Peyniraltı suyu ve maltodekstrin ilave edilerek püskürtmeli kurutma ile üretilen beyaz peynir tozunun lezzet bileşenlerinin GC-MS ve tanımlayıcı duyusal analiz teknikleriyle belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Peynir tozu, peynirden elde edilen gıda endüstrisinde genellikle peynir algısı kazandırmak amaçlı kullanılan uzun raf ömrüne sahip bir süt ürünüdür. Üretiminde temel olarak peynir, su ve eritme tuzu kullanılmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, aroma maddeleri, lezzet geliştiriciler, antioksidanlar ve dolgu maddelerinden de yararlanılmaktadır. Topaklanma ve yapışma gibi fiziksel özelliklerde karşılaşılan sorunlar, peynir tozu gibi toz gıdaların üretimi ve depolanmasında oldukça önemli sorunlar arasındadır. Maltodekstrin, bu tür kalite sorunlarının çözümünde kullanılmaktadır. Peyniraltı suyu ise, önemli bir sütçülük artığıdır. Kullanımı ise maliyeti düşürecektir. Buna karşın, peynir tozu üretiminde bu bileşenlerin kullanılmasının peynir tozu lezzeti üzerine etkisinin bilinmesi de oldukça önemlidir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışma kapsamında öncelikle, ülkemizde sevilen bir peynir çeşidi olan beyaz peynirden elde edilen beyaz peynir tozunun lezzet bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bunun yanısıra, peyniraltı suyu ve maltodekstrin kullanımının beyaz peynir tozu lezzet bileşenlerinde yaratmış olduğu farklılıkları ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, emülsiyon eldesinde peyniraltı suyu (PAS) ve maltodekstrin (MALTO) kullanılarak ve kullanılmadan (PT) püskürtmeli kurutma ile elde edilen ve 12 ay boyunca 20 oC'de PET/Al/LDPE ambalajda depolanan beyaz peynir tozlarında tanımlayıcı duyusal analiz ile lezzet profili ve GC-MS ile uçucu bileşenleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın diğer bir amacı ise, peynirde tüketicinin peynir seçiminde dikkate aldığı kalite kriterleri ve tüketicilerin peynir tozu tüketimine eğilimlerinin belirlenmesidir. Bu amaçla, ikiyüz kişilik popülasyonda tüketici eğilim anketi yapılmıştır. Anket değerlendirmesi sonucunda, peynir seçiminde en önemli kriterlerin tat ve koku olduğu ve katılımcıların genel olarak peynir tozunun satışına olumlu baktığı görülmüştür. En çok tüketilmek istenen peynir tozları ise kaşar ve beyaz peynir tozu olarak belirlenmiştir. Peynir tozu örneklerinde toplam 20 uçucu bileşen belirlenmiştir. Bunlardan 15 tanesi tüm peynir tozu örneklerinde tespit edilmiştir. 3-metil bütanal ve d-limonen, PT ve PAS örneğinde ortak iki uçucu bileşenken, PAS örneğinde ayrıca beta-fellandren belirlenmiştir. 1,8 sineol ve oktanoik asit etil esteri ise, yalnızca MALTO örneğinde belirlenmiştir. 12 aylık depolama süresi uçucu bileşen miktarında belirgin değişimler yaratmamıştır. Pişmiş, kremamsı, peyniraltı suyu, eritme peyniri, rennet/kazein, depo/mentol lezzet bileşenleri peynir tozu örneklerinin karakteristik tanımlayıcı duyusal terimleri olarak panelistler tarafından geliştirilmiştir. Özellikle pişmiş, kremamsı ve eritme peyniri lezzeti üç tip örnekte de yüksek olup, söz konusu terimler MALTO örneğinde daha az hissedilmiştir. PT ve PAS daha tuzlu, MALTO örneği ise daha tatlı bulunmuştur. Tüm örneklerde acılık lezzeti ise hissedilmeyecek kadar azdır. Sonuç olarak, yapılan bu çalışma beyaz peynir tozunun uçucu bileşenlerinin ve lezzet profilinin ilk defa belirlenmesi açısından literatüre ve endüstriye katkı sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca maltodekstrin ve peyniraltı suyu ilavesinin peynir tozunun uçucu bileşenleri ve lezzet profili üzerine etkisi ortaya konulmuştur.
Cheese powder is a dairy product which is generally used for providing sensation of cheese and also has long shelf life. In its production, basically cheese, water and melting salt are used. Besides, flavorings, antioxidants and fillers are also utilised. The problems about physical properties such as aggregation and adhesion are some of the issues of production and storage of food powders like cheese powder. Maltodextrin is used to solve this types of quality problems. On the other hand, whey is an important by product of dairy. Usage of whey provides cost reduction. In spite of this, knowledge about the impact of usage of these products on flavor of cheese powder is higly crucial. Therefore, in this study, firstly, identification of flavor compounds of cheese powder which is one of the most popular types of cheese was aimed. It was also aimed that distinctions of flavor compounds derived from usage of maltodextrin and whey were revealed. For this purpose, flavor profile with descriptive sensory analysis and volatile compounds by using GC-MS of white cheese powder produced with spray dier by adding whey (PAS), maltodextrin (MALTO) and without adding (PT) stored with PET/Al/LDPE at 20 oC during 12 months were identified. The other purpose of the study was that quality criteria which was taken into account by consumers while they bought cheese and point of view to cheese powder was determined. Fort his purpose, market analysis was made for two hundred poeple by means of surver. At the end of the evoluation of survey the most important criteria of selecting cheese are taste and aroma and generally, participants looked at directly selling of cheese powder in a positive light. The most desired to the consumed cheese powders were kashar and white cheese. A total of 20 volatile compounds were identified in cheese powder samples. 15 of them were common for all cheese products. While 3-methyl butanal ve d-limonene were common volatiles for PT and PAS samples, in PAS samples beta-fellandren was also identified. For only MALTO samples 1,8 sineol and octanoic acid ethyl ester was determined. 12 months storage duration did not make significant difference of volatile compounds for all samples. Cooked, creamy, processed cheese like flavor, rennet/casein, storage/menthol were characteristic descriptive sensory terms of cheese powder samples. Especially cooked, creamy and processed cheese like flavor values were high for all types of samples, mentioned terms felt less for MALTO samples. It was found that PT and PAS samples were saltier, MALTO samples were sweeter. Bitterness of all samples is too little to feel. In conclusion, in terms of determining volatile compounds and flavor profile of cheese powder at the first time, this study contributed to literature and industry. Also, effects of adding maltodextrin and whey on flavor compounds of cheese powder were revealed.
Cheese powder is a dairy product which is generally used for providing sensation of cheese and also has long shelf life. In its production, basically cheese, water and melting salt are used. Besides, flavorings, antioxidants and fillers are also utilised. The problems about physical properties such as aggregation and adhesion are some of the issues of production and storage of food powders like cheese powder. Maltodextrin is used to solve this types of quality problems. On the other hand, whey is an important by product of dairy. Usage of whey provides cost reduction. In spite of this, knowledge about the impact of usage of these products on flavor of cheese powder is higly crucial. Therefore, in this study, firstly, identification of flavor compounds of cheese powder which is one of the most popular types of cheese was aimed. It was also aimed that distinctions of flavor compounds derived from usage of maltodextrin and whey were revealed. For this purpose, flavor profile with descriptive sensory analysis and volatile compounds by using GC-MS of white cheese powder produced with spray dier by adding whey (PAS), maltodextrin (MALTO) and without adding (PT) stored with PET/Al/LDPE at 20 oC during 12 months were identified. The other purpose of the study was that quality criteria which was taken into account by consumers while they bought cheese and point of view to cheese powder was determined. Fort his purpose, market analysis was made for two hundred poeple by means of surver. At the end of the evoluation of survey the most important criteria of selecting cheese are taste and aroma and generally, participants looked at directly selling of cheese powder in a positive light. The most desired to the consumed cheese powders were kashar and white cheese. A total of 20 volatile compounds were identified in cheese powder samples. 15 of them were common for all cheese products. While 3-methyl butanal ve d-limonene were common volatiles for PT and PAS samples, in PAS samples beta-fellandren was also identified. For only MALTO samples 1,8 sineol and octanoic acid ethyl ester was determined. 12 months storage duration did not make significant difference of volatile compounds for all samples. Cooked, creamy, processed cheese like flavor, rennet/casein, storage/menthol were characteristic descriptive sensory terms of cheese powder samples. Especially cooked, creamy and processed cheese like flavor values were high for all types of samples, mentioned terms felt less for MALTO samples. It was found that PT and PAS samples were saltier, MALTO samples were sweeter. Bitterness of all samples is too little to feel. In conclusion, in terms of determining volatile compounds and flavor profile of cheese powder at the first time, this study contributed to literature and industry. Also, effects of adding maltodextrin and whey on flavor compounds of cheese powder were revealed.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Beyaz Peynir, Peynir Tozu, Pazar Analizi, Uçucu Bileşen, Tanımlayıcı Duyusal Değerlendirme, White Cheese, Cheese Powder, Market Analysis, Volatile Compounds, Descriptive Sensory Analysis