Insan prostat kanser hücre kültüründe matriks metalloproteinaz enzim ekspresyonunun düzenlenmesinde NF-KB sinyalizasyonunun rolünün incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Prostat kanseri, özellikle modern toplumlardaki erkeklerde önemli bir morbidite ve mortalite nedeni olan ancak mekanizması tam olarak aydınlatılamayan bir kanser türüdür. Matriks metalloproteinaz enzimlerinin (MMP'ler) aşırı matriks yıkımına yol açarak kanser gelişiminde önemli rol oynadıkları bilinmektedir. Prostat kanseri araştırmaları MMP'lerin inflamasyon, malign hücre proliferasyonu, metastaz ve anjiyojenez gibi pek çok patolojik süreçte rol oynadığını göstermiştir. Önemli bir transkripsiyon faktörü olan nükleer faktör kappa B'nin (NF-kB) çeşitli kanser türlerinde oluşan anormal aktivitesinin MMP aktivasyonuna ve sonuçta malign hücre proliferasyonu ve invazyonuna yol açtığı bildirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda, insan prostat kanseri PC-3 hücre hattında MMP ekspresyon ve aktivitesinin düzenlenmesinde NF-kB sinyalizasyonunun rolü ve doksisiklinin inhibitör etkileri incelenmiştir. PC-3 hücreler LPS ile indüklenmiş, daha sonra bu indüksiyonun ve doksisiklinin NF-kB sinyalizasyonu ile MMP'ler üzerindeki etkileri, jelatin zimografi, western blotlama ve immünohistokimya yöntemleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. LPS indüksiyonu PC-3 hücrelerinde proliferasyona neden olmuş, doksisiklin hücre proliferasyonundaki bu artışı inhibe etmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, LPS indüksiyonu jelatinaz ekspresyon ve aktivitelerinde, MMP-8, MMP-10, NF-kB(p65), p-IkB-, IKK-ß ekspresyonlarında ve ayrıca p65'in nükleusa translokasyonunda artışa neden olmuştur. Doksisiklin LPS ile indüklenen jelatinaz ekspresyon ve aktiviteleri ile MMP-8, NF-kB(p65), p-IkB- ekspresyonlarını ve aynı zamanda p65'in nükleusa translokasyonunu inhibe etmiştir. Ayrıca doksisiklin IKK-ß ve MMP-10 ekpresyon artışlarını inhibe etmemesine karşın, inhibe etme eğilimi göstermiştir. Diğer yandan, MMP-2 ve IkB-ekspresyon düzeyleri LPS ya da doksisiklin ile değişmemiştir. Çalışmamızın sonuçları, PC-3 hücrelerinde LPS ile indüklenen MMP ekspresyon ve aktivasyonunun düzenlenmesinde NF-kB sinyalizasyonunun önemli role sahip olabileceğine işaret etmektedir. Doksisiklin NF-kB sinyalizasyonunu ve dolayısıyla MMP'leri inhibe edebilir. Doksisiklin, yararlı etkileri ile prostat kanseri tedavisine yeni bir terapötik yaklaşım sağlayabilir
Prostate cancer is a kind of cancer which causes considerable morbidity and mortality in men in modern societies, but its mechanism is not fully elucidated. Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes (MMPs) are known to play important role in cancer progression by inducing excess matrix degradation. Prostate cancer studies have shown that MMPs play crucial role in most of pathological processes such as inflammation, malign cell proliferation, metastasis and angiogenesis. Abnormal activity of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) which is an important transcription factor, in some kind of cancers was reported to cause MMP activation, and proliferation and invasion of malign cell. In our study, the role of NF-kB signaling in the regulation of MMP expression and activity, and the inhibitory effects of doxycycline were investigated in PC-3 human prostate cancer cell line. PC-3 cells were induced by LPS, and then the effects of this induction and doxycycline on NF-kB signalling and MMPs were evaluated by using gelatin zymography, western blotting and immunohistocemistry. LPS induction caused increased cell proliferation and doxycycline inhibited this increment in PC-3 cells. Besides, LPS induction led to increased expression and activities of gelatinases and increased expressions of MMP-8, MMP-10, NF-kB(p65), p-IkB-, IKK-ß and also increased translocation of p65 to nucleus. Doxycycline inhibited LPS-induced gelatinase expression and activities, and expressions of MMP-8, NF-kB(p65), p-IKB- and also translocation of p65 to nucleus. Furthermore, although doxycycline did not inhibit increased IKK-ß and MMP-10 expressions, it tended to inhibit these expressions. On the other hand, MMP-2 and IkB- expression levels did not change by either LPS or doxycycline. Our findings indicate that NF-kB signaling may have an important role in the regulation of LPS-induced MMP expression and activation in PC-3 cells. Doxycycline may inhibit NF-kB signaling and thereby MMPs. Doxycycline may offer a novel therapeutic approach to prostate cancer therapy because of its useful effects.
Prostate cancer is a kind of cancer which causes considerable morbidity and mortality in men in modern societies, but its mechanism is not fully elucidated. Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes (MMPs) are known to play important role in cancer progression by inducing excess matrix degradation. Prostate cancer studies have shown that MMPs play crucial role in most of pathological processes such as inflammation, malign cell proliferation, metastasis and angiogenesis. Abnormal activity of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) which is an important transcription factor, in some kind of cancers was reported to cause MMP activation, and proliferation and invasion of malign cell. In our study, the role of NF-kB signaling in the regulation of MMP expression and activity, and the inhibitory effects of doxycycline were investigated in PC-3 human prostate cancer cell line. PC-3 cells were induced by LPS, and then the effects of this induction and doxycycline on NF-kB signalling and MMPs were evaluated by using gelatin zymography, western blotting and immunohistocemistry. LPS induction caused increased cell proliferation and doxycycline inhibited this increment in PC-3 cells. Besides, LPS induction led to increased expression and activities of gelatinases and increased expressions of MMP-8, MMP-10, NF-kB(p65), p-IkB-, IKK-ß and also increased translocation of p65 to nucleus. Doxycycline inhibited LPS-induced gelatinase expression and activities, and expressions of MMP-8, NF-kB(p65), p-IKB- and also translocation of p65 to nucleus. Furthermore, although doxycycline did not inhibit increased IKK-ß and MMP-10 expressions, it tended to inhibit these expressions. On the other hand, MMP-2 and IkB- expression levels did not change by either LPS or doxycycline. Our findings indicate that NF-kB signaling may have an important role in the regulation of LPS-induced MMP expression and activation in PC-3 cells. Doxycycline may inhibit NF-kB signaling and thereby MMPs. Doxycycline may offer a novel therapeutic approach to prostate cancer therapy because of its useful effects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Matriks metalloproteinazlar, Matrix metalloproteinases, Neoplazmlar, Neoplasms, Nükleer faktör-kappa B, Nuclear factor-kappa B, Prostat, Prostate, Prostat neoplazmları, Prostatic neoplasms