Solubilization and improvement of the quality of soybean proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET SOYA FASULYESİ PROTEİNLERİNİN ENZÎMATİK HİDROLİZ YOLU İLE ÇÖZÜNÜRLEŞTİRİLMESİ VE KALİTESİNİN ARTTIRILMASI KILINÇ, Ali Doktora Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr.Azmi TELEFONCU Ocak-1998, 95 sayfa Son yıllarda pek çok ülkede besin değerince zengin proteinleri ve doymamış yağ asitlerini yüksek oranda içermesinden dolayı soya fasulyesine olan ilgi giderek artmaktadır. Soya fasulyesi proteinlerinin az çözünür olmaları, sıvı gıdaların hazırlanmasında kullanılmalarını engellemektedir. Bu proteinlerin çözünürlüklerini arttırmak amacıyla bazı modifikasyonların gerçekleştirilmesi gerekir. Bu amaçla öncelikle yağı ve kabuğu alınmış soya unundan çıkılarak soya konsantresi ve izolatı hazırlandı. Tarafımızdan hazırlanan soya preparatları ve ticari olarak piyasadan temin edilen soya konsantreleri Alkalaz enzimi ile hidrolizlendi. Tüm soya konsantresi preparatları için en uygun substrat konsantrasyonu (S) %6(Nx6,25) ve enzim/substrat oranı 0,04 olarak belirlendi. Optimal substrat konsantrasyonu ve enzim/substrat oranı gözönüne alınarak hazırlanan soya konsantresi hidrolizatlarının nitrojen solubilite index'leri(NSI), amino asit içeriklerive içerdiği peptidlerin molekül kütle dağılım aralığı tayin edildi. Tarafımızdan hazırlanan ve piyasadan sağlanan soya konsantresi preparatlarının hidrolizden önceki NSI değerleri %5-10 iken hidrolizden sonra %90-98 değerine ulaşmıştır. Amino asit analiz sonuçları, hidroliz sonucu hidrofilik amino asit düzeylerinde kısmi bir artış, buna karşılık hidrofobik amino asit düzeylerinde ise kısmi bir düşüş olduğunu göstermiştir. Anahtar sözcükler : Soya fasulyesi proteinleri, enzimatik hidroliz, Alcalase, hidroliz derecesi
VI ABSTRACT SOLUBILIZATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF SOYBEAN PROTEINS BY ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS KILINÇ, Ali Ph.D. in Chemistry Supervisor : Prof.Dr.Azmi TELEFONCU January-1998, 95 pages During the last decade, in many countries; interests are focused on soybean as a valuable food source, by means of the high content of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Solubility of soybean proteins are not good, and this property prevents the usage of these proteins in the preparation of liquid food. In order to obtain more soluble proteins, there is a demand for modification. For this purpose, dehulled and defatted soy flour was used to prepare sthe oy isolate and soy concentrate. Soy preparates that were obtained in our laboratory and commercial soy concentrates were hydrolyzed by Alcalase. For all soy concentrate preparates; appropriate substrate(S) and enzyme/substrate ratio were determined as 6% (Nx6.25) and 0.04 respectively. Nitrogen solubility index (NSI), amino acid contents and the molecular weights of the peptides were determined for soyconcentrate hydrolysate s which were prepared at predetermined optimum substrate concentration and enzyme/substrate ratio, for all soy concentrate preparates; the values for nitrogen solubility index were found as 5-10% before hydrolysis and 90-98% after hydrolysis. Amino acid analysis data significantly showed that, the ratio of hydrophilic amino acids increased where as decreased the hydrophobic amino acids. Key words : Soybean proteins, enzymatic hydrolysis, Alcalase, degree of hydrolysis.
VI ABSTRACT SOLUBILIZATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE QUALITY OF SOYBEAN PROTEINS BY ENZYMATIC HYDROLYSIS KILINÇ, Ali Ph.D. in Chemistry Supervisor : Prof.Dr.Azmi TELEFONCU January-1998, 95 pages During the last decade, in many countries; interests are focused on soybean as a valuable food source, by means of the high content of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. Solubility of soybean proteins are not good, and this property prevents the usage of these proteins in the preparation of liquid food. In order to obtain more soluble proteins, there is a demand for modification. For this purpose, dehulled and defatted soy flour was used to prepare sthe oy isolate and soy concentrate. Soy preparates that were obtained in our laboratory and commercial soy concentrates were hydrolyzed by Alcalase. For all soy concentrate preparates; appropriate substrate(S) and enzyme/substrate ratio were determined as 6% (Nx6.25) and 0.04 respectively. Nitrogen solubility index (NSI), amino acid contents and the molecular weights of the peptides were determined for soyconcentrate hydrolysate s which were prepared at predetermined optimum substrate concentration and enzyme/substrate ratio, for all soy concentrate preparates; the values for nitrogen solubility index were found as 5-10% before hydrolysis and 90-98% after hydrolysis. Amino acid analysis data significantly showed that, the ratio of hydrophilic amino acids increased where as decreased the hydrophobic amino acids. Key words : Soybean proteins, enzymatic hydrolysis, Alcalase, degree of hydrolysis.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Enzimatik hidroliz, Enzymatic hydrolysis, Soya fasulyesi, Soybean