Toprak düzenleyici değişik materyallerin önemli toprak fiziksel özellikleri ve tütün fidesinin çimlenme ve gelişmesi üzerine etkileri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
IV ABSTRAKT Bu araştırma, farklı toprak düzenleyici materyallerin toprağın fiziksel özellikleri, tütün bitkisinin çimlenme ve gelişmesi üzerine etkilerini incelemek amacı ile yapıldı. Araştırma materyalini toprak,organik kökenli materyallerden ahır gübresi, çöp gübresi, tütün tozu ve torf kullanılarak, inorganik kökenli materyallerden perlit ve cüruf ile hazn-lanan karışımlar oluşturmuştur. Araştırma materyali karışımlarda fiziksel özelliklerden nem, higroskopik koeffisient, özgül ağırlık, volüm ağırlık, porozite, hava ile dolu boşluklar volümü katı maddeler volümü, boşluk oram, tarla kapasitesi, solma noktası, faydalı su, stürüktür stabilite indeksi, agregasyon yüzdesi gibi önemli toprak fiziksel özelliklerinin kendi aralarında ilişkileri yanında tütün tohumlanmn çimlenme oran lan ile olan istatistiksel ilişkileri incelendi. Sonuç olarak karışımlardaki tütün tohumlanmn çimlenme oranının en yüksekten en düşüğe doğru şu sırayı izlediği bulundu. Toprak-perlit-torf > toprak-perlit-ahır gübresi > toprak-perlit > toprak- curuf-torf > toprak-curuf-ahır gübresi > toprak-curuf > toprak-perlit- çöp güb resi > toprak-perlit-tütün tozu > toprak-curuf-çöp gübresi > toprak-curuf-tütün tozu
ABSTRACT This research is carried out to observe the effects of different soil regulator materials on the physical features of the soil germination and development of tobacco plant. Research material consists of soil,stable manure as organic material;refused composed tobacco powder and torf and mixture of perlite and tuff as inorganic materials. In the mixture of research material relationship between air dry moisture, hygroscopic coeffisient,true spesific gravity,bulk density,porosity,the air capacity capillar capacity,percent of space occupied by soil solids,fading point,field capa city, wilting point,avaiable water structure stability index,aggregation percentage has been observed as physical features as well as the relation of them with the statistics on germination of tobacco seeds. As a result,it has been observed that germination rate of tobacco seeds has the following sequence from the highest point to the lowest. Soil-perlite-torf > Soil-perlite-stable manure > Soil perlite > Soil-tuff-torf > Soil-tuff-stable manure > Soil-tuff > Soil-perlite-the town refused compost > Soil -perlite-tobacco powder > Soil-tuff-the town refused compost > Soil-tuff-tobacco powder.,
ABSTRACT This research is carried out to observe the effects of different soil regulator materials on the physical features of the soil germination and development of tobacco plant. Research material consists of soil,stable manure as organic material;refused composed tobacco powder and torf and mixture of perlite and tuff as inorganic materials. In the mixture of research material relationship between air dry moisture, hygroscopic coeffisient,true spesific gravity,bulk density,porosity,the air capacity capillar capacity,percent of space occupied by soil solids,fading point,field capa city, wilting point,avaiable water structure stability index,aggregation percentage has been observed as physical features as well as the relation of them with the statistics on germination of tobacco seeds. As a result,it has been observed that germination rate of tobacco seeds has the following sequence from the highest point to the lowest. Soil-perlite-torf > Soil-perlite-stable manure > Soil perlite > Soil-tuff-torf > Soil-tuff-stable manure > Soil-tuff > Soil-perlite-the town refused compost > Soil -perlite-tobacco powder > Soil-tuff-the town refused compost > Soil-tuff-tobacco powder.,
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Fideler, Seedlings, Toprak, Soil, Tütün, Tobacco, Çimlenme, Germination