Adrenal lezyonların karakterizasyonunda 3T MRG'de kimyasal kayma görüntüleme için kullanılan sekansların (2 ve 3 boyutlu dual gradient eko, 3 boyutlu dual gradient eko dixon) 1.5T MRG'de kimyasal kayma görüntüleme için kullanılan 2 boyutlu dual gradient eko sekansı ile karşılaştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: İnsidental adrenal lezyonlar günlük radyoloji pratiğinde sık olarak karşılaşılmakta olup çoğunluğunu benign adenomlar oluşturmaktadır. Ancak primer malignitesi bilinen olgularda adrenal adenom ile adenom dışı lezyonların ayrımının yapılması kritik öneme sahiptir. Bu konuda 1.5T MRG'de sekans parametreleri yapılan çalışmalar ile optimize edilmişken, 3T MRG'de ise kullanılacak optimal sekans hakkında görüş birliği bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmamızda 3T MRG'de kimyasal kayma görüntüleme (KKG) için kullanılabilen 2D spoiled gradient eko (sGRE), 3D VIBE ve 3D VIBE two point Dixon sekanslarının adrenal adenomlardaki mikroskobik yağı göstermedeki etkinliğini ve adenom ile adenom dışı lezyonları ayırt edebilme yeteneğini 1.5T MRG'de KKG için kullanılan 2D sGRE sekansı ile karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırmaya 77 hastadaki 97 adrenal lezyon dahil edildi. Olguların yaşları 32-77 yıl arasında değişmekteydi (ortalama 59.05 yıl). 52 olgu kadın, 25 olgu erkekti. Tüm olgular bölümümüzde mevcut olan 1.5T ve 3T MRG cihazları ile incelendi. 1.5T MRG cihazında KKG 2D sGRE sekansı ile elde olundu. 3T MRG cihazında ise adrenal lezyona yönelik 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE ve 3D VIBE two point Dixon sekansları uygulandı. Tüm hastalarda 1.5T ve 3T cihazlarda elde edilen karşıt faz/iç faz görüntüler ve Dixon sekansından elde edilen sadece su/sadece yağ içeren görüntüler iş istasyonunda yan yana koyularak ölçüm yapılacak kesitler belirlendi. Tüm sekanslar için sinyal intensite indeks (SII) değeri ve Dixon sekansı için yağ fraksiyonu hesaplandı. Tüm lezyonlar için hesaplanan SII/yağ fraksiyonu değerleriyle sekansların adrenal adenom ile adenom dışı lezyonları ayırmadaki performansları ve adrenal adenom için her bir sekanstan elde edilen Sİİ değerleri arasında anlamlı fark olup olmadığı sırsıyla ROC eğrisi analizi ve Wilcoxon işaretli sıra testi ile istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza dahil edilen 77 hastanın 66'sında bulunan 78 lezyona adenom tanısı konuldu. Elli sekiz olgudaki 67 lezyon en az 12 aylık MRG takibinde herhangi bir boyutunda %10'dan fazla artış görülmemesi ile tanı alırken, 8 olgudaki 11 lezyon ise kontrastsız BT'de 10 HU değerin altında dansite değerlerine sahip olması ile adenom tanısı aldı. Geriye kalan 11 olgudaki 19 adenom dışı lezyondan 18 tanesine metastaz, 1 tanesine ise feokromositoma tanısı konuldu. Dokuz hastada bulunan 17 metastatik lezyon, primer malignite öyküsü bilinen olgularda lezyonların takipte gelişmesi nedeniyle tanı alırken, 2 olgudaki 2 lezyon cerrahi operasyon sonucunda histopatolojik olarak metastaz ve feokromositoma tanısı aldı. Adrenal adenom ile uyumlu olarak değerlendirilen lezyonların 1.5T 2D sGRE, 3T 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE ve 3D VIBE-Dixon sekanslarındaki ortalama SII değerleri ve standart sapmaları sırası ile 72.32±13.66, 58.44±11.25, 69.11±11.39, 57.76±13.17 olarak hesaplandı. 1.5T MRG de elde edilen ortalama Sİİ değeri ile 3T MRG deki üç sekanstan elde edilen ortalama SII değerleri arasında Wilcoxon işaretli sıra testi ile yapılan analizde istatistiksel anlamlı farklılık bulundu (p=0.001). 3T 2D sGRE ve 3D VIBE-Dixon sekanslarındaki ortalama Sİİ değerleri arasında ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık saptanmadı (p=0.685). Çalışmada kullanılan her bir sekansın adrenal adenom ile adenom dışı lezyonu ayırmadaki performansı ROC eğrisi analizi ile değerlendirildi. 1.5T 2D sGRE, 3T 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE ve 3D VIBE-Dixon sekanslarındaki duyarlılık/özgüllük/doğruluk değerleri sırası ile %100/100/100, %97.4/89.5/95.9, %98.7/94.7/98, %98.7/94.7/98 olarak hesaplandı. Ayrıca 3D VIBE-Dixon sekansından elde edilen yağ fraksiyonu değerinin duyarlılık/özgüllük/doğruluk değerleri sırası ile %98.7/100/99 olarak hesaplandı. Sonuç: 1.5T ve 3T MRG' de elde olunan KKG arasında adrenal lezyonların karakterizasyonu açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılık olmamakla birlikte çalışmamızda sekans parametreleri optimize edilmiş 1.5T MRG'de duyarlılık/özgüllük/doğruluk değerleri daha yüksek olarak saptandı.
Aims and Objectives: Incidental adrenal lesions are frequently encountered in daily practice of radiology. Majority of these lesions are asymptomatic adenomas. However, accurate differentiation of benign adenomas and non-adenomas is crucial in patients with a known primary malignancy. The use of chemical shift imaging for characterization of adrenal lesions at 1.5T is well established, but there is paucity of data at 3T. Furthermore there is no consensus in the literature about the optimal sequence parameters for chemical shift MRI at 3T. The purpose of this study was to compare three chemical shift MRI sequences (two dimensional (2D) spoiled gradient echo (sGRE), 3D VIBE and 3D VIBE-Dixon) at 3T and 2D sGRE chemical shift imaging at 1.5T to assess the ability of detecting microscopic fat in adrenal adenoma and their usefulness for differentiation between adrenal adenomas and non-adenomas. Methods and Materials: We evaluated 97 adrenal masses (78 adenomas, 19 non-adenomas) in 78 patients. There were 52 female and 25 male raging in age from 32 to 77 years (mean 59.05). All of the patients underwent both 1.5T and 3T chemical shift MRI. After localization imaging, T1W/T2W and chemical shift imaging were acquired. Chemical shift MRI was performed with 2D sGRE at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon at 3T MR unit. For each lesion, in/opposed phase and water/fat only images were viewed on the same screen to detect the slice that was used in quantitative image analysis and signal intensity (SI) values were measured. Using mean SI values of adrenal lesions on the in/opposed phase and water/fat only images, the signal intensity index (SII) and fat fraction values were calculated. The Wilcoxon signed-ranked test was used to determine if there was statistically significant difference between the SII values of the each sequence to assess their ability of detecting microscopic fat in adrenal adenomas. ROC analysis was performed for the SII values of each sequence and the fat fraction values of 3D VIBE-Dixon sequence to identify optimal thresholds that maximizing the average of sensitivity and specificity. Results: In 66 of 77 patients, 78 adrenal lesions were diagnosed as adenoma. Diagnostic confirmation of the 67 adrenal adenomas in 58 patients was based on less than 10% variation in the lesion’s maximum transverse diameter during MR imaging follow up for a minimum duration of 12 months. 11 adrenal lesions in 8 patients were classified as a benign adrenal adenoma on the basis of unenhanced CT attenuation values of less than 10 HU. The remaining 19 lesions in 11 patients were diagnosed as non-adenoma which included 18 metastases and 1 pheochromocytoma. Among the non-adenomas, 17 lesions in 9 patients were classified as metastasis due to new occurrence in follow up MR images. Proof of diagnosis was obtained on the basis of histological confirmation in two lesions (1 metastasis, 1 pheochromocytoma) after surgery. The mean SII values (± standard deviation of mean) of adrenal adenomas in 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T were calculated as 72.32±13.66, 58.44±11.25, 69.11±11.39, 57.76±13.17 respectively. The mean SII value of 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T was significantly higher than all of the chemical shift imaging techniques at 3T (p=0.001). There was no significant difference between the mean SII values of 2D sGRE and 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T (p=0.685). The sensitivity/specificity/accuracy values of 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T were calculated respectively as %100/100/100, %97.4/89.5/95.9, %98.7/94.7/98, %98.7/94.7/98 for the SII and %98.7/100/99 for the fat fraction values of 3D VIBE-Dixon technique at 3T. Conclusion: Although there is no significant difference between diagnostic performance of chemical shift imaging techniques at 1.5T and 3T for differentiation adrenal adenomas from non-adenomas, the sensitivity/specificity/accuracy values were higher at 1.5T which has well established sequence parameters.
Aims and Objectives: Incidental adrenal lesions are frequently encountered in daily practice of radiology. Majority of these lesions are asymptomatic adenomas. However, accurate differentiation of benign adenomas and non-adenomas is crucial in patients with a known primary malignancy. The use of chemical shift imaging for characterization of adrenal lesions at 1.5T is well established, but there is paucity of data at 3T. Furthermore there is no consensus in the literature about the optimal sequence parameters for chemical shift MRI at 3T. The purpose of this study was to compare three chemical shift MRI sequences (two dimensional (2D) spoiled gradient echo (sGRE), 3D VIBE and 3D VIBE-Dixon) at 3T and 2D sGRE chemical shift imaging at 1.5T to assess the ability of detecting microscopic fat in adrenal adenoma and their usefulness for differentiation between adrenal adenomas and non-adenomas. Methods and Materials: We evaluated 97 adrenal masses (78 adenomas, 19 non-adenomas) in 78 patients. There were 52 female and 25 male raging in age from 32 to 77 years (mean 59.05). All of the patients underwent both 1.5T and 3T chemical shift MRI. After localization imaging, T1W/T2W and chemical shift imaging were acquired. Chemical shift MRI was performed with 2D sGRE at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon at 3T MR unit. For each lesion, in/opposed phase and water/fat only images were viewed on the same screen to detect the slice that was used in quantitative image analysis and signal intensity (SI) values were measured. Using mean SI values of adrenal lesions on the in/opposed phase and water/fat only images, the signal intensity index (SII) and fat fraction values were calculated. The Wilcoxon signed-ranked test was used to determine if there was statistically significant difference between the SII values of the each sequence to assess their ability of detecting microscopic fat in adrenal adenomas. ROC analysis was performed for the SII values of each sequence and the fat fraction values of 3D VIBE-Dixon sequence to identify optimal thresholds that maximizing the average of sensitivity and specificity. Results: In 66 of 77 patients, 78 adrenal lesions were diagnosed as adenoma. Diagnostic confirmation of the 67 adrenal adenomas in 58 patients was based on less than 10% variation in the lesion’s maximum transverse diameter during MR imaging follow up for a minimum duration of 12 months. 11 adrenal lesions in 8 patients were classified as a benign adrenal adenoma on the basis of unenhanced CT attenuation values of less than 10 HU. The remaining 19 lesions in 11 patients were diagnosed as non-adenoma which included 18 metastases and 1 pheochromocytoma. Among the non-adenomas, 17 lesions in 9 patients were classified as metastasis due to new occurrence in follow up MR images. Proof of diagnosis was obtained on the basis of histological confirmation in two lesions (1 metastasis, 1 pheochromocytoma) after surgery. The mean SII values (± standard deviation of mean) of adrenal adenomas in 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T were calculated as 72.32±13.66, 58.44±11.25, 69.11±11.39, 57.76±13.17 respectively. The mean SII value of 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T was significantly higher than all of the chemical shift imaging techniques at 3T (p=0.001). There was no significant difference between the mean SII values of 2D sGRE and 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T (p=0.685). The sensitivity/specificity/accuracy values of 2D sGRE technique at 1.5T and 2D sGRE, 3D VIBE, 3D VIBE-Dixon techniques at 3T were calculated respectively as %100/100/100, %97.4/89.5/95.9, %98.7/94.7/98, %98.7/94.7/98 for the SII and %98.7/100/99 for the fat fraction values of 3D VIBE-Dixon technique at 3T. Conclusion: Although there is no significant difference between diagnostic performance of chemical shift imaging techniques at 1.5T and 3T for differentiation adrenal adenomas from non-adenomas, the sensitivity/specificity/accuracy values were higher at 1.5T which has well established sequence parameters.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Adrenal Bezler, Kimyasal Kayma Görüntüleme, MRG, Adrenal Glands, Chemical Shift İmaging, MRI