Hasat öncesi giberellik asit uygulamalarının valencia portakal çeşidinde ağaçta depolama süresinde meyve dökümü ve kalitesine etkileri
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Ege üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Ülkemizde, portakal, üretim miktarı ve ihracat talebinin fazla olması nedeniyle turunçgiller arasında önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Valencia portakalının geçci, sofralık ve sanayiye uygun olması dolayısıyla üretim alanı geniştir. Ancak, bazı yıllar, ihracat sorunları ve yüksek fiyatla satış talebi nedeniyle meyveler ağaç üzerinde depolanarak geç dönemde hasat edilmektedir. Bu durumda, meyveler dökülmekte ve kalite kayıpları meydana gelmektedir. Bu sorunlara çözüm olarak bitki büyüme düzenleyici maddeler kullanılmaktadır. Valencia portakal çeşidinde, ağaçta depolama süresince ortaya çıkan meyve döküm oranı ve kalite kayıplarının önlenmesi amacıyla yürütülen bu çalışmada, ağaçlara 10 ve 20 ppm giberellik asit (GA3), renk dönümü öncesi ve renk dönümü aşamalarında bir veya iki kez püskürtülmüştür. Meyveler normal hasat zamanından (nisan) itibaren birer ay aralıklarla beş dönemde (ağustos) hasat edilmiştir. Her hasat döneminde meyve döküm oranı belirlenerek kalite ölçüm ve analizleri yapılmıştır. Araştırmada, Valencia portakalında iki kez 10 ppm GA3 uygulamasının, meyve döküm oranını azaltarak, meyve kabuğunun renk gelişimini geciktirerek ve meyvelerin kalitesini muhafaza ederek ağustos sonuna kadar ağaçta depolanmasına olanak sağlayabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
In our country, orange has an an important position among citrus because of increasing amount of production and demand of export. Valencia orange is suitable for late-harvested, fresh market and industry. For this purpose, it has a wide production areas. However, fruits are harvested in the late season on-tree storage due to problems of export some years and the demand for high-priced sales. In this case, fruits drop and take place quality losses. The plant growth regulators are used as solving to this problem. Valencia orange, in order to reduce fruit drop and loss of quality happened throughout on-tree storage, 10 or 20 ppm gibberellic acid (GA3) spray to trees one and two times in periods before peel color break and peel color break. Fruits were harvested from april to august by one mounth interval. Fruit drop ratio was determined and quality analysis were carried out in each term. In the experiment, it was seen that two times 10 ppm GA3 applications namely before peel color break and peel color break were reduced fruit drop and delayed color development. Consequently, it has been thought that Valencia Late orange can enable on-tree storage until the end of august to reduce fruit drop percentage, delay peel color development and protect fruit quality.
In our country, orange has an an important position among citrus because of increasing amount of production and demand of export. Valencia orange is suitable for late-harvested, fresh market and industry. For this purpose, it has a wide production areas. However, fruits are harvested in the late season on-tree storage due to problems of export some years and the demand for high-priced sales. In this case, fruits drop and take place quality losses. The plant growth regulators are used as solving to this problem. Valencia orange, in order to reduce fruit drop and loss of quality happened throughout on-tree storage, 10 or 20 ppm gibberellic acid (GA3) spray to trees one and two times in periods before peel color break and peel color break. Fruits were harvested from april to august by one mounth interval. Fruit drop ratio was determined and quality analysis were carried out in each term. In the experiment, it was seen that two times 10 ppm GA3 applications namely before peel color break and peel color break were reduced fruit drop and delayed color development. Consequently, it has been thought that Valencia Late orange can enable on-tree storage until the end of august to reduce fruit drop percentage, delay peel color development and protect fruit quality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Valensiya Late portakalı, GA3, Ağaçta Depolama, Kalite, Valencia Late orange, GA3, On-Tree Storage, Quality