Centaurea lydia (Peygamber Çiçeği) ve Phlomis nissolii (Çalba) Endemik Bitkilerinin Toxoplasma gondii Üzerine Etkisi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada Centaurea lydia (Peygamber çiçeği) ve Phlomis nissolii (Çalba) endemik bitkilerinden elde edilen ekstrelerin T. gondii trofozoitleri ile enfekte edilmiş fibroblast hücre kültüründe potansiyel antitoksoplazma etkinlikleri araştırılmışı amaçlanmıştır. Yöntemler: Centaurea lydia’ ın hekzan, kloroform, metanol ekstrelerinin ve Phlomis nissolii’ nin etanol, kloroform ve infüzyon ekstrelerinin sitotoksisiteleri WST-1 testi ile kolorimetrik değerlendirilmiştir. Endemik bitki ekstreleri ile muamele edilmiş (55 ?g/ml) ve kontrol WI-38 hücre hatları 5×10 5 T. gondii trofozoiti ile enfekte edilmiş, 7. gün, 14. gün ve 24. günde besi yerindeki parazit sayısı belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: C. lydia ve P. nissolii ekstrelerinin 0,86-55 ?g/mL ardışık konsantrasyonlarının WI-38 hücre hattında herhangi bir sitotoksik bir etkisi saptanmamış ve bu ekstrelerin fibroblast hücre hattı üzerinde sitotoksisite göstermemesi olumlu bir etki olarak değerlendirilmiştir. C. lydia ekstresi 55 ?g/mL konsantrasyonu T. gondii trofozoitlerine karşı belirgin bir aktivite göstermiştir. Trofozoit sayısında ekstre verilmeyen grupta 47,5 katlık bir artış saptanırken, C. lydia ekstresi verilen grupta ise 84 katlık bir azalma saptanmıştır. P. nissolii ekstresi verilen grupta ise 36 katlık bir artış saptanmış ve antitoksoplazma aktivitesi göstermemiştir. Sonuç: Endemik bitki C. lydia ekstresinin toksoplazmozis tedavisi için iyi bir aday ilaç olabileceği gösterilmiştir. In vitro olarak gösterilen bu etkinliğin in vivo hayvan modellerinde araştırılması gerektiği kanısına varılmıştır.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the potential antitoxoplasma activities of extracts of the endemic plants Centaurea lydia and Phlomis nissolii in a fibroblast cell culture infected with T. gondii trophozoites. Methods: WI-38 cell lines treated with plant extracts (55 ?g/mL each) and an untreated control were infected with 5×105 T. gondii tropho- zoites, and the number of parasites in the medium was determined on days 7, 14, and 24. Results: No cytotoxic effects of C. lydia and P. nissolii extracts were detected at concentrations of 0.86–55 ?g/mL in the WI-38 cell line, and the absence of the cytotoxicity of these extracts on the fibroblast cell line was considered as a positive effect. C. lydia extract at 55 ?g/mL had marked activity against T. gondii trophozoites. A 47.5-fold increase was observed in the number of trophozoites in the control group, while a 84-fold decrease was found in the C. lydia extract group. However, a 36-fold increase was detected in the P. nissolii extract group, indicating no antitoxoplasma activity. Conclusion: The extract of C. lydia, an endemic plant, was found to be a good drug candidate for treating toxoplasmosis. The in vitro activity of the extract of this endemic plant should be further investigated in animal models in vivo.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate the potential antitoxoplasma activities of extracts of the endemic plants Centaurea lydia and Phlomis nissolii in a fibroblast cell culture infected with T. gondii trophozoites. Methods: WI-38 cell lines treated with plant extracts (55 ?g/mL each) and an untreated control were infected with 5×105 T. gondii tropho- zoites, and the number of parasites in the medium was determined on days 7, 14, and 24. Results: No cytotoxic effects of C. lydia and P. nissolii extracts were detected at concentrations of 0.86–55 ?g/mL in the WI-38 cell line, and the absence of the cytotoxicity of these extracts on the fibroblast cell line was considered as a positive effect. C. lydia extract at 55 ?g/mL had marked activity against T. gondii trophozoites. A 47.5-fold increase was observed in the number of trophozoites in the control group, while a 84-fold decrease was found in the C. lydia extract group. However, a 36-fold increase was detected in the P. nissolii extract group, indicating no antitoxoplasma activity. Conclusion: The extract of C. lydia, an endemic plant, was found to be a good drug candidate for treating toxoplasmosis. The in vitro activity of the extract of this endemic plant should be further investigated in animal models in vivo.
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Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
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