgulanması gerektiği ve aslında nasıl kurgulandığı arasındaki çarpıklık öne çıkarılmaktadır. Günümüzde Türkiye’de spor haberleri, diğer haberlerin içeriklerinden çokça etkilenmektedir. Türkiye gündemi ekonomik ve sosyal yoğunluğundan spor haberleri de etkilenmektedir. Bu bağlamda spor haberlerinin içeriklerinin ne bağlamda değiştiği, hangi olaylardan ne kadar etkilendiği sahiplik yapısı ile ilişkilendirilerek incelenmiştir. Spor haberlerinin içeriklerinin değişmesinde sahiplik yapısının etkisi olduğu görülmektedir. Hangi sermaye yapısına sahip olursa olsun spor haberleri okuyucu beklentilerinin ve ekonomik kaygıların yansıdığı bir haber kategorisi olmuştur. Bu bağlamda çalışmada önce yazılı basının sahiplik yapısının ve spor haberciliği incelenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında, 90 gün boyunca 3 gazete takip edilmiştir. Bu gazeteler örnekleme alınırken; 3 farklı sermayenin bünyesinde bulundurduğu birer gazete olarak seçilmiştir. Seçilen gazeteler Turkuvaz Grubundan Sabah, Demirören Yayın Grubu’ndan Hürriyet ve Cumhuriyet Vakfı’ndan Cumhuriyet Gazetesi olarak belirlenmiştir. 1 Ekim – 31 Aralık tarihlerinde gazeteler günlük olarak takip edilmiş, sahiplik yapısının haber diline etki ettiği her gazeteden 10 tane örnek ile incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda sahiplik yapısı bağlamında her sermaye grubunun haber diline müdahale edip etmediği incelenmiştir.
In this thesis titled “Analysis of Sports News Discourses In the Context of the Owenership Structure of the Print Media”, it is aimed to reveal that sports journalism and sports news are deviating from their main purpose today. Today, sports news in Turkey is heavily influenced by the content of other news. Sports news is also affected by the economic and social intensity of Turkey's agenda. In this context, the context in which the content of sports news changes and how much it is affected by which events are examined by associating with the ownership structure. It is seen that the ownership structure has an effect on the change in the content of sports news. Regardless of the capital structure, sports news has become a news category where reader expectations and economic concerns are reflected. In this context, firstly, the ownership structure of the print media and sports journalism were examined. Within the scope of the research, 3 newspapers were followed for 90 days. While these newspapers were taken as a sample; It has been chosen as a newspaper owned by 3 different capitals. The selected newspapers were determined as Sabah from the Turkuvaz Group, Hürriyet from the Demirören Publishing Group and Cumhuriyet Newspaper from the Cumhuriyet Foundation. Newspapers were followed on a daily basis between October 1 and December 31, and 10 examples from each newspaper were examined where the ownership structure affected the news language. In this direction, it has been examined whether each capital group interferes with the language of news in the context of ownership structure.
In this thesis titled “Analysis of Sports News Discourses In the Context of the Owenership Structure of the Print Media”, it is aimed to reveal that sports journalism and sports news are deviating from their main purpose today. Today, sports news in Turkey is heavily influenced by the content of other news. Sports news is also affected by the economic and social intensity of Turkey's agenda. In this context, the context in which the content of sports news changes and how much it is affected by which events are examined by associating with the ownership structure. It is seen that the ownership structure has an effect on the change in the content of sports news. Regardless of the capital structure, sports news has become a news category where reader expectations and economic concerns are reflected. In this context, firstly, the ownership structure of the print media and sports journalism were examined. Within the scope of the research, 3 newspapers were followed for 90 days. While these newspapers were taken as a sample; It has been chosen as a newspaper owned by 3 different capitals. The selected newspapers were determined as Sabah from the Turkuvaz Group, Hürriyet from the Demirören Publishing Group and Cumhuriyet Newspaper from the Cumhuriyet Foundation. Newspapers were followed on a daily basis between October 1 and December 31, and 10 examples from each newspaper were examined where the ownership structure affected the news language. In this direction, it has been examined whether each capital group interferes with the language of news in the context of ownership structure.
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