Jeotermal reenjeksiyon akışkanı için uygulanan membran desalinasyon işleminin çevresel etkileri
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışma, İzmir’in Narlıdere ilçesinde bulunan İzmir Jeotermal Enerji A,Ş’ye ait Yenikale Jeotermal Isı Merkezi sahasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yürütülen çalışmalarda ısı merkezinin reenjeksiyon hattından alınan jeotermal reenjeksiyon suyu burada kurulu olan mini pilot ölçekli membran test sistemi aracılığıyla arıtılmıştır. Membran arıtımında NF ve RO membranları kullanılarak membran türünün ürün suyu geri kazanımına ve kalitesine olan etkisi araştırılmıştır. Mini pilot ölçekli membran test sistemine giren besleme suyu, konsantre ve süzüntü suyu olarak ayrılacağı için farklı karakterizasyona sahip olan bu suların yönetimi çevresel açıdan önemlidir. Elde edilen süzüntü suyu kalitesi sulama kriterleri açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Öte yandan, konsantre atık su farklı oranlarda besleme tankına geri beslenerek yarı kapalı döngü ile konsantre yönetimi üzerine çalışmalar gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında farklı TR-NE90-NF ve BW30-RO membranları kullanılarak arıtılan jeotermal su ile elde edilen ürün suyu kalitesi farklı analitik yöntemler kullanılarak incelenmiş olup, süzüntü suyu kalitesi tarımsal sulama kullanımı açısından (elektriksel iletkenlik, SAR, bor derişimi vb.) değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında TR-NE90-NF ve BW30-RO membranlarının performansları konsantre atık minimizasyonu açısından ayrı ayrı incelenerek elde edilen süzüntü sularının kalitesi karşılaştırılmıştır. Arıtım sonucu oluşan atık konsantre suyun belirli bir kısmı geri besleme yapılarak en aza indirilebileceği görülmüştür. Öte yandan, tüm konsantre besleme akışına beslendiğinde besleme suyunun EC'sinin artmasıyla birlikte, yüksek oranlarda yapılan geri beslemenin ürün su kalitesini hatta membran ömrünü etkileyeceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen su aynı zamanda tarımsal sulamada da kullanılabilir. Ancak SAR ve bor değerlerinde bazı ayarlamaların sulama öncesinde yapılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada basınç itici gücüyle çalıştırılan membran desalinasyon işlemlerinde konsantre akışın belirli bir bölümünün geri besleme yapılarak konsantre atık probleminin bir dereceye kadar en aza indirilebileceği açıkça görülmüştür.
This study was carried out in the Yenikale Geothermal Heating Center belonging to İzmir Geothermal Energy Inc. in Narlıdere, İzmir. Geothermal re-injection water taken from the re-injection line of the heating center was treated by a mini-pilot scale membrane test system installed there. The effect of membrane type on product water recovery and quality was investigated by using NF and RO membranes in membrane treatment. Since the feed water supplied to the mini-pilot membrane test system will be separated as concentrate and permeate water, management of these waters which have different characteristics, is environmentally important. While obtained permeate water quality was checked in terms of irrigation water standards, concentrate water was fed back to the feed tank at different rates and studies were carried out on concentrate management with a semi-closed loop. Firstly, the product water quality obtained from geothermal water treated by different TR-NE90-NF and BW30-RO membranes was examined using different analytical methods and the permeate water quality was evaluated in terms of agricultural irrigation water standards (electrical conductivity, SAR, boron concentration, etc.). The second step of this study, the performances of the TR-NE90-NF and BW30-RO membranes were examined separately in terms of concentrate waste minimization and the qualities of the permeate water were compared. As a result of this, it has been observed that a certain part of the concentrate water can be minimized by recycling. On the other hand, it was concluded that using large amounts of concentrate in feed will affect product water quality badly and even membrane life since EC of the feed water will increase when all concentrate is fed into the feed stream. The water obtained from this study can also be used for agricultural irrigation. However, SAR and boron values need to adjustments before using this water for irrigation. With this study, it has been clearly seen that the problem of concentrate waste can be minimized to some extent by circulating a certain part of the concentrate flow into feed during membrane desalination processes by pressure driven membranes.
This study was carried out in the Yenikale Geothermal Heating Center belonging to İzmir Geothermal Energy Inc. in Narlıdere, İzmir. Geothermal re-injection water taken from the re-injection line of the heating center was treated by a mini-pilot scale membrane test system installed there. The effect of membrane type on product water recovery and quality was investigated by using NF and RO membranes in membrane treatment. Since the feed water supplied to the mini-pilot membrane test system will be separated as concentrate and permeate water, management of these waters which have different characteristics, is environmentally important. While obtained permeate water quality was checked in terms of irrigation water standards, concentrate water was fed back to the feed tank at different rates and studies were carried out on concentrate management with a semi-closed loop. Firstly, the product water quality obtained from geothermal water treated by different TR-NE90-NF and BW30-RO membranes was examined using different analytical methods and the permeate water quality was evaluated in terms of agricultural irrigation water standards (electrical conductivity, SAR, boron concentration, etc.). The second step of this study, the performances of the TR-NE90-NF and BW30-RO membranes were examined separately in terms of concentrate waste minimization and the qualities of the permeate water were compared. As a result of this, it has been observed that a certain part of the concentrate water can be minimized by recycling. On the other hand, it was concluded that using large amounts of concentrate in feed will affect product water quality badly and even membrane life since EC of the feed water will increase when all concentrate is fed into the feed stream. The water obtained from this study can also be used for agricultural irrigation. However, SAR and boron values need to adjustments before using this water for irrigation. With this study, it has been clearly seen that the problem of concentrate waste can be minimized to some extent by circulating a certain part of the concentrate flow into feed during membrane desalination processes by pressure driven membranes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Jeotermal Su, Konsantre Atık Yönetimi, Membran, Nanofiltrasyon (NF), Ters Osmoz (RO), Arsenik, Bor, Geothermal Water, Concentrated Waste Management, Membrane, Nanofiltration (NF), Reverse Osmosis (RO), Arsenic, Boron, Concentrate Management