Otopark üstü fotovoltaik güç sisteminin parametrik tasarımı
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Kent içi alanların doğru planlaması hem alan yoğunluğunun hem de trafik probleminin giderilmesi açısından büyük önem taşımaktadır. Nüfus yoğunluğunun yüksek olduğu noktalarda otopark düzenlemesi yapılarak alanların ve trafiğin doğru yönetilmesi gerekmektedir. Aynı zamanda, otopark alanlarına çatı üstü güneş enerjisi santralleri kurulması yenilenebilir enerji üretimi açısından büyük avantajdır. Bu tür kent içi santrallerin tasarımında çevre yapılardan kaynaklı gölgelenmenin toplam performansa doğrudan etkisi bulunmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında öncelikle İzmir ili kent içerisindeki boş bir arazide 1.704 adet araç, 64 adet motosiklet park yeri ve 64 adet elektrikli araç şarj istasyonuna sahip bir otopark tasarımı yapılmıştır. Ayrıca bu otoparkın gölgelikleri üzerinde bir güneş enerjisi santrali planlanmış, kullanılacak fotovoltaik panellerin ve eviricilerin seçilmesiyle bir sistem tasarımı yapılmıştır. Parametrik tasarım yazılımı aracılığıyla, tasarlanan otopark alanındaki güneş ışınım ve gölge oluşum simülasyonları yapılmış, ardından yıllık bazdaki elektrik üretim performansları incelenerek karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak 24.995 m2’lik alana sahip gölgelikler üzerine yerleştirilen 7.006 adet fotovoltaik panel ile yıl boyunca toplamda 8.084 MWh/yıl elektrik üretilebildiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
The effective planning of urban areas is important in terms of eliminating both field density and traffic problem. Parking lots should be arranged to manage spaces and traffic at the points where there is high density of population. On the other hand, installing rooftop solar energy plants over parking lots are highly advantageous in terms of renewable energy production. In the design process of such urban power plants, the shading caused by surrounding buildings has direct effect on overall performance. In this thesis study, firstly a parking lot was designed on an empty parcel in the urban area of İzmir province, with the capacity of 1.704 vehicles, 64 motorcycles and 64 electic vehicle charging stations. In addition, a solar power plant was planned over the parking lot canopies, then a power system was designed by selecting the proper photovoltaic panels and inverters. On the parametric simulation software, the solar radiation and shadow simulations on the designed parking lot were run, after that annual electricity generation performances were investigated and comparisons were made. In the conclusion, it has been found that 7.006 photovoltaic panels placed over the canopies with an area of 24.995 m2 are able to generate 8.084 MWh/yr electricity.
The effective planning of urban areas is important in terms of eliminating both field density and traffic problem. Parking lots should be arranged to manage spaces and traffic at the points where there is high density of population. On the other hand, installing rooftop solar energy plants over parking lots are highly advantageous in terms of renewable energy production. In the design process of such urban power plants, the shading caused by surrounding buildings has direct effect on overall performance. In this thesis study, firstly a parking lot was designed on an empty parcel in the urban area of İzmir province, with the capacity of 1.704 vehicles, 64 motorcycles and 64 electic vehicle charging stations. In addition, a solar power plant was planned over the parking lot canopies, then a power system was designed by selecting the proper photovoltaic panels and inverters. On the parametric simulation software, the solar radiation and shadow simulations on the designed parking lot were run, after that annual electricity generation performances were investigated and comparisons were made. In the conclusion, it has been found that 7.006 photovoltaic panels placed over the canopies with an area of 24.995 m2 are able to generate 8.084 MWh/yr electricity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parametrik Tasarım, Güneş Enerjisi, Fotovoltaik, Gölge Analizi, Otopark Tasarımı, Grasshopper, Parametric Design, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic, Shadow Analysis, Parking Lot Design, Grasshopper