Demirköprü baraj gölünde (Manisa) mevsimsel plankton yapısı değişimleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, Ege Bölgesi'nin en büyük ve enerji üretimi amacıyla ilk olarak inşa edilen Demirköprü Baraj Gölü'nün plankton topluluk yapısının mevsimsel değişimleri ve bu değişimlere etki eden fiziksel ve kimyasal faktörler incelenmiştir.Bu amaçla gölde tespit edilen 5 istasyonda aylık periyotlarda plankton ve su numuneleri alınmıştır. Sıcaklık, pH, çözünmüş oksijen, elektriksel iletkenlik, secchi disk derinliği in situ olarak ölçülmüştür. Biyoloji laboratuarında klorofil-a analizi yapılmış, plankton numuneleri kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca alınan su numunelerinden amonyum, nitrit, nitrat, orto-fosfat, toplam alkalinite, demir, kalsiyum, klorür, sodyum, potasyum, kalsiyum ve magnezyum analizleri yapılmıştır.Taksonomik analizler neticesinde Cyanophyta'dan 19, Chlorophyta'dan 27, Chromophyta'dan 38, Euglenophyta'dan 2 ve Pyrrophyta'dan 2, Rotifera'dan 20, Crustacea'den 9 ve Protozoa'dan 6 olmak üzere toplam 123 takson tespit edilmiştir.Klorofil-a değerlerine bakıldığında baraj gölünün ötrofik yapıda olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Fitoplankton bolluğu Mayıs ayında güçlü düzeyde olmak üzere Eylül ve Şubat aylarında artışlar göstermiştir. Fitoplankton bolluğunun Eylül ayındaki artışını takiben zooplankton bolluğunda da artış gözlenmiştir. Anabaena flos-aqua, Asterionella formosa, Melosira granulata, Navicula virudula, Synedra ulna, Tribonema sp, Ceratium hirundinella Keratella cochlearis ve Cyclops sp. baskın taksonlar olarak tespit edilmiştir.Planktonun bolluğu ile çevresel faktörlerin analizinde istatistiksel yöntemlerden CCA kullanılmıştır
Seasonal changes in plankton community structure and some physical and chemical factors that had influences on observed changes were investigated in Demirköprü Dam Lake which is the biggest dam lake within Aegean Region and which was the first to have been builded in order to generate electrical energy.With those goals mentioned above, plankton and water samples were sampled in five different fixed stations within dam lake in monthly intervals. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and sechhi disk dept were measured in situ. Samples taken for chlorophyll-a were analysed, plankton were identified and counted in biology laboratory. Besides, the analysis of amonium, nitrite, nitrate, ortho-phosphate, total alkalinity, iron, calcium, chloride, sodium, potassium and magnesium were conducted in water samples taken.According to the results of taxonomical analysis of plankton, totally 123 taxa were determined. Of them, 19 belong to Cyanophyta, 27 belong to Chlorophyta, 38 belong to Chromophyta, 2 belong to Euglenophyta, 2 belong to Pyrrophyta, 20 belong to Rotifeta, 9 belong to Crustace and 6 belong to Protozoa.According to the value of chlorophyll-a, dam lake was classified as eutrophic.The abundance of phytoplankton, which had shown strong level in May, had showed increases in September and February. Following the increase in phytoplankton abundance in September, it also wa observed increases in the abundance of zooplankton..Anabaena flos-aquae, Asterionella formosa, Melosira granulata, Navicula virudula, Synedra ulna, Tribonema sp., Ceratium hirundinella, Keratella cochlearis, Cyclops sp. were identified as dominant species.The abundance of plankton and relation to some environmental variables were analysed statistically via CCA technique.
Seasonal changes in plankton community structure and some physical and chemical factors that had influences on observed changes were investigated in Demirköprü Dam Lake which is the biggest dam lake within Aegean Region and which was the first to have been builded in order to generate electrical energy.With those goals mentioned above, plankton and water samples were sampled in five different fixed stations within dam lake in monthly intervals. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and sechhi disk dept were measured in situ. Samples taken for chlorophyll-a were analysed, plankton were identified and counted in biology laboratory. Besides, the analysis of amonium, nitrite, nitrate, ortho-phosphate, total alkalinity, iron, calcium, chloride, sodium, potassium and magnesium were conducted in water samples taken.According to the results of taxonomical analysis of plankton, totally 123 taxa were determined. Of them, 19 belong to Cyanophyta, 27 belong to Chlorophyta, 38 belong to Chromophyta, 2 belong to Euglenophyta, 2 belong to Pyrrophyta, 20 belong to Rotifeta, 9 belong to Crustace and 6 belong to Protozoa.According to the value of chlorophyll-a, dam lake was classified as eutrophic.The abundance of phytoplankton, which had shown strong level in May, had showed increases in September and February. Following the increase in phytoplankton abundance in September, it also wa observed increases in the abundance of zooplankton..Anabaena flos-aquae, Asterionella formosa, Melosira granulata, Navicula virudula, Synedra ulna, Tribonema sp., Ceratium hirundinella, Keratella cochlearis, Cyclops sp. were identified as dominant species.The abundance of plankton and relation to some environmental variables were analysed statistically via CCA technique.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Manisa, Manisa, Mevsimsel değişim, Seasonal variation, Türkiye, Turkey