Özel Sağlık Hizmetleri:diyaliz örneği
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Türkiye'de erişkinlerin yüzde 15,7'sinde çeşitli evrelerde kronik böbrek hastalığı (KBH) görülmektedir. Türkiye'de KBH'nın oluşumunda kadın cinsiyet, ilerleyen yaş, Marmara ve Güneydoğu Anadolu bölgelerinde ikamet etmek, Kırsal yerleşim, hipertansiyon ve diabetes mellitus varlığı en önemli risk faktörlerini oluşturmaktadır. Hastaların %77'si hemodiyaliz, %10,1'i periton diyalizi tedavisi görmektedir, %12,9'u ise transplantasyon sonrası izlem altındadır. Bu hastaların etiyolojisi incelendiğinde yıllar içinde DM ve HTgibi önlenebilir nedenlerin arttığı gözlenmektedir. 2000 yılında kayıtlı 14086 hemodiyaliz hastası bulunurken, 2008'de 46659'ya ulaşmıştır. Kamu diyaliz hizmetlerin sunumunda sabit bir rol oynarken özel diyaliz merkezileri ve baktıkları hasta sayıları hızla artmaktadır. 2002 yılında diyaliz merkezlerinin %38,3'ü özel sektörün iken, 2010'da %46,4'e ulaşmıştır. 2010'da tüm hemodiyaliz cihazların ise %64'ü özel sektörde bulunmaktadır. Diyaliz hizmet sunumunda on bin kişi başına düşen hemodiyaliz cihazı sayıları bölgelere göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Batı Karadeniz ile Güney Doğu Anadolu arasında 3 kat fark vardır. Fark özel sektördeki cihazlar için 10 kata çıkmaktadır. Hizmet sunduğu hasta sayılarına bakıldığında üç büyük şirketin toplamı, özel merkezlerin %27,7'sini oluşturmaktadır. Piyasadaki en büyük şirketin tek başına Türkiye'deki tüm üniversitelerde bulunan merkez sayısı kadar merkeze sahip büyük bir tekel olduğu görülmektedir. Dünya'da önümüzdeki on yılda diyaliz ve transplantasyon maliyetleri için 1 trilyon doların harcanacağı öngörülmektedir. Ülkemizde kişi başına yıllık hemodiyaliz maliyetiyle, 2010 hasta sayısı üzerinden, toplam yıllık hemodiyaliz maliyeti 1 milyar doları geçmektedir. Küresel piyasalarda diyaliz filtresi gibi sarf malzemeler üreten büyük şirketlerin piyasada rekabet gücü daha yüksektir. Özelleştirme süreci, geri ödeme mekanizmalarındaki düzenlemeler ve insan gücü politikalarıyla bu şirketlerin şansı arttırılmaktadır. Hipertansiyon ve diyabet gibi kronik hastalıkların hızla artmasına paralel olarak, devletin çeşitli mekanizmalarla yaptığı destek ile bu hizmetler hızla piyasalaşmaktadır. Böylelikle diyaliz hizmet pazarı giderek büyümektedir. Özel merkezlerin önce sayılarının arttığı daha sonra ise tekelleşmeye doğu bir eğilim olduğu gözlenmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı, Türkiye'de özel sağlık hizmetleri içinde bir örnek olarak diyaliz hizmetlerinin finansman ve hizmet sunumu bağlamında değerlendirilmesidir.
15.7% of adults in Turkey were in various stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) In the development of CKD, female gender, elderly age, living in Marmara and Southeastern Anatolia regions and living in rural settlements, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were found as the most important risk factors. 77% of the patients have hemodialysis while 10.1 % of them have peritoneal dialysis. 12.9% of the patients are under the post-transplant follow-up. In the examination of the etiology of these patients, it has seen that preventable causes such as DM and HT. have increased over the years. The number of registered hemodialysis patients was 14086 in 2000 and reached at 46659 in 2008. While public had a stable role in the sector, number of patients were rapidly increasing in the private sector. While 38.3% of dialysis centers were in private sector in 2002, it has reached to 46.4% in 2010. In 2010 64% of all dialysis equipment belonged to private sector. In the dialysis service delivery, hemodialysis unit per ten thousand people differ among the regions. There was a 3- fold difference between Western Black Sea and the South Eastern Anatolia. The difference increases 10 times more for the devices in private sector. Number of patients served by three major companies was 27.7% of total private dialysis centers. The largest single company in the market was a monopoly which had nearly equal to the total number of dialysis centers in all universities in Turkey. For the next decade, it is estimated that the costs of dialysis and transplantation in the world will be one trillion $. In our country, when annual cost of hemodialysis was calculated per capita for 2010, the total cost of hemodialysis was more than $ 1 billion. Large companies in the global market which produced consumables, such as dialysis filter, had higher competitiveness. The privatization process, the arrangements in reimbursement mechanisms and human resources policies were increasing the chance of these companies in the market. In parallel with rapid increase in chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, the variety of support mechanisms of the state made these services product of the market. As a result the market for dialysis services were widening. It has been observed that, the increase in the number of private dialysis centers were followed by a trend in monopolization.
15.7% of adults in Turkey were in various stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) In the development of CKD, female gender, elderly age, living in Marmara and Southeastern Anatolia regions and living in rural settlements, hypertension and diabetes mellitus were found as the most important risk factors. 77% of the patients have hemodialysis while 10.1 % of them have peritoneal dialysis. 12.9% of the patients are under the post-transplant follow-up. In the examination of the etiology of these patients, it has seen that preventable causes such as DM and HT. have increased over the years. The number of registered hemodialysis patients was 14086 in 2000 and reached at 46659 in 2008. While public had a stable role in the sector, number of patients were rapidly increasing in the private sector. While 38.3% of dialysis centers were in private sector in 2002, it has reached to 46.4% in 2010. In 2010 64% of all dialysis equipment belonged to private sector. In the dialysis service delivery, hemodialysis unit per ten thousand people differ among the regions. There was a 3- fold difference between Western Black Sea and the South Eastern Anatolia. The difference increases 10 times more for the devices in private sector. Number of patients served by three major companies was 27.7% of total private dialysis centers. The largest single company in the market was a monopoly which had nearly equal to the total number of dialysis centers in all universities in Turkey. For the next decade, it is estimated that the costs of dialysis and transplantation in the world will be one trillion $. In our country, when annual cost of hemodialysis was calculated per capita for 2010, the total cost of hemodialysis was more than $ 1 billion. Large companies in the global market which produced consumables, such as dialysis filter, had higher competitiveness. The privatization process, the arrangements in reimbursement mechanisms and human resources policies were increasing the chance of these companies in the market. In parallel with rapid increase in chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, the variety of support mechanisms of the state made these services product of the market. As a result the market for dialysis services were widening. It has been observed that, the increase in the number of private dialysis centers were followed by a trend in monopolization.
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