İzmir ili çevresinde bulunan yem fabrikalarında biyolojik risk faktörlerinden mikrobiyal alerjenlerin belirlenmesi ve risk analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışmasının amacı, biyoaerosol bakımından oldukça zengin mesleki çevrelerden biri olan yem fabrikalarının havasındaki mikrobiyal konsantrasyonun saptanması, alerjik reaksiyonlar ile ilişkili Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria ve Cladosporium genuslarının oranlarının belirlenmesi ve 5x5 L - Tipi Matris yöntemi ile risk analizinin yapılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda, bakteri ve küflerin toplanması Eco-Mass 100 Hava Örnekleme cihazı ile yapılmıştır. 9,4×103 kob/m3 (9382 koloni) bakteri ve 9,4×103 kob/m3 (9412 koloni) fungus kolonisi izole edilmiştir. İdentifikasyonu yapılan 4 alerjen genusun koloni sayılarına göre dağılımları; 4489 koloni Aspergillus spp. (%47.7), 2179 koloni Cladosporium spp. (%23.2), 795 koloni Alternaria spp. (%8.5), 590 koloni Penicillium spp. (%6.3) ve 1359 koloni diğer grup (%14.4) şeklindedir. Bu çalışmada, örnekleme yapılan 3 yem fabrikasında da baskın genus Aspergillus spp. olarak saptanmıştır. Biyolojik risk etmenleri belirlenmiş ve risk analizi 5x5 L- Tipi Matris ile yapılmıştır.
The aim of this thesis is to determine the microbial concentration in the air of feed mills, which is one of the very rich occupational environments in bioaerosol, to determine the percentage of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria and Cladosporium genera related to allergic reactions and to perform risk analysis by 5x5 L-Type matrix method. In this context, bacteria and molds were samples collected with Eco-Mass 100 Air Sampling Device. 9,4×103 cfu/m3 (9382 colonies) bacteria and 9,4×103 cfu/m3 (9412 colonies) fungi colonies were isolated. The distribution of 4 allergen genera identified according to the number of colonies were 4489 colonies Aspergillus spp. (%47.7), 2179 colonies Cladosporium spp. (%23.2), 795 colonies Alternaria spp. (%8.5), 590 colonies Penicillium spp. (%6.3) and 1359 colonies others (%14.4). In this study, the dominant genus was determined as Aspergillus spp. in all 3 feed factories. Biological risk factors were determined and risk analysis was performed with 5x5 L-Type Matrix.
The aim of this thesis is to determine the microbial concentration in the air of feed mills, which is one of the very rich occupational environments in bioaerosol, to determine the percentage of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria and Cladosporium genera related to allergic reactions and to perform risk analysis by 5x5 L-Type matrix method. In this context, bacteria and molds were samples collected with Eco-Mass 100 Air Sampling Device. 9,4×103 cfu/m3 (9382 colonies) bacteria and 9,4×103 cfu/m3 (9412 colonies) fungi colonies were isolated. The distribution of 4 allergen genera identified according to the number of colonies were 4489 colonies Aspergillus spp. (%47.7), 2179 colonies Cladosporium spp. (%23.2), 795 colonies Alternaria spp. (%8.5), 590 colonies Penicillium spp. (%6.3) and 1359 colonies others (%14.4). In this study, the dominant genus was determined as Aspergillus spp. in all 3 feed factories. Biological risk factors were determined and risk analysis was performed with 5x5 L-Type Matrix.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Risk Analizi, Fungal Alerjenler, Mesleki Organik Toz, Karma Yem, Mikotoksin, L-Tipi Matris, Risk Analysis, Fungal Allergens, Occupational Organic Dust, Mixed Feed, Mycotoxin, L-Type Matrix Method