Manyetik kateterin mekanik ve kinematik modellenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Mikrorobotlar günümüz teknolojisinde hasta teşhis ve tedavisinde kullanımı yaygınlaşan, önemli araçlardır. Bağlantılı (Tethered) ve bağlantısız (Untethered) çeşitleri bulunan mikrorobotlar aktivasyon çeşitlerine göre 7 sınıfa ayrılabilmektedir. Mekanik aktivasyon sistemlerinin mikrorobotlar üzerindeki en büyük handikapı boyutsal kısıtlardır. Bu kısıtlar, manyetik aktivasyon ile mikrorobot hareketinin sağlanması konusundaki araştırmaları arttırmaktadır. Manyetik aktivasyon sistemi gücü, mikrorobota temassız iletmesi sebebiyle mikrorobotun boyut kısıtını ortadan kaldırabilmektedir. Tüm bunlar göz önüne alındığında günümüzün en ciddi sağlık sorunlarından olan kanserin, en ölümcül türü olan akciğer kanserinin erken teşhis ve tedavisinde, görüntüleme, ilaç taşıma, hücre işaretleme vb işlemler için kullanılan, bronkoskopi kateteri teknolojisinin de manyetik aktivasyon tipi bağlı mikrorobot teknolojilerine yönelmesine sebep olmuştur. Bu çalışmada, bronkoskopi işlemi için kullanılması ön görülen manyetik uçlu kateterler geliştirilmiş, üretilmiş ve mekanik testleri yapılarak manyetik etki altındaki olası davranışları belirlenmiştir. Manyetik kuvvetler altındaki sapmalarını ve hareket kabiliyetini hesaplayacak mekanik modeller geliştirilmiştir. Bu modeller geliştirilirken kateter bir ankastre kiriş olarak tanımlanmış ve Euller-Bernoulli kiriş teorisi, Sözde Rijit Gövde Modeli (PRBM) ve Bilgisayar Destekli Sonlu Elemanlar metotları (FEM) kullanılarak, belirlenen bir örnek uygulama bölgesi için geliştirilmiştir. İleriki çalışmalarda robotik bronkoskopi sistemlerinde kullanılabilmesi için mekanik özellikleri ölçülmüş prototipler elde edilmiştir. Oluşturulan mekanik modeller, bu prototip kullanılarak deneyler ile doğrulanmıştır. Neticede Manyetik uçlu esnek bronkoskopik kateter tasarımı yapılmış, prototipi üretilmiş, bu prototip için statik modeller oluşturularak kateter hareketini hesaplayan modeller kurulmuş, bu modeller deneyler ile doğrulanmıştır
Microrobots are important tools that are widely used in patient diagnosis and treatment in today's technology. Microrobots, which have Tethered and Untethered types, can be divided into 7 classes according to their activation types. The biggest handicap of mechanical activation types of microrobots is dimensional constraints. These constraints increase research on magnetic activation for microrobot movement. The magnetic activation system can eliminate the size constraint of the microrobot due to the non-contact transmission of power to the microrobot. Considering all these, bronchoscopy catheter technology, which is used for imaging, drug delivery, cell marking, etc, in the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, which is one of the most serious health problems of today, and lung cancer, which is the most deadly type of this, has also led to the advancement of magnetic activation type Tethered microrobot technologies. In this study, magnetic-tipped catheters, which are intended to be used for bronchoscopy, were developed, manufactured and mechanically tested, and their possible behavior under magnetic field was determined. Mechanical models have been developed to calculate their response and deflection under magnetic forces. While developing these models, the catheter was defined as a fixed beam and was developed for a specified sample application region using Euller-Bernoulli beam theory, Pseudo-Rigid Body Model (PRBM) and Computer Aided Finite Element Methods (FEM). In future studies, prototypes with measured mechanical properties were obtained to be used in robotic bronchoscopy systems. The mechanical models which were created, were verified by experiments using this prototype. As a result, magnetic tipped flexible bronchoscopic catheter was designed, its prototype was produced, static models were established and calculating the catheter movement for this prototype, and these models were verified by experiments.
Microrobots are important tools that are widely used in patient diagnosis and treatment in today's technology. Microrobots, which have Tethered and Untethered types, can be divided into 7 classes according to their activation types. The biggest handicap of mechanical activation types of microrobots is dimensional constraints. These constraints increase research on magnetic activation for microrobot movement. The magnetic activation system can eliminate the size constraint of the microrobot due to the non-contact transmission of power to the microrobot. Considering all these, bronchoscopy catheter technology, which is used for imaging, drug delivery, cell marking, etc, in the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer, which is one of the most serious health problems of today, and lung cancer, which is the most deadly type of this, has also led to the advancement of magnetic activation type Tethered microrobot technologies. In this study, magnetic-tipped catheters, which are intended to be used for bronchoscopy, were developed, manufactured and mechanically tested, and their possible behavior under magnetic field was determined. Mechanical models have been developed to calculate their response and deflection under magnetic forces. While developing these models, the catheter was defined as a fixed beam and was developed for a specified sample application region using Euller-Bernoulli beam theory, Pseudo-Rigid Body Model (PRBM) and Computer Aided Finite Element Methods (FEM). In future studies, prototypes with measured mechanical properties were obtained to be used in robotic bronchoscopy systems. The mechanical models which were created, were verified by experiments using this prototype. As a result, magnetic tipped flexible bronchoscopic catheter was designed, its prototype was produced, static models were established and calculating the catheter movement for this prototype, and these models were verified by experiments.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Makine Mühendisliği, Mechanical Engineering