Akmolla Muhamediyarulı (hayatı ve eserleri)
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Erişim Hakkı
Zaman zaman, bazı toplumlar, değişik nedenlere bağlı olarak değişim ve gelişime ayak uyduramamışlar, geri kalmışlar; bunun sonucu olarak da daha gelişmiş toplumlar tarafından yönetilmişlerdir. Bu gibi durumlarda, toplumdan çıkan bazı aydınlar kötü durumu görüp halkı uyandırmaya çalışmışlardır. Bu aydınlardan birisi de Akmolla Muhamediyarulı’dır. Eğitim gördüğü Troisk Tatar medresesinde Şehabettin Mercani’nin fikirleriyle tanışan akın, eserleri vasıtasıyla onu ve ceditçi fikirleri Kazak aydınlarına tanıtanlardan biri olmuştur.
Some societies, sometimes, have not been able to keep up with the changing world and remained underdeveloped and been directed by the stronger ones. In such cases, some intellectuals from that society became aware of that bad situation and tried to illuminate their own society. One of them is Akmolla Muhamediyarulı. At the high school of Troisk Tatar, where he was educated, appeared a movement, which met with thoughts of Şehabettin Mercani and which introduced through his works thoughts of Jadidism to Kazakh intellectuals.
Some societies, sometimes, have not been able to keep up with the changing world and remained underdeveloped and been directed by the stronger ones. In such cases, some intellectuals from that society became aware of that bad situation and tried to illuminate their own society. One of them is Akmolla Muhamediyarulı. At the high school of Troisk Tatar, where he was educated, appeared a movement, which met with thoughts of Şehabettin Mercani and which introduced through his works thoughts of Jadidism to Kazakh intellectuals.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyal Bilimler, Disiplinler Arası
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri