Meme kanseri nedeni ile kemoterapi almış olan hastalarda elektrokardiyografideki repolarizasyon belirteçlerinin kardiyotoksisite nedenli kardiyak etkilenmeyi öngördürücülüğü: Retropsektif gözlemsel çalışma
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Meme kanseri kadınlarda en sık rastlanan malignitedir, kanser nedeni ile tedavi almış hastalarda kemoterapötiklere bağlı en sık yan etki kardiyovasküler sistem üzerinedir. Meme kanseri tedavisinde antrasiklinler sıklıkla tercih edilmekte olup geri dönüşümsüz kardiyotoksisiteye neden olabilmektedirler. Tedaviye başlamadan ve tedavi sonrası erken dönemde kardiyotoksisite gelişimi açısından riskli hastaları belirlemek için henüz kanıtlanmış bir algoritma bulunmamaktadır. Güncel kılavuzlarda strain EKO takibi önerilmekte ancak mekanik disfonksiyon gelişimine dek geçen sürede daha erken fikir verecek bir yöntem bulunmamıştır. Bu çalışma ile EKG kayıtlarında repolarizasyon değerlendirme parametreleri olan QT ve QTc dispersiyonu, Tp-Te intervali ve Tp-Te/QT değerlendirilerek, güncel kılavuzlarda önerilen strain EKO’dan daha erken subklinik kardiyotoksisitenin saptanması ve elektromekanik disfonksiyonun birlikte değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Retrospektif olarak meme kanseri nedeni ile kemoterapi almış 35 hastanın (35 kadın, yaş ortalaması 48,9±11,8, ortalama doksorubisin kümülatif dozu 415± 32 mg/m2) antrasiklin öncesi, ilk antrasiklin dozu sonrası ve 3.ay EKG’leri ile tedavi öncesi ve 3.ay 2 boyutlu strain EKO’ları karşılaştırıldı. EKG kayıtlarında QTve QTc, QT ve QTc dispersiyonu, QT, QTc ve QT/√RR’ye göre Tp-Te ölçümleri yapıldı. EKO kayıtlarında GLS, sirkumferansiyel strain, radial strain ve torsiyon değerendirildi. Bulgular: Tedavi sonrası akut döenmde QT, QT dispersiyonu ve Tp-Te parametrelerinde uzamanın meydana geldiği ve bu uzamanın azalmakla birlikte 3.ayda da devam ettiği izlendi. (istatistiksel olarak anlamlılığa ulaşılmıştır). Tedavi öncesi ve 3.ayda yapılmış olan EKO’larda GLS değerlerinde anlamlı değişiklik izlenmedi. (GLS avg: -0,21±7,19 p=0,863; GLS LAX avg: -1,32±5,34 p=0,153; GLS A4C avg: -0,47±5,26 p=0,603; GLS A2C avg: -1,71±5,47 p=0,072) Ancak sirkumferansiyel strain, radial strain ve torsiyonda anlamlı düşüş izlenmiştir. (Sirkumferansiyel strain -17,2±3,53’den -13± 2,84 p<0,001, Radial strain %45,1±8,32’den %35,6±10 p<0,001, torsiyon 12,1±3,54’ten 7,7±2,17 p<0,001) Sonuç: Doksorubisine bağlı repolarizasyon bozulmaktadır ve heterojenite gelişmektedir. Bu elektriksel disfonksiyona eşlik eden, strain EKO’da sirkumferansiyel, radial strain ve torsiyonda da bozulma ile disfonksiyonun mekanik olarak devam ettiği görülmüştür. Kardiyotoksisite elektriksel ve mekanik olarak birlikte değerlendirilmelidir.
Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. The most common side effect related to chemotherapeutics in patients receiving cancer treatment is on cardiovascular system. In the treatment of breast cancer, anthracyclines are frequently preferred and may cause irreversible cardiotoxicity. There is no proven algorithm to identify patients at risk of developing cardiotoxicity in the early post-treatment period and after treatment. In current guidelines, strain ECO follow-up is recommended, but no method has been found to give a better idea of the time to development of mechanical dysfunction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the QT and QTc dispersion, Tp-Te interval and Tp-Te / QT which are the repolarization evaluation parameters in ECG recordings. Methods: 35 patients (35 females, mean age 48.9 ± 11.8 years, mean doxorubicin cumulative dose 415 ± 32 mg / m2) who received chemotherapy due to breast cancer were retrospectively evaluated. preoperative and 3rd month 2-day strain ECOs were compared. QT and QTc, QT and QTc dispersion, QT, QTc and Tp-Te measurements were performed according to QT / QRR in ECG recordings. In the ECO recordings, GLS, circumferential strain, radial strain and torsion were evaluated. Results: It was observed that QT, QT dispersion and Tp-Te parameters were prolonged in the acute period after the treatment and this prolongation continued to decrease in the 3rd month. (statistically significant) için p<0,001; p<0,001; p<0,001). There was no significant change in GLS values in ECOs before and after treatment. (GLS avg: -0,21 ± 7,19 p = 0,863; GLS LAX avg: -1,32 ± 5,34 p = 0,153; GLS A4C avg: -0,47 ± 5,26 p = 0,603; avg: -1,71 ± 5,47 p = 0,072) But there was a significant decrease in circumferential strain, radial strain and torsion. (Circumferential strain -17,2 ± 3,53 to -13 ± 2,84 p <0,001, Radial strain 45,1 ± 8,32% 35,6 ± 10 p <0,001, torsion 12,1 ± 3.54 to 7.7 ± 2.17 p <0,001) Conclusion: Doxorubicin-induced repolarization is impaired and heterogeneity develops. It was observed that dysfunction was continued mechanically with the distortion of circumferential, radial strain and torsion in strain ECO, which accompanied electrical dysfunction. Cardiotoxicity should be evaluated together electrically and mechanically.
Background: Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women. The most common side effect related to chemotherapeutics in patients receiving cancer treatment is on cardiovascular system. In the treatment of breast cancer, anthracyclines are frequently preferred and may cause irreversible cardiotoxicity. There is no proven algorithm to identify patients at risk of developing cardiotoxicity in the early post-treatment period and after treatment. In current guidelines, strain ECO follow-up is recommended, but no method has been found to give a better idea of the time to development of mechanical dysfunction. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the QT and QTc dispersion, Tp-Te interval and Tp-Te / QT which are the repolarization evaluation parameters in ECG recordings. Methods: 35 patients (35 females, mean age 48.9 ± 11.8 years, mean doxorubicin cumulative dose 415 ± 32 mg / m2) who received chemotherapy due to breast cancer were retrospectively evaluated. preoperative and 3rd month 2-day strain ECOs were compared. QT and QTc, QT and QTc dispersion, QT, QTc and Tp-Te measurements were performed according to QT / QRR in ECG recordings. In the ECO recordings, GLS, circumferential strain, radial strain and torsion were evaluated. Results: It was observed that QT, QT dispersion and Tp-Te parameters were prolonged in the acute period after the treatment and this prolongation continued to decrease in the 3rd month. (statistically significant) için p<0,001; p<0,001; p<0,001). There was no significant change in GLS values in ECOs before and after treatment. (GLS avg: -0,21 ± 7,19 p = 0,863; GLS LAX avg: -1,32 ± 5,34 p = 0,153; GLS A4C avg: -0,47 ± 5,26 p = 0,603; avg: -1,71 ± 5,47 p = 0,072) But there was a significant decrease in circumferential strain, radial strain and torsion. (Circumferential strain -17,2 ± 3,53 to -13 ± 2,84 p <0,001, Radial strain 45,1 ± 8,32% 35,6 ± 10 p <0,001, torsion 12,1 ± 3.54 to 7.7 ± 2.17 p <0,001) Conclusion: Doxorubicin-induced repolarization is impaired and heterogeneity develops. It was observed that dysfunction was continued mechanically with the distortion of circumferential, radial strain and torsion in strain ECO, which accompanied electrical dysfunction. Cardiotoxicity should be evaluated together electrically and mechanically.