İzmir ve çevresinde buğday alanlarında görülen bazı yabancı ot türlerinin (leguminosae familyası) teşhisi ve tanısı
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V ÖZET İZMİR VE ÇEVRESİNDE BUĞDAY ALANLARINDA GÖRÜLEN BAZI YABANCI OT TÜRLERİNİN (LEGUMINOSAE FAMİLYASI) TEŞHİSİ VE TANISI EDİNÇLİLER, Nimet Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yönetisici, Prof.Dr. Yıldız NEMLİ Şubat 2000,61 sayfa Bu çalışmanın amacı, izmir ve çevresinde sıkça gözlenen Leguminosae familyasına ait alta genusun türleri belirlemek ve teşhis etmektir. Bu çalışmada, Latyrus, Medicago, Melilotus, Trifolium, Trigonella ve Vida genuslannm türleri belirlenip teşhis edilmiştir. Altı genusa ait toplam yirmi tür belirlenmiştr. Yirmi türün sistematik özellikleri tanımlandı ve tanımlanmış özellikleri şekillerle desteklenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, türlerin tanımı daha kolay hale gelmiştir. Tanımlanan türler şunlardır: Lathyrus anmıus, L.aphaca, L.digitatus, Medicago orbicularis, M.polymorpha, M.rugosa, M.scutellata, Melilotus indica, Trifolium campestre, T.clypeatum, T.hybridum, T.repens, T.resupinatum, T.spumosum, T.tomentosum, Trigonella balansae, Vida hybrida, V.narbonensis, V.sativa, V.villosa. Anahtar kelimeler: Buğday, Yabancı ot deskrispsiyonu, Leguminosae
vn ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF WEED SPECIES OF SOME GENUS (IN LEGUMINOS AE FAMILY) IN WHEAT FIELDS IN IZMIR AND TTS ENVIRONMENT EDİNÇLİLER, Nimet MSc in Plant Protection Supervisor : Prof Dr. Yıldız NEMLİ February 2000, 6:1 pages The objective of this study is to determine and identity the species of six genus belonging to Legumiaosae family which are frequenty observed in wheat fields in İzmir and its environment In this study, the species of genus named as Latynts, Medicago, Metihtus, Trifotittm, Trigomtta and Vicia have been sampled and diagnosed. A total amount of twenty species belonging to six genus have been identified. The systematic properties of these twenty species have been presented and the identification of these properties are supported by figures. As a result, the identification of species has become easier. The species which have been determined are as follows: Lathyrus annum, L.aphaca, L.digitatus, Medicago orbicularis, M,pofymorpha, Mrugosa, M.scutelkcta, Metilotus iru&ca, Trifolium campestre, T.cfypeatum, T.hybridum, T.repens, T.resupimttum, T.spwnosum, T.tomentosum, Trigomlla balansae, Vicia hybrida, V.narbonensis, Y^ativa, V.villosa. Key world: Wheat, Weed description^eguminosae
vn ABSTRACT DESCRIPTION AND DIAGNOSIS OF WEED SPECIES OF SOME GENUS (IN LEGUMINOS AE FAMILY) IN WHEAT FIELDS IN IZMIR AND TTS ENVIRONMENT EDİNÇLİLER, Nimet MSc in Plant Protection Supervisor : Prof Dr. Yıldız NEMLİ February 2000, 6:1 pages The objective of this study is to determine and identity the species of six genus belonging to Legumiaosae family which are frequenty observed in wheat fields in İzmir and its environment In this study, the species of genus named as Latynts, Medicago, Metihtus, Trifotittm, Trigomtta and Vicia have been sampled and diagnosed. A total amount of twenty species belonging to six genus have been identified. The systematic properties of these twenty species have been presented and the identification of these properties are supported by figures. As a result, the identification of species has become easier. The species which have been determined are as follows: Lathyrus annum, L.aphaca, L.digitatus, Medicago orbicularis, M,pofymorpha, Mrugosa, M.scutelkcta, Metilotus iru&ca, Trifolium campestre, T.cfypeatum, T.hybridum, T.repens, T.resupimttum, T.spwnosum, T.tomentosum, Trigomlla balansae, Vicia hybrida, V.narbonensis, Y^ativa, V.villosa. Key world: Wheat, Weed description^eguminosae
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Baklagiller, Leguminosae, Buğday, Wheat, Leguminosae, Leguminosae, Leguminosae, Leguminosae, Yabancı otlar, Weeds, İzmir, Izmir