Ege bölgesi koşullarında makina ile pamuk hasadında kantitatif ve kalitatif performanslarının belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET EGE BÖLGESİ KOŞULLARINDA MAKİNA İLE PAMUK HASADINDA KANTİTATİF VE KALİTATİF PERFORMANSLARIN BELİRLENMESİ ÖZ, Erdal Doktora Tezi, Tarım Makinalan Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. H. Ünal EVCİM Ekim 2000, 181 sayfa Bu araştırmanın amacı Ege bölgesi koşullarında pamuk hasat makinasının kantitatif performans değerleri (tarla kayıpları, alan kapasitesi, vb.) ile pamuk lif kalitesi üzerindeki etkilerinin, diğer bir deyişle kalitatif performans değerlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla ülkemize Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nden ithal edilen ve halen bölge çiftçisi tarafından kullanılan CASE-IH marka, kendi yürür, 4-dar sıralı (sıra arası mesafesi 0.76 m) toplayıcı tip, Cotton Express 2155 pamuk hasat makinası ile ilk yılı ön denemeler olmak üzere iki yıllık bir deneme düzenlenmiştir. Çiftçi koşullarında gerçekleştirilen ön denemelerde pamuk hasat makinasının tanınması, ayar ve kullanım özelliklerinin ülkemiz şartlarına göre belirlenmesi, makinalı hasada uygun üretim tekniğine geçiş ve hasat sonrası çırçırlama ve pazarlama konusunda ortaya çıkabilecek sorunların belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. İkinci yıl denemeleri Aydın iline bağlı Söke ilçesinde özel şahsa ait, 5.5 hektar büyüklüğünde, sulanabilir koşullara sahip bir arazide iki çeşitII (Nazilli 84 ve Deltapine 5690) ve iki defolyant (Finish ve Dropp Ultra) kullanılarak düzenlenmiştir. Tesadüf blokları deneme desenine uygun olarak düzenlenen parsellerde makina ve sezon boyunca pamuk toplamakta olan işçilerle hasat yapılmıştır. Yapılan bu hasat sırasında pamuk toplama makinasının kantitatif performansları ölçülmüş, ayrıca toplanan pamuklardan alınan örneklerde HVI testleri uygulanarak makina ve elle hasadın lifin teknolojik özelliklerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular kantitatif performans değerlerinin çeşit özelliklerine bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterdiğini, bununla birlikte özellikle yere dökülen kütlü oranı açısından Amerikan standartlarına yakın sonuçlar alındığını ortaya koymuştur. Kalitatif performans değerleri açısından ise hasat makinasının lif teknolojik özellikleri üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi olmadığı belirlenmiştir. En önemli kalite özelliği olan renk derecesinin makina ile toplanan örneklerde Amerikan Tarım Bakanlığı (USDA)'mn sınıflandırmasına göre 1-2 derece daha düşük olduğu, ancak bu farkın etkin çırçırlama teknikleri ile ortadan kaldırılabilme olanağı bulunduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler : Pamuk, pamuk hasat makinalan, toplayıcılar
Ill ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE QUANTITATIVE AND THE QUALITATIVE PERFORMANCES OF A COTTON PICKER UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE AEGEAN REGION ÖZ, Erdal PhD in Agricultural Engineering Supervisor : Prof. Dr. H. Ünal EVCİM October 2000, 181 pages The objective of this study was to determine the quantitative (field losses and capacity) and qualitative (lint quality) performances of a cotton picker. In order to meet the above objective, a four-row (row spacing 0.76 m) cotton picker called Cotton Express 2155 and constructed by CASE- IH was used for the experiments. The cotton picker was tested in the field during two years. The objectives of the first year experiments run in 1996 were to get familiar with the machine, to understand the features related to necessary adjustments, its use in our country and to determine the feasibilty of the use of machinery in cotton picking for transforming from hand picking to machine picking. The other objective was to detect possible problems that could be faced during ginning and marketing of the cotton picked by the machine. The second year experiments were carried out in a field (5.5 hectares) owned by a farmer in Söke, the province of Aydm. During theIV experiments, two cotton varieties named Nazilli 84 and Deltapine 5690 and two defoliants, Finish and Drop Ultra, were used. The experiments conducted were designed in such a way that the comparison of the machine picked cotton quality with the hand-picked cotton could be made. Hence cotton samples were taken from the plots and HVI analysis was made to find out the qualitative differences. The results obtained indicated that the quantitative performance depends upon the cotton varieties. On the other hand, the quantitative based analysis showed that the ground losses was in the range as established by the American standards. The qualitative analysis indicated that lint quality of the cotton picked by the machine was not significantly different than those picked by hand. The significant differences were obtained in color ranking of the cotton picked. The machine picked cotton was ranked two degrees lower than hand picked cotton. But it was also found that these differences could be eliminated by an effective ginning process. Keywords: Cotton, cotton picker, pickers.
Ill ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF THE QUANTITATIVE AND THE QUALITATIVE PERFORMANCES OF A COTTON PICKER UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE AEGEAN REGION ÖZ, Erdal PhD in Agricultural Engineering Supervisor : Prof. Dr. H. Ünal EVCİM October 2000, 181 pages The objective of this study was to determine the quantitative (field losses and capacity) and qualitative (lint quality) performances of a cotton picker. In order to meet the above objective, a four-row (row spacing 0.76 m) cotton picker called Cotton Express 2155 and constructed by CASE- IH was used for the experiments. The cotton picker was tested in the field during two years. The objectives of the first year experiments run in 1996 were to get familiar with the machine, to understand the features related to necessary adjustments, its use in our country and to determine the feasibilty of the use of machinery in cotton picking for transforming from hand picking to machine picking. The other objective was to detect possible problems that could be faced during ginning and marketing of the cotton picked by the machine. The second year experiments were carried out in a field (5.5 hectares) owned by a farmer in Söke, the province of Aydm. During theIV experiments, two cotton varieties named Nazilli 84 and Deltapine 5690 and two defoliants, Finish and Drop Ultra, were used. The experiments conducted were designed in such a way that the comparison of the machine picked cotton quality with the hand-picked cotton could be made. Hence cotton samples were taken from the plots and HVI analysis was made to find out the qualitative differences. The results obtained indicated that the quantitative performance depends upon the cotton varieties. On the other hand, the quantitative based analysis showed that the ground losses was in the range as established by the American standards. The qualitative analysis indicated that lint quality of the cotton picked by the machine was not significantly different than those picked by hand. The significant differences were obtained in color ranking of the cotton picked. The machine picked cotton was ranked two degrees lower than hand picked cotton. But it was also found that these differences could be eliminated by an effective ginning process. Keywords: Cotton, cotton picker, pickers.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Ege bölgesi, Aegean region, Pamuk, Cotton, Pamuk hasat makinesi, Cotton harvesting machine, Performans değerlendirme, Performance evaluation, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery