Yeşil alan bitkisi olarak kullanılan bazı buğdaygillerin morfolojik ve agronomik özellikleri ile kaplama dereceleri üzerinde bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
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26 ÖZET YEŞİL ALAN BİTKÎSÎ OLARAK KULLANILAN BAZI BU?DAYGİLLERİN MORFOLOJİK VE AGRONOMÎK ÖZELLİKLERİ İLE KAPLAMA DERECELERİ ÜZERİNDE BİR ARAŞTIRMA Tekirova/Kemer köyündeki bir çiftçi bahçesinde 1990-1991 yıllarında yürütülen bu çalışmada sıcak iklim çimlerinden Cynodon dactylon ve Cynodon transvaalensis, serin iklim çimlerinden de Lolium perenne, Poa protends, Agrostis tenuis ve Festuca rubra incelenmiştir. Ekim veya dikim yoluyla üretilen bu buğdaygiller, tesadüf parselleri deneme deseninde denenmiş ve çimlenme ve sürme tarihleri, büyüme formları, yaprakhhk, kaplama dereceleri, yeşil alana uygunlukları, biçimden sonra yeniden gelişme madan ile dört mevsimde fizyonomi özellikleri ele alınmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular aşağıdaki şekilde özetienebilmektedir. (1) Serin iklim buğdaygillerinden, tohumlan nispeten iri olan Lolium perenne ve Festuca rubra daha kısa sürede çimlenme, Poa pratensis ve Agrostis tenuis ise çimlenmekte, Poa pratensis ve Agrostis tenuis ise çimlenme hızı açısından geride kalmaktadır. Sıcak iklim çimleri olan ve çelikle üretilen Cynodon türleri ise çok hızlı sürerek alam kısa sürede kaplamaktadır. (2) İncelenen bitkilerden Cynodon dactylon stolonlu-rizomlu, Cynodon transvaalensis stoionlu, Lolium, Festuca, Poa ve Agrostis ise yumak büyüme formu göstermiştir. (3) Yaprakklık açısından Cynodon türleri ile Lolium perenne diğer buğdaygillere üstünlük sağlamaktadır.29 cover degree varying with the seasonal changes under the mediterranean climatic conditions. (5) It was concluded that Cynodon specieses could be the best choice for the turfs although they became yellow in winter. But more research studies should be conducted on Loliumperenne and Festuca rubra. (6) Cynodon species took attention with their fast growing habits, but it was determined that regrowth after cuts was quite limited in Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra. (7) Physionomy marks of cool season grasses, Lolium, Poo, Festuca, and Agrostis increased in spring and winter and decreased in Cynodon specieses which became yellow and contraversary situation existed in summer. It was suggested that there wasn't any grass which is green, densly populated and vigorous throughout the year under mediterranean climatic conditions
28 SUMMARY AN INVESTIGATION ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND AGRONOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND COVER DEGREES OF SOME TURFGRASSES In this study conducted on a fanner's garden in Tekirova/Kemer during 1990- 1991, some warm season grasses like Cynodon dactylon and Cynodon transvaalensis and some cool season grasses like Lolium perenne, Agrostis tenuis, Poa pratensis, and Festuca rubra were tested. Experimental design was randomised plots for these grasses propagated by sowing or transplating. The charateristics tested were the time of germination or regrowth, form of habitus, leafiness, cover degree, quality of turf, regrowth potantial after cutting and seasonal physionomy. The results taken from the experiments can be summerised as followings; (1) Two of the cool season grasses, Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra with comperetively large seeds germinated in a short period of time, but Poa pratensis and Agrostis tenuis delayed in germination. Warm season grasses, Cynodon dactylon and Cynodon transvaalensis propagated by cuttings, regenerated rapidly and cover the area in a short time. (2) Among the grasses examined, Cynodon dactylon possesed stolone and rhizome, Cynodon transvaalensis stolone and others like Lolium, Agrostis, and Poa had a bunch type growing habit. (3) Cynodon dactylon, Cynodon transvaalensis and Lolium perenne have the superiority over the other grasses tested with regard to leafiness. (4) Cynodon species produced a high degree of cover, Agrostis tenuis and Poa pratensis almost entirely degraded and LoUum perenne and Festuca rubra showed a29 cover degree varying with the seasonal changes under the mediterranean climatic conditions. (5) It was concluded that Cynodon specieses could be the best choice for the turfs although they became yellow in winter. But more research studies should be conducted on Loliumperenne and Festuca rubra. (6) Cynodon species took attention with their fast growing habits, but it was determined that regrowth after cuts was quite limited in Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra. (7) Physionomy marks of cool season grasses, Lolium, Poo, Festuca, and Agrostis increased in spring and winter and decreased in Cynodon specieses which became yellow and contraversary situation existed in summer. It was suggested that there wasn't any grass which is green, densly populated and vigorous throughout the year under mediterranean climatic conditions.
28 SUMMARY AN INVESTIGATION ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL AND AGRONOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND COVER DEGREES OF SOME TURFGRASSES In this study conducted on a fanner's garden in Tekirova/Kemer during 1990- 1991, some warm season grasses like Cynodon dactylon and Cynodon transvaalensis and some cool season grasses like Lolium perenne, Agrostis tenuis, Poa pratensis, and Festuca rubra were tested. Experimental design was randomised plots for these grasses propagated by sowing or transplating. The charateristics tested were the time of germination or regrowth, form of habitus, leafiness, cover degree, quality of turf, regrowth potantial after cutting and seasonal physionomy. The results taken from the experiments can be summerised as followings; (1) Two of the cool season grasses, Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra with comperetively large seeds germinated in a short period of time, but Poa pratensis and Agrostis tenuis delayed in germination. Warm season grasses, Cynodon dactylon and Cynodon transvaalensis propagated by cuttings, regenerated rapidly and cover the area in a short time. (2) Among the grasses examined, Cynodon dactylon possesed stolone and rhizome, Cynodon transvaalensis stolone and others like Lolium, Agrostis, and Poa had a bunch type growing habit. (3) Cynodon dactylon, Cynodon transvaalensis and Lolium perenne have the superiority over the other grasses tested with regard to leafiness. (4) Cynodon species produced a high degree of cover, Agrostis tenuis and Poa pratensis almost entirely degraded and LoUum perenne and Festuca rubra showed a29 cover degree varying with the seasonal changes under the mediterranean climatic conditions. (5) It was concluded that Cynodon specieses could be the best choice for the turfs although they became yellow in winter. But more research studies should be conducted on Loliumperenne and Festuca rubra. (6) Cynodon species took attention with their fast growing habits, but it was determined that regrowth after cuts was quite limited in Lolium perenne and Festuca rubra. (7) Physionomy marks of cool season grasses, Lolium, Poo, Festuca, and Agrostis increased in spring and winter and decreased in Cynodon specieses which became yellow and contraversary situation existed in summer. It was suggested that there wasn't any grass which is green, densly populated and vigorous throughout the year under mediterranean climatic conditions.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agronomik özellikler, Agronomic characteristics, Buğdaygiller, Grasses, Morfolojik özellikler, Morphological properties, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops