Yağ alma flottelerindeki doğal yağların deri yağlamada kullanılabilirliği üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada; solvent esaslı yağ alma atık flottelerinden geri kazanılan doğal yağlar üzerinde çalışılmış ve öncelikle atık flottelerin ve doğal yağların kirlilik yükleri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, doğal yağların bazı fiziksel ve kimyasal özellikleri tesbit edilmiştir.Daha sonra; doğal yağ çeşitli emülgatörler ve sentetik bir yağ ile karıştırılarak iki farklı emülsifikasyon reçetesi hazırlanmış ve emülsiyon formuna dönüştürülmüştür. Bundan sonra; doğal yağın deri üretiminde kullanılabilirliğinin ortaya konulması ve sonuçların pratik açıdan değerlendirilmesi amacıyla hazırlanan doğal yağ emülsiyonları standart bir reçeteye göre yağlama aşmasma kadar işlenmiş deri örneklerine tatbik edilmiştir. Bu şekilde üretilen mamul derilere bazı fiziksel test ve kimyasal analizler uygulanarak elde edilen bulgular istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir.Atık flottelere ve doğal yağlara uygulanan analiz sonuçlarına göre; solvent esaslı yağ alma atık flottelerinin ve doğal yağların, oldukça yüksek KOI değerlerine sahip oldukları, doğal yağdaki doymuş yağ asidi oranının % 38,6825, doymamış yağ asidi oranının ise % 58,0061 olduğu, doğal yağ içinde en fazla bulunan yağ asitlerinin oleik, palmitik ve stearik asitler olduğu saptanmıştır. Mamul derilere uygulanan bazı fiziksel test ve kimyasal analiz sonuçlarına göre; doğal yağ + sentetik yağ esaslı yönteme göre işlenen derilerin yumuşaklık, kubelkada su emme, kopma mukavemeti, kopma uzaması, dikiş yırtılma mukavemeti, cilt çatlama uzaması, cilt patlama mukavemeti, rutubet ve diklormetanda çözünen madde miktarı değerlerinin doğal yağın tek başına kullanıldığı yöntemle işlenen derilerden daha yüksek olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Ayrıca; mamul deriler üzerinde yapılan sübjektif incelemeler sonucunda, her iki yönteme göre yağlanmış derilerde de herhangi bir yağ kusmasının meydana gelmediği görülmüştür. Anahtar Sözcükler: Yağ Alma, Atıksu, Deri Doğal Yağı, Sentetik Yağ, Yağlama, Yumuşaklık, Yağ Kusması
In this research, natural grease has been recycled from the wasted float of the solvent degreasing process and pollution load of natural grease and wasted float have been studied. Furtermore, the physical and chemical properties of natural grease have been determined. Then, natural grease has been mixed with various emulgators, synthetic oil and prepared emulsification prescription as two different forms to transform the natural grease into the emulsion format. Afterwards, for the evaluation of natural grease to use in leather production and then for the evaluation of results practically, natural grease emulsions have been applied to the leather samples which were produced with a standart prescription. Finally, some physical tests and chemical analyses have been applied to the leathers which produced with the above process and results statistically evaluted.Under the light of analysis results of the wasted float and natural grease, the solvent decreasing float and natural grease have shown the highest COD values and the saturated fatty acid level of natural grease was found 38,6825 %, and also unsaturated fatty acid level was found 58,0061 % found with oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids which create the majority of natural grease. According to the results of physical tests and chemical analyses of the finished leather, the mixture of natural grease and synthetic oil has shown the highest tests and analyses values then natural grease by itself, especially for the leather softness, water absorption-Kubelka, tensile strength, elongation at break, stitch tear strenght, humidity and fatty substances. Besides, the subjective observations on the finished fatliquored leathers have shown no fatty spue for both methods. Key Words: Degreasing, Effluent, Skin Natural Grease, Synthetic Oil, Fatliquoring, Softness, Fatty Spue
In this research, natural grease has been recycled from the wasted float of the solvent degreasing process and pollution load of natural grease and wasted float have been studied. Furtermore, the physical and chemical properties of natural grease have been determined. Then, natural grease has been mixed with various emulgators, synthetic oil and prepared emulsification prescription as two different forms to transform the natural grease into the emulsion format. Afterwards, for the evaluation of natural grease to use in leather production and then for the evaluation of results practically, natural grease emulsions have been applied to the leather samples which were produced with a standart prescription. Finally, some physical tests and chemical analyses have been applied to the leathers which produced with the above process and results statistically evaluted.Under the light of analysis results of the wasted float and natural grease, the solvent decreasing float and natural grease have shown the highest COD values and the saturated fatty acid level of natural grease was found 38,6825 %, and also unsaturated fatty acid level was found 58,0061 % found with oleic, palmitic, and stearic acids which create the majority of natural grease. According to the results of physical tests and chemical analyses of the finished leather, the mixture of natural grease and synthetic oil has shown the highest tests and analyses values then natural grease by itself, especially for the leather softness, water absorption-Kubelka, tensile strength, elongation at break, stitch tear strenght, humidity and fatty substances. Besides, the subjective observations on the finished fatliquored leathers have shown no fatty spue for both methods. Key Words: Degreasing, Effluent, Skin Natural Grease, Synthetic Oil, Fatliquoring, Softness, Fatty Spue
Anahtar Kelimeler
Deri ve Kürk Teknolojisi, Leather and Fur Technology, Deri endüstrisi, Leather industry, Doğal yağ, Natural grease, Yağ alma, Degreasing, Yağlama, Lubrication