Lydia'da küçük yerleşimler
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Antik devirde Batı Anadolu'nun yaklaşık olarak bugünkü Manisa ilini kapsayan bölgesine "Lydia" denilmekteydi. Lydia'nın batısında Aiolis, doğusunda Phrygia, kuzeyinde Mysia ve güneyinde Karia bölgeleri yeralmaktaydı. Bölgede Hermos (Gediz) ve Kaistros (Küçük Menderes) nehirleri tarafından sulanan iki büyük verimli vadi bulunmakta ve bölgenin nüfusu bu nehirler ile kollan arasında yoğunlaşmaktaydı. Lydia'da birçok kentin (polis) yanısıra önemli sayıda küçük yerleşim (kome ve katoikia) bulunmaktaydı. Yazıtların çoğu Lydia'da kusursuz bir köy (kome) organizasyonu bulunduğunu göstermektedir. "KatoUaa" adı verilen askeri koloniler, krallıkların ordularında paralı asker olarak görev yapan veya bu görevden emekli olmuş kişiler için düzenleniyor, bu kişilere stratejik noktalarda toprak tahsis ediliyordu. Sözü edilen askerler genelikle Makedonia ve Mysia kökenliydiler. Bu çalışmada, Lydia bölgesinden söz eden antik yazarlar ve Lydia'da bu yüzyılın başlarından itibaren devam eden epigrafik araştırmalar sırasında tesbit edilip, değişik yerlerde yayınlanmış olan çok sayıda yazıt incelenmiştir. Antik yazarların söz ettiği ve yazıtlarda adı geçen 278 adet küçük yerleşim tesbit edilmiş ve yerleşimler detaylı bir harita üzerinde lokalize edilmeye çalışılmıştır
ABSTRACT In ancient age, the region of western Anatolia which contains modern city of Manisa was called as Lydia. The west of Lydia was Aiolis, its east was Phrygia, its north was Mysia and its south was Karia. In this region, there were two productive valleys which were watered by Hermos (Gediz) and Kaistros (Küçük Menderes) rivers. In Lydia, besides a lot of cites, there were many small settlements. Most of the inscriptions found show that there were a perfect village organization in Lydia. Military colonies called as katoikia were organized for the soldiers charged in the armies of the Seleukus and Pergamon kingdoms or were retired from these armies. These people were provided with the land in the strategic points. The roots of these soldiers mentioned were Makedonia and Mysia In this study, ancient writers who mentioned about Lydia and a great number of inscriptions which were discovered during epigraphic researches which is still going on from the beginning of this century, have been investigeted. 278 small settlements which had names in the inscriptions and were mentioned by ancient authors, have been found and these settlements have been tried to localize in a Lydia regional map.
ABSTRACT In ancient age, the region of western Anatolia which contains modern city of Manisa was called as Lydia. The west of Lydia was Aiolis, its east was Phrygia, its north was Mysia and its south was Karia. In this region, there were two productive valleys which were watered by Hermos (Gediz) and Kaistros (Küçük Menderes) rivers. In Lydia, besides a lot of cites, there were many small settlements. Most of the inscriptions found show that there were a perfect village organization in Lydia. Military colonies called as katoikia were organized for the soldiers charged in the armies of the Seleukus and Pergamon kingdoms or were retired from these armies. These people were provided with the land in the strategic points. The roots of these soldiers mentioned were Makedonia and Mysia In this study, ancient writers who mentioned about Lydia and a great number of inscriptions which were discovered during epigraphic researches which is still going on from the beginning of this century, have been investigeted. 278 small settlements which had names in the inscriptions and were mentioned by ancient authors, have been found and these settlements have been tried to localize in a Lydia regional map.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Arkeoloji, Archeology, Antik şehirler, Antique cities, Eski Çağ, Old Age, Lidya, Lydian, Yerleşim, Settlement