Trakya Bölgesi koşullarında bazı ayçiçeği çeşitlerinde farklı ekim zamanlarının çeşitlerin tarımsal, fizyolojik, verim ve kalite özelliklerine etkileri
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Deneme erkenci ve orta erkenci-orta geçci üç ayçiçeği çeşidi (Güneş 3312, Sunbred 262 ve Pioneer 6431) ile 1991 ve 1992 yıllarında Trakya- Kırklareli ekim yerinde tertiplenmiştir. Bu çalışmada ele alınan değişik olumlu üç ayçiçeği çeşidinde 7 ekim zamanının (20.3; 30.3; 10.4; 20.4; 30.4; 10.5 ve 20.5) çeşitlerin büyüme, gelişme, verim özellikleri, verim ve kalite üzerine olan etkileri araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar aşağıdaki gibi özetlenebilir: 1-En yüksek bitki boyunu 132.9 cm ile V. ekim zamanı (30 Nisan) getirmiştir. Çeşitlerde en düşük bitki boyu ise 124.3 cm ile I. ekim zamanından (20 Mart) elde olunmuştur. 2- Çeşitlerin büyüme ve gelişmelerinde gün uzunluğu, sıcaklık ve yağış etkili olmuştur. Çeşitlerin ortalamasında en erken olum süresi 91.9 gün ile VII. ekim zamanında (20 Mayıs) görülmektedir. En geç olum süresi ise 119.1 gün ile I. ekim zamanında saptanmıştır. 3- Bitki başına en yüksek tabla çapı 24.7 cm ile I. ve III. ekim zamanlarında (20 Mart- 10 Nisan) bulgulanmıştır. En düşük tabla çapı ise 21.4 cm ile VII. ekim zamanında (20 Mayıs) elde edilmiştir. 4- Tek tabla verimi ilk üç ekim zamanında yüksek olmuştur. Burada en yüksek tek tabla verimini 91.3 gr/tabla ile I. ekim intervali getirmiştir. En düşük tabla verimi ise 52.4 gr/tabla ile VII. ekim zamanından elde olunmuştur. 5- Yine çeşitler ortalamasında en yüksek BDA 65.6 gr ile I. ekim inter- valinde görülmektedir. En düşük BDA'nı ise 53.5 gr ile VII. ekim zamanı vermektedir. 6- Aynı tek tabla verimi ve BDA' da olduğu gibi, dekara dane verimi de ilk üç ekim zamanında yüksek olmuştur. Nitekim, burada en yüksek dekara verim 221.0 kg/da III. ekim zamanında (10 Nisan) elde olunmuştur. Burada I. ve II. ekim intervallerinde de III. ekim zamanına yakın verim görülmektedir. 63Çeşitlerin ortalamasında en düşük dekara dane verimini 159.7 kg/da ile VII. ekim zamanı (20 Mayıs) getirmiştir. Çeşitlerden orta erkenci-orta geçci Pioneer 6431 çeşidi II. ekimde (30 Mart) en yüksek 236.2 kg/da ve orta erkenci Sunbred 262 ile erkenci Güneş 3312 çeşitleri ise III. ekim zamanında (10 Nisan) 222.3 kg/da ve 220.8 kg/da verim getirmişlerdir. Ekim zamanı geciktik çe çeşitlerde tohum verimi düşmüştür. 7- İlerleyen ekim zamanlarında, az da olsa çeşitlerde % kabuk miktarları düşmüştür. En yüksek kabuk miktarları % 25.5 ile I. ekim zamanında görül mektedir. 8- Ekim zamanlarına ait % yağ miktarlarında çok az bir düzeyde farklılıklar söz konusudur. En yüksek yağ miktarı % 47.6 ile III. ekim zamanından elde olunmuştur. Onu, yakın değerlerle IV. ve V. ekim intervalleri izlemektedir. En düşük miktar ise % 45.5 değeri ile VII. ekim peryodunda saptanmıştır. 9- Yine ekim zamanlarına ilişkin % protein miktarlarında, az da olsa farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. En yüksek protein miktarları % 24.3 ile erkenci çeşit Güneş 3312'de ve en düşük değer ise %21.8 ile erkenci-orta erkenci Sunbred 262 çeşidinde elde olunmuştur. 64
SUMMARY The material in this experiment consisted of three different sunflower cultivars which are early medium-early and medium-late genotypes. The ex periment was conducted in the Kırklareli, a city of Thrace in Turkey in 1991 and 1992. The three cultivars were planted at seven different dates(20.3, 30.3, 10.4, 20.4, 30.4, 10.5 and 20.5). The development, growth, yield characteris tics, yield and quality components were measured for each different planting date. The following results were obtained from the study: 1-The highest and lowest plant height values were found as 132.9 cm and 124.3 cm at V. and I. sowing dates, respectively. 2- The day length, temperature and precipitation have affected signifi cantly on the development and growth of the cultivars. According to the means of the genotypes, the earliest maturity time was 91.9 days in VII. sowing date (May 20) while the latest maturity time was 1 19. 1 days in I. sowing date. 3- The highest of the head diameter were found as 24.7 cm at the I. and III. sowing dates (March 20, April 10). So the lowest of the head diameter were found as 21.4 cm at the VII. Planting date (May 20). 4- The single head yield was high at I and II. and III. planting dates. The highest and lowest head yield were found as 91.3 gr/head and 52.4 gr/head at I. and VII. sowing dates, respectively. 5- The highest and lowest thousand kernel weight were found as 65.6 gr and 53.5 gr at I. and VII. sowing dates, respectively. 6- Similar to single head yield and thousand kernel weight, the yield for an acreage was found at I, II and III. planting dates, too. In fact, the highest yield per acre was 221.0 kg/da at III. planting date. I and II. planting intervals had similar yields with III. planting date. The lowest yield of the cultivars was found as 159.7 kg/da at VII. planting date (May 20). The Pioneer 6431 which 65has a medium early and medium late had the highest yield as 236.2 kg/da at II. planting date. The Sunbred 262 (medium early) and Güneş 3312 (early) had the yields as 222.3 kg/da and 220.8 kg/da at III. planting dates, respectively. The result is that the yield was decreased when the planting time became late. 7- The crust yields were lower in later planting dates. The highest crust yield was 25.5% in I. planting date. 8- The oil contents were not affected much by different planting dates. The highest and lowest oil contents were found as 47.6% and 45.5% at III and VII. sowing dates. IV and V. planting dates had similar oil contents with III. sowing dates. 9- There were little differences in terms of protein (%) amounts. The highest and lowest protein amounts were obtained as 24.3% and 21.8% from Güneş 3312 and Sunbred 262, respectively. 66
SUMMARY The material in this experiment consisted of three different sunflower cultivars which are early medium-early and medium-late genotypes. The ex periment was conducted in the Kırklareli, a city of Thrace in Turkey in 1991 and 1992. The three cultivars were planted at seven different dates(20.3, 30.3, 10.4, 20.4, 30.4, 10.5 and 20.5). The development, growth, yield characteris tics, yield and quality components were measured for each different planting date. The following results were obtained from the study: 1-The highest and lowest plant height values were found as 132.9 cm and 124.3 cm at V. and I. sowing dates, respectively. 2- The day length, temperature and precipitation have affected signifi cantly on the development and growth of the cultivars. According to the means of the genotypes, the earliest maturity time was 91.9 days in VII. sowing date (May 20) while the latest maturity time was 1 19. 1 days in I. sowing date. 3- The highest of the head diameter were found as 24.7 cm at the I. and III. sowing dates (March 20, April 10). So the lowest of the head diameter were found as 21.4 cm at the VII. Planting date (May 20). 4- The single head yield was high at I and II. and III. planting dates. The highest and lowest head yield were found as 91.3 gr/head and 52.4 gr/head at I. and VII. sowing dates, respectively. 5- The highest and lowest thousand kernel weight were found as 65.6 gr and 53.5 gr at I. and VII. sowing dates, respectively. 6- Similar to single head yield and thousand kernel weight, the yield for an acreage was found at I, II and III. planting dates, too. In fact, the highest yield per acre was 221.0 kg/da at III. planting date. I and II. planting intervals had similar yields with III. planting date. The lowest yield of the cultivars was found as 159.7 kg/da at VII. planting date (May 20). The Pioneer 6431 which 65has a medium early and medium late had the highest yield as 236.2 kg/da at II. planting date. The Sunbred 262 (medium early) and Güneş 3312 (early) had the yields as 222.3 kg/da and 220.8 kg/da at III. planting dates, respectively. The result is that the yield was decreased when the planting time became late. 7- The crust yields were lower in later planting dates. The highest crust yield was 25.5% in I. planting date. 8- The oil contents were not affected much by different planting dates. The highest and lowest oil contents were found as 47.6% and 45.5% at III and VII. sowing dates. IV and V. planting dates had similar oil contents with III. sowing dates. 9- There were little differences in terms of protein (%) amounts. The highest and lowest protein amounts were obtained as 24.3% and 21.8% from Güneş 3312 and Sunbred 262, respectively. 66
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ayçiçeği, Sunflower, Ekim zamanı, Sowing date, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Trakya bölgesi, Thrace region