Türkiye-Afganistan ilişkileri (1921-1938)
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TÜRKİYE AFGANİSTAN İLİŞKİLERİ (1921-1938) 1921-1938 Türkiye Afganistan arasındaki ilişkilerin incelendiği bu çalışmada döneme ait bilgi veren kaynak eserlerden, basın ve hatıratlardan faydalanılmıştır. Tez, giriş bölümünün dışında beş bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, Afganistan üzerindeki Rus ve İngilizlerin hakimiyet projelerinden bahsedildikten sonra Afganistan'ın bunlara karşı verdiği mücadeleye ve geliştirdiği politikalara değinilmiştir. Bunun yanında Türk-Afgan dostluğunun gelişmesi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise Türk etkisiyle Afganistan'da meydana gelen gelişmelere yer verilmiştir. Başta Mahmut Cemal Paşa ve arkadaşlarının Rusya ve diğer ülkeler nezdindeki diplomatik girişimlerinden ve Afgan ordusunun modernize edilmesi çalışmalarından bahsedilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Mahmut Beg Tarzi'nin girişimleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise Afgan Kralı Emanullah Han'ın dünya gezisi ve 1928 yılındaki Türkiye ziyareti anlatılmıştır. Emanullah Han'ın Mustafa Kemal'e karşı olan hayranlığı ve Onun Türkiye'de hayata geçirdiği yenilikleri kendi ülkesinde de hayata geçirme girişimleri hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. Emanullah'ın niçin Atatürk kadar başarılı olamayışının nedeni açıklanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ise Afganistan'da Nadir Han ve Zahir Şah dönemlerindeki gelişmelerden bahsedilmiştir. Emanullah Han ile Nadir Han arasındaki fark ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Sadabat Paktı ve diğer gelişmeler hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. 135Beşinci bölümde ise, 1921-1938 yılları arasında Afganistan île Türkiye'nin ticari ve kültürel ilişkileri üzerinde durulmuştur. 1921 yılından sonra başlayıp, arada imzalanan antlaşmalarla gelişerek devam eden karşılıklı öğrenci, öğretmen ve subay gönderme faaliyetlerinden bahsedilmiştir. Ekler kısmında ise, iki ülke arasında imzalanan antlaşmanın metinleri yer almaktadır. 136
THE RELATIONS OF TURKEY AND AFGHANISTAN ( 1921-1938 ) In this study that has been examinated the relations of Turkey and Afghanistan between 1921-1938, 1 have benefited from the memories, the press and the works written sources corcerning to the period. The thesis is formed in five chapter except of the introduction. In the first chapter, it has been explained the domination projects of Russians and Englishs on Afghanistan and it has been discussed the Afghan politics and contentions against these countries. However, it has been informed about the development of the relations of Turkish-Afghan. In the second chapter, it has been completely defined the developments which happened in Afghanistan by the influence of Turkish. It has been announced the works from the modernized of the Afghan army, and first the diplomatic enterprises of Mahmut Cemal Pasha and his friends according to Russia and the other countries. İt has been informed, at the same time, about the enterprises of Mahmut Beg Tarzi. In the third chapter, it has been explained the world excursion of Emanullah Khan, the King of Afghanistan, and his visit of Turkey in 1928. It has been informed about the wondering admiration of Emanullah Khan to Mustafa Kemal, and the newn attempts of Emanullah Khan in Afghanistan too as Mustafa Kemal has realized in Turkey. It has been disclosed why Emanullah Khan wasn't as succesful as Mustafa Kemal. -Ai^ntÜ**^!* In the fourth chapter too, it has been announced the developments, in Afghanistan, in the periods of Nadir Khan and Zahir Shah. It has been worked to expose the differences between Emanullah Khan and Nadir Khan. It has been informed about the Sadabat Pact and the other important developments. 137In the fifth chapter, it has been explained the commercial and cultural relations of Turkey and Afghanistan between 1921 - 1938. It has been described the activities mutual connected with sending the officers, teachers and the students, began after 1921 and continued by the mutual agreements. In the chapter of appendix too, it has been existed the texts of the agreement signed between two countries. 138
THE RELATIONS OF TURKEY AND AFGHANISTAN ( 1921-1938 ) In this study that has been examinated the relations of Turkey and Afghanistan between 1921-1938, 1 have benefited from the memories, the press and the works written sources corcerning to the period. The thesis is formed in five chapter except of the introduction. In the first chapter, it has been explained the domination projects of Russians and Englishs on Afghanistan and it has been discussed the Afghan politics and contentions against these countries. However, it has been informed about the development of the relations of Turkish-Afghan. In the second chapter, it has been completely defined the developments which happened in Afghanistan by the influence of Turkish. It has been announced the works from the modernized of the Afghan army, and first the diplomatic enterprises of Mahmut Cemal Pasha and his friends according to Russia and the other countries. İt has been informed, at the same time, about the enterprises of Mahmut Beg Tarzi. In the third chapter, it has been explained the world excursion of Emanullah Khan, the King of Afghanistan, and his visit of Turkey in 1928. It has been informed about the wondering admiration of Emanullah Khan to Mustafa Kemal, and the newn attempts of Emanullah Khan in Afghanistan too as Mustafa Kemal has realized in Turkey. It has been disclosed why Emanullah Khan wasn't as succesful as Mustafa Kemal. -Ai^ntÜ**^!* In the fourth chapter too, it has been announced the developments, in Afghanistan, in the periods of Nadir Khan and Zahir Shah. It has been worked to expose the differences between Emanullah Khan and Nadir Khan. It has been informed about the Sadabat Pact and the other important developments. 137In the fifth chapter, it has been explained the commercial and cultural relations of Turkey and Afghanistan between 1921 - 1938. It has been described the activities mutual connected with sending the officers, teachers and the students, began after 1921 and continued by the mutual agreements. In the chapter of appendix too, it has been existed the texts of the agreement signed between two countries. 138
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Uluslararası İlişkiler, International Relations, Afganistan, Afghanistan, Ahmet Cemal Paşa, Ahmet Cemal Pasha, Atatürk, Atatürk, Emanullah Han, Emanullah Han, Kültürel ilişkiler, Cultural relations, Nadir Han, Nadir Khan, Türk-Afgan ilişkileri, Turkish-Afghan relations