İzmir Yaylaköy, Ovacık ve Küçükkaya mahallelerinde yaşayanların uyku kalitesinin belirlenmesi ve çevresel gürültü ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş ve Amaç: Rüzgar türbinlerinin çevresinde yaşayanlarda işitsel ve görsel rahatsızlığa bağlı gelişen pek çok sağlık şikâyeti tanımlanmıştır. Rüzgâr türbini gürültüsü çevresel stres yaratarak fizyolojik semptomlara; hipertansiyon, uyku bozuklukları ve psikolojik rahatsızlıklar gibi sistemik çıktılara sebep olabilir. Farklı kişisel ve çevresel özellikler, türbinlere ilişkin risk algısı ve rahatsızlık, bu şikayetlerin oluşmasında gürültü kadar etkili olabilmektedir. Ülkemizde türbin çevresinde yaşayanların sağlık durumlarını ortaya koyacak bir araştırma yürütülmemiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Yaylaköy ve Ovacık'ta rüzgâr türbin sahalarının çevresinde ve Küçükkaya'da yaşayan kişilerin uyku kalitesinin belirlenmesi ve uyku kalitesinin; sosyo-ekonomik özellikler, risk algısı, sağlık durumu ve gürültü ile ilişkisinin incelenmesidir. Çevresel gürültü ölçümleri ile gürültünün sağlık semptomları ve kronik hastalıklarla ilişkisinin ortaya konması da hedeflenmiştir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki bu araştırmada türbin çevresinde yaşayanlara uygulanan uyku kalitesini, risk algısını, sağlık durumunu ve gürültü şikayetlerini sorgulayan anket sorularına ek olarak tansiyon arteryel ölçümü ve konut çevresinde yapılan çevresel gürültü ölçümü ile veriler toplanmıştır. Ovacık, Yaylaköy ve Küçükkaya mahallelerinde ikamet eden 18 yaş üstü 343 kişi araştırma grubunu oluşturmaktadır. Tanımlayıcı verilerin analizi için sayı, yüzde, ortalama ve standart sapma kullanılmıştır. Bağımlı değişkenin diğer değişkenlerle ilişkisini incelemek için ki-kare testi yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmada 282 kişiye ulaşılmıştır, kapsayıcılık %82,2'dir. Araştırma grubunun %50,4'ü kadındır, yaş ortalaması 56,4±17,5'dir. Türbine en yakın konut 586m uzaklıktadır. Katılımcıların %38,7'si türbine yakın oturduğunu, %33,6'sı sağlık etkileri açısından izlenmeleri gerektiğini, %55,6'sı kurulumda çevre halkın söz sahibi olması gerektiğini düşünmektedir. Çalışma grubunun %26,2'si türbinlerle ilgili genel rahatsızlık, %57,5'i gürültü rahatsızlığı bildirmiştir. Kadınların, 57 yaş ve üstündekilerin, herhangi bir kronik hastalığı olanların ve hipertansiyon tanısı olanların uyku kalitesi daha kötü bulunmuştur (p=0,011; 0,025; 0,019; 0,039). Sonuç: Gürültü ile uyku kalitesi arasında doğrudan ilişki bulunmasa da, gürültü ile ilişkilendirilen semptomlardan baş ağrısı, baş dönmesi, çınlama, aşırı yorgunluk, depresif semptomlar ve konsantrasyon güçlüğü varlığı uyku kalitesini olumsuz yönde etkilemiştir. Daha yüksek seviyede gündüz gürültüsüne maruz kalan katılımcılarda, gürültü ile ilişkili semptomlar daha fazla bildirilmiştir. Risk algısı sorularını yanıtlayanların yarısından fazlasının türbinlere ilişkin risk algısı olumsuzdur. Çevresel, sağlık ve rüzgâr türbinine dair risk algısı olumsuz olan grupların, türbinden daha fazla rahatsız olduğu görülmüştür. Rüzgâr enerji santrallerinin kurulumunun yarattığı çevresel değişikliğin insan sağlığı açısından bir risk potansiyeli taşıdığı unutulmamalıdır. Santrallerin olası olumsuz etkileri göz önünde bulundurularak, toplum sağlığını koruyan uygulamalar gerçekleştirilmelidir.
Introduction and Aim: Several health complaints due to aural and visual annoyance have been described on the people who live nearby wind turbines. Wind turbine noise can cause systematic outcomes like physiological symptoms, hypertension, sleep psychological disturbance by inducing environmental stress. Different personal and environmental characteristics, risk perception about turbines and annoyance can influence the complaints as much as noise. There has been no study carried out in Turkey on determining the health status of people who live nearby wind turbine. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sleep quality of people living in Küçükkaya and people living in the vicinity of wind turbines in Yaylaköy and Ovacık and examine the relation between sleep quality and socio-economic status, risk perception, health status and wind turbine noise. It has also been targeted to determine the association between enviromental noise and health symptoms, chronic diseases by carrying out environmental noise measurements. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional research, various type of data has been collected by questionnaire on sleep, risk perception, health status and noise annoyance of people who live nearby wind turbine as well as by measuring blood pressure and environmental noise measurements in the surrounding of the houses. 343 people above age of 18 who lives in villages of Ovacık, Yaylaköy and Küçükkaya have been formed the research group. For the analysis of descriptive statistics, number, percentage, average and standard deviation have been used. The chi-square test was performed to examine the relationship of dependent variable with other variables. Results: 282 person has participated the study, the covarage rate was 82,2%. 50.4% of the study group are women and the average age is 56.4± 17.5. Nearest house was located 586 m away from a turbine. Among the 38.7% of the participants stated that they live close to a turbine, 33.6 % of them think they should be monitored in terms of health effects and 55.6 % of them remarked that people live in the area should have right to comment on construction of the wind turbines. It was found that; 26.2 % of the study group stated general annoyance toward turbines and 57.5 % of them had noise annoyance. Among the participants; women, those above age of 57, who has chronic diseases and that has been diagnosed hypertension had statistically worse sleep quality (p=0,011; 0,025; 0,019; 0,039). Conclusion: Although no direct relation between noise and sleep has been found, symptoms associated with noise such as headache, vertigo, ringing in the ears, undue tiredness, depressive symptoms and difficulty in concentration influence the quality of sleep negatively. The participants who exposure higher levels of day time noise have stated more health symptoms associated with noise. More than half of the respondents who completed the risk perception questions have negative risk perception on wind turbines. The group who has negative risk perception on environment, health and wind turbine, is seen as more annoyed by wind turbines. In the planning and the construction phase of the wind power projects the potential risk of environmental changes should be considered. Protective public health practices should be implemented regarding the possible negative effects of wind power plants.
Introduction and Aim: Several health complaints due to aural and visual annoyance have been described on the people who live nearby wind turbines. Wind turbine noise can cause systematic outcomes like physiological symptoms, hypertension, sleep psychological disturbance by inducing environmental stress. Different personal and environmental characteristics, risk perception about turbines and annoyance can influence the complaints as much as noise. There has been no study carried out in Turkey on determining the health status of people who live nearby wind turbine. The aim of this study is to evaluate the sleep quality of people living in Küçükkaya and people living in the vicinity of wind turbines in Yaylaköy and Ovacık and examine the relation between sleep quality and socio-economic status, risk perception, health status and wind turbine noise. It has also been targeted to determine the association between enviromental noise and health symptoms, chronic diseases by carrying out environmental noise measurements. Material and Methods: In this cross-sectional research, various type of data has been collected by questionnaire on sleep, risk perception, health status and noise annoyance of people who live nearby wind turbine as well as by measuring blood pressure and environmental noise measurements in the surrounding of the houses. 343 people above age of 18 who lives in villages of Ovacık, Yaylaköy and Küçükkaya have been formed the research group. For the analysis of descriptive statistics, number, percentage, average and standard deviation have been used. The chi-square test was performed to examine the relationship of dependent variable with other variables. Results: 282 person has participated the study, the covarage rate was 82,2%. 50.4% of the study group are women and the average age is 56.4± 17.5. Nearest house was located 586 m away from a turbine. Among the 38.7% of the participants stated that they live close to a turbine, 33.6 % of them think they should be monitored in terms of health effects and 55.6 % of them remarked that people live in the area should have right to comment on construction of the wind turbines. It was found that; 26.2 % of the study group stated general annoyance toward turbines and 57.5 % of them had noise annoyance. Among the participants; women, those above age of 57, who has chronic diseases and that has been diagnosed hypertension had statistically worse sleep quality (p=0,011; 0,025; 0,019; 0,039). Conclusion: Although no direct relation between noise and sleep has been found, symptoms associated with noise such as headache, vertigo, ringing in the ears, undue tiredness, depressive symptoms and difficulty in concentration influence the quality of sleep negatively. The participants who exposure higher levels of day time noise have stated more health symptoms associated with noise. More than half of the respondents who completed the risk perception questions have negative risk perception on wind turbines. The group who has negative risk perception on environment, health and wind turbine, is seen as more annoyed by wind turbines. In the planning and the construction phase of the wind power projects the potential risk of environmental changes should be considered. Protective public health practices should be implemented regarding the possible negative effects of wind power plants.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Rüzgar Türbini, Uyku Kalitesi, Sağlık Etkileri, Rahatsızlık, Wind Turbine, Sleep Quality, Health Effects, Annoyance