Seksüel aktif genç erkeklerde kondom kullanımının alt üriner sistem semptomları ile ilişkisi
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Amaç: Seksüel aktif genç erkeklerde kondom kullanımının, alt üriner sistem semptomlarının (AÜSS) varlığı ve şiddeti üzerine etkisinin ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: Aralık 2009-Mayıs 2010 tarihleri arasında polikliniğimize AÜSS ile başvuran 18-45 yaş arası cinsel olarak aktif ve çalışma kriterlerine uygun 70 hasta (35 kondom kullanan, 35 kondom kullanmayan) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların tümü anamnez, fizik muayene, Uluslararası Prostat Semptom Skoru (IPSS) sorgulama formu, iki bardak testi, üroflovmetri, postvoid rezidü volüm ve transrektal ultrasonografi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 31.79±7.23, aktif cinsel süresi 123.29±74.03 ay, semptom süresi 31.23±32.29 ay idi. IPSS, idrar yapmada zorluk, dizüri varlığı, sık idrara çıkma, noktüri varlığı ile kondom kullanımı arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmazken; cinsel ilişkide ejakülasyon esnasında ağrı veya rahatsızlık hissi kondom kullananlarda daha sık görüldü (%59.6 ve %40.4, p=0.041). Ortalama üroflovmetri Qmaks değeri kondom kullanmayan bireylerde 20.80±1.95, kondom kullananlarda 15.83±2.56 idi (p<0.001). Kondom kullanmayan 5 hastada (%14.3) ve kondom kullanan 10 hastada (%28.6) post-masaj idrar kültüründe üreme saptandı (p=0.244). İdrar kültüründe kondom kullanmayan 2 hastada ve kondom kullanan 8 hastada koagulaz negatif gram-pozitif stafilokok üredi (p<0.01). Kondom kullanan 20 hastada (%57.1) ve kondom kullanmayan 9 hastada (%25.7) post-masaj klamidya hücre kültürü örneklerinde pozitiflik saptandı (p=0.015). Sonuç: Kondom kullanımı AÜSS için predispozan faktördür. Kondom kullanımı ile post-masaj prostat sekretinde gram-pozitif mikroorganizma ve Chlamidya trachomatis üremesindeki artış, bu hastalarda boşalma ile oluşan ağrı varlığı ile paralellik göstermekte ve retrograd akım hipotezine ön veri oluşturmaktadır.
Objective: The effect of condom usage on the presence and intensity of the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in sexually active young men was evaluated. Materials and methods: Seventy patients (35 were using condoms and the other 35 were not), who applied to our outpatient clinic with LUTS between December 2009-May 2009, who were sexually active, aged 18-45 years, and complying with study criteria were included in the study. Patients have been evaluated with anamnesis, physical examination, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire, 2-cup test, uroflowmetry, postvoid residual volume, and transrectal ultrasonography. Results: Mean age of the patients was 31.79±7.23 years, sexually active time was 123.29±74.03 months, and symptom duration was 31.23±32.29 months. Although condom usage has no significant effect on IPSS, urinating with strain, dysuria, frequent urination, nocturia; feeling of pain or discomfort during ejaculation was more common among condom users (59.6% vs. 40.4%, p=0.041). Mean uroflowmetry Qmax value was 20.80±1.95 and 15.83±2.56, in non-condom users and condom users, respectively (p<0.001). Five non-condom users (14.3%) and 10 condom users (28.6%) showed positivity in post-massage urine culture (p=0.244). Two non-condom users and 8 condom users showed coagulase negative staphylococcus in urine culture (p<0.01). Twenty-five condom users (57.1%) and 9 non-condom users (25.7%) showed positivity in post-massage chlamydia cell culture (p=0.015). Conclusion: Condom usage is a predisposing factor for LUTS. Increment of gram-positive bacteria and Chlamydia trachomatis positivity in post-massage prostate secretion culture shows analogy with the pain during ejaculation in these patients and gives preliminary data on the retrograde flow hypothesis.
Objective: The effect of condom usage on the presence and intensity of the lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in sexually active young men was evaluated. Materials and methods: Seventy patients (35 were using condoms and the other 35 were not), who applied to our outpatient clinic with LUTS between December 2009-May 2009, who were sexually active, aged 18-45 years, and complying with study criteria were included in the study. Patients have been evaluated with anamnesis, physical examination, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire, 2-cup test, uroflowmetry, postvoid residual volume, and transrectal ultrasonography. Results: Mean age of the patients was 31.79±7.23 years, sexually active time was 123.29±74.03 months, and symptom duration was 31.23±32.29 months. Although condom usage has no significant effect on IPSS, urinating with strain, dysuria, frequent urination, nocturia; feeling of pain or discomfort during ejaculation was more common among condom users (59.6% vs. 40.4%, p=0.041). Mean uroflowmetry Qmax value was 20.80±1.95 and 15.83±2.56, in non-condom users and condom users, respectively (p<0.001). Five non-condom users (14.3%) and 10 condom users (28.6%) showed positivity in post-massage urine culture (p=0.244). Two non-condom users and 8 condom users showed coagulase negative staphylococcus in urine culture (p<0.01). Twenty-five condom users (57.1%) and 9 non-condom users (25.7%) showed positivity in post-massage chlamydia cell culture (p=0.015). Conclusion: Condom usage is a predisposing factor for LUTS. Increment of gram-positive bacteria and Chlamydia trachomatis positivity in post-massage prostate secretion culture shows analogy with the pain during ejaculation in these patients and gives preliminary data on the retrograde flow hypothesis.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Üroloji ve Nefroloji
Türk Üroloji Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology
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