Çeşitli milli sabit restorasyonlarda kuvvet dağılımının araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Gelişen endodontik tedavi yöntemleri kron kısmı kısmen ya da tamamen harap olmuş dişlerin restore edilerek korunmasına olanak sağlamaktadır. Bu tip dişlerde tutuculuk için kanala yerleştirilen millerden yararlanılır. Kron harabiyeti ise değişik materyallerden core '1ar ile restore edilerek dişe kron uygulanır. Çalışmamızda üst santral dişe uygulanan değişik post-core uygulamalarında fonksiyonel kuvvetler altında rezidüel kök ve kemikte oluşan stresler Sonlu Elemanlar Analizi (Finite Element Analysis) yöntemi ile araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular değerlendirildiğinde kompozit core ' ların en zayıf, amalgam core ' ların kompozit core lara oranla daha güçlü, döküm core ' ların en güçlü olduğu gözlenmiştir. Konik post en yüksek stres dağılımı göstermiştir. Paralel kenarlı postta konik posttan daha iyi stres dağılımı gözlenirken, en düzenli dağılım paralel kenarlı konik uçlu (tapered-end) postta saptanmıştır. Kök ucunda gerilim türü stres, en çok konik postta oluşmuştur. Konik postta dentinde oluşan maximal gerilme stresi nedeniyle kök kırılma riski artmaktadır. Paralel kenarlı silindirik post, apikalde dentin kalınlığını incelttiği için kök kırığı oluşturabilir. En dengeli stres dağılımı tek parça döküm taperedend post-core' da, en kötü stres dağılımı konik post-kompozit core ve konik post-amalgam core' lu uygulamalarda görülmüş tür. Uygulanan kuvvetin aynı değerde, fakat farklı ısırma veya çiğneme noktalarından uygulanması stres dağılımını değiştirmemiştir. Periodontal membrandaki stres dağılımı periodontal liflerin dizilişine uygun bulunmuştur. Alveoler kemikte oluşan stresler, vestibülde minimal gerilme, lingualde maximal sıkışma, apikalde maximal gerilme türünde saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, Sonlu Elemanlar Analizinden yararlanarak yapılacak araştırmaların dişhekimliğine önemli katkılar sağlayacağına olan inancımızı daha da arttırmıştır
SUMMARY The improving endodontic treatment methods make the protection of partly or fully damaged crowns possible by restoring them. During the restoration of such kind of teeth, posts are placed in to the channels inorder to achieve retention. The application of a new crown to the tooth for restoring crown damages is done by the use of cores, which consist of different materials. During the application of different post-core practices in our studies, the stresses, wich were to be seen on residual roots and bones as an effect of functional forces, have been researched by the help of the Finite Element Analysis Method. After the evaluation of the results, it could be easily seen that the composite resin cores were weaker than the amalgam cores, whereas the cast cores were the most resistant ones. Compared with eachother, the parallel sided post has shown a better stress distribution than the tapered post, but most regular distribution could be noticed on the tapered-end post. Stresses at the tip of roots caused by strain (tension) have been mostly seen on tapered posts. Due to this maximum of stress occuring on the tapered post and in the dentin, the probability that a root. may brake is quite high. As the thickness of the dentin in the apical is made thinner a parallel sided cylindirical post fracture of the root may happen. The most balanced stress distribution could be seen on the aplication of single casted tapered-end post cores, whereas the worst stress distribution is observed on the aplications of tapered post-composite resin cores and tapered post-amalgam cores. The application of the same degree of force on different biting or chewing points has not been changing the distribution of stress. The stress distribution of the periodontal membrane has been found suitable according to the arran gement of the periodontal fibres. The stresses to be seen on the alveolar bone have been determined as minimal tension in the vestibule, maximal compression in the lingual and as maximal tension in the apical area. The obtained results of this study strengthened our beliefs in the Finite Element Analysis and that it will contribute much to dentistry.
SUMMARY The improving endodontic treatment methods make the protection of partly or fully damaged crowns possible by restoring them. During the restoration of such kind of teeth, posts are placed in to the channels inorder to achieve retention. The application of a new crown to the tooth for restoring crown damages is done by the use of cores, which consist of different materials. During the application of different post-core practices in our studies, the stresses, wich were to be seen on residual roots and bones as an effect of functional forces, have been researched by the help of the Finite Element Analysis Method. After the evaluation of the results, it could be easily seen that the composite resin cores were weaker than the amalgam cores, whereas the cast cores were the most resistant ones. Compared with eachother, the parallel sided post has shown a better stress distribution than the tapered post, but most regular distribution could be noticed on the tapered-end post. Stresses at the tip of roots caused by strain (tension) have been mostly seen on tapered posts. Due to this maximum of stress occuring on the tapered post and in the dentin, the probability that a root. may brake is quite high. As the thickness of the dentin in the apical is made thinner a parallel sided cylindirical post fracture of the root may happen. The most balanced stress distribution could be seen on the aplication of single casted tapered-end post cores, whereas the worst stress distribution is observed on the aplications of tapered post-composite resin cores and tapered post-amalgam cores. The application of the same degree of force on different biting or chewing points has not been changing the distribution of stress. The stress distribution of the periodontal membrane has been found suitable according to the arran gement of the periodontal fibres. The stresses to be seen on the alveolar bone have been determined as minimal tension in the vestibule, maximal compression in the lingual and as maximal tension in the apical area. The obtained results of this study strengthened our beliefs in the Finite Element Analysis and that it will contribute much to dentistry.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Dental destekler, Dental abutments, Dental kopçalar, Dental clasps, Dental restorasyon-sürekli, Dental restoration-permanent, Dental stres analizi, Dental stress analysis, Post kor tekniği, Post and core technique