Aktif kömürle radon konsantrasyonu tayinleri için hava çekimli bir tekniğin geliştirilmesi ve kalibrasyon parametrelerinin belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
6. ÖZET Bu çalışmada, aktif kömür üzerine 222^ 'nin dinamik adsorpsiyonu için bir teknik geliştirildi şartlan belirlemek için,sistemin kalibrasyonu, aktif kömürün tane boyutuna, miktarına, enerji ve akış hızına göre yapıldı. Hava, 0.5-1 mm tane boyutlu Mercek marka 5 g aktif kömür içeren 5.2 cm uzunluğunda ve 2.5 cm çapında küçük plastik silindirlerden girer. Radon ürünlerini uzaklaştırmak için hava filtre edilerek 5 l/dak akış hızı ile aktif kömürün içinden geçirilir.Su buharı, gaz adsorpsiyonunda ters etki yaptığı için, gaz çalışmalarını engelleyici temel neden olarak ayrılır nedenle, aktif kömürden subuharını ayırmak için silikajen kullanıldı örneklemeden sonra tüp sistemden uzaklaştırıldı.Her tüpün aktif kömür tarafından adsorplanan radon miktarı 3" x 3" Nal(Tl) kuyu tipi detektörü ile ölçüldü.Herbir tüpün gama spektroskopik ölçümleri, radon ve radon ürürlerinin dengeye gelmesi için 4 saat beklendikten sonra yapıldı. Sistem,aktif kömür üstüne adsorplanan radon miktarına göre 214gj (6Q9 keV, 1.76 MeV) ve Pb-214 ( 242, 295 ve 352 keV) 'e göre kalibre edildi. Pb-214'ün 352 keV'luk enerjisi en iyi kalibrasyon grafiğini verdi. Kalibrasyon eğrisi, bina içi radon ölçümlerinin saptanmaları için kullanıldı. 106
7. SUMMARY In this work, a technique was advanced for dynamic adsorption of 222^ on activated carbon.The calibration of system was made according to the size and amount of activated carbon, energy and the flow rate for detennining optimum conditions. Air enters through a small cylindirical plastic tube which is length of 5.2 cm and diameter of 2.5 cm containing 5 g of carbon with a particle size of 0.5-1 mm(Merck mark). Air is filtered at the entrance to remove the progeny and passes through activated carbon at a flow rate of 5 l/min. Water vapor was selected as the major interfering gas studied because it is well known to adversely effect noble gas adsorption. Therefore, siiicajel was used for selecting water vapor from activated carbon. After the sampling, the tube was taken away from the system. The amount of radon adsorbed by the charcoal of each tube was measured with a well type detector of 3" x3" NaI(Tl). The gamma spectroscopic measurement of each tube is done after 4 hours waiting for attaning the equilibrium between radon and its daughters. System was calibrated for 214si ( 609 keV, 1.76 MeV ) and 214pb (242 keV, 295 keV and 352 keV) according to the amount of adsorbed radon on activated carbon, 352 keV of 214pb gaVe the best calibration graphic.Calibration curve was used to determine indoor radon concentration. 107
7. SUMMARY In this work, a technique was advanced for dynamic adsorption of 222^ on activated carbon.The calibration of system was made according to the size and amount of activated carbon, energy and the flow rate for detennining optimum conditions. Air enters through a small cylindirical plastic tube which is length of 5.2 cm and diameter of 2.5 cm containing 5 g of carbon with a particle size of 0.5-1 mm(Merck mark). Air is filtered at the entrance to remove the progeny and passes through activated carbon at a flow rate of 5 l/min. Water vapor was selected as the major interfering gas studied because it is well known to adversely effect noble gas adsorption. Therefore, siiicajel was used for selecting water vapor from activated carbon. After the sampling, the tube was taken away from the system. The amount of radon adsorbed by the charcoal of each tube was measured with a well type detector of 3" x3" NaI(Tl). The gamma spectroscopic measurement of each tube is done after 4 hours waiting for attaning the equilibrium between radon and its daughters. System was calibrated for 214si ( 609 keV, 1.76 MeV ) and 214pb (242 keV, 295 keV and 352 keV) according to the amount of adsorbed radon on activated carbon, 352 keV of 214pb gaVe the best calibration graphic.Calibration curve was used to determine indoor radon concentration. 107
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, Kalibrasyon, Calibration, Konsantrasyon, Concentration, Kömür, Coal, Radon, Radon