Bilimkurgu edebiyatında araçsallık-özgürlük gerilimi: Makine/insan
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Aydınlanma, Sanayi Devrimi, emperyalizm ve sömürgecilik ile karakterize edilen 19. yüzyıl, yeni bir aklın, yeni bir bilimin, yeni bir tekniğin, yeni bir insanın ve tam da bu dönüşümün ortaya çıkardığı yeni bir kurgu türünün, yani bilimkurgunun doğuşuna tanıklık etmiştir. Ortaya çıkışından bu yana teknolojiyi ve onun insan ve toplum üzerindeki etkilerini sorunsallaştırmış olan bilimkurgu, insan-teknoloji ilişkisine dair gelgitli bir tutuma sahip olmuştur. Kimi yazarlar bilim ve teknolojiye bir kurtarıcı rolü atfederek onları insanlığı daha ileri bir noktaya taşıyacak araçlar olarak görmüş, kimi yazarlar endüstriyel kapitalizmle iç içe olan bu tekniğin insanı nesneleştiren ve yabancılaştıran veçhesine vurgu yapmış, kimi yazarlar ise bu konuda daha ikircikli bir yaklaşımı benimsemiştir. Bu çalışmada insan-teknoloji ilişkisine dair farklı görüşlerin temsilcileri olarak gördüğümüz Čapek, Asimov, Dick, Shelley, Villiers ve Moore gibi yazarların metinlerindeki robot, android ve siborg figürleri üzerinden, söz konusu gerilimin izi sürülecektir. Çalışmamızın merkezine özellikle bu figürleri koymamızın sebebi, onların insan ve makine kategorilerinin farklı tarzlarda iç içe geçtiği melez ve çok-anlamlı figürler olarak, bu gerilimin izini sürmek için oldukça elverişli olmaları ve insan-teknoloji ilişkisi konusunda farklı okumalara imkan tanımalarıdır.
19th century, which is characterized with the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, imperialism and colonialism, witnessed the birth of a new reason, a new science, a new technique, a new human and a new genre of fiction—that is science fiction, which emerged precisely as a result of this transformation. Science fiction which has problematized technology and its effects on humans and society since the beginning of its emergence, has had an indecisive attitude towards human-technology relation. Some authors viewed science and technology as tools that will move humanity forward, assigning them the role of a savior, some emphasized the objectifying and alienating aspect of this technique that is nested in industrial capitalism, and still others had a more ambivalent approach. In this thesis the aforementioned tension will be traced via the figures of robots, androids and cyborgs in the texts of Čapek, Asimov, Dick, Shelley, Villiers and Moore, which we consider as representatives of differing views on human-technology relation. The reason why we focus on these figures is that they are suitable to trace this tension as hybrid and ambiguous figures in which the human and machine is intertwined in different ways and that they enable varied ways to read the human-technology relation.
19th century, which is characterized with the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, imperialism and colonialism, witnessed the birth of a new reason, a new science, a new technique, a new human and a new genre of fiction—that is science fiction, which emerged precisely as a result of this transformation. Science fiction which has problematized technology and its effects on humans and society since the beginning of its emergence, has had an indecisive attitude towards human-technology relation. Some authors viewed science and technology as tools that will move humanity forward, assigning them the role of a savior, some emphasized the objectifying and alienating aspect of this technique that is nested in industrial capitalism, and still others had a more ambivalent approach. In this thesis the aforementioned tension will be traced via the figures of robots, androids and cyborgs in the texts of Čapek, Asimov, Dick, Shelley, Villiers and Moore, which we consider as representatives of differing views on human-technology relation. The reason why we focus on these figures is that they are suitable to trace this tension as hybrid and ambiguous figures in which the human and machine is intertwined in different ways and that they enable varied ways to read the human-technology relation.