Sabit normda gübre uygulamasında dağılım düzgünlüğünün matematiksel modellemesi ve optimizasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Diskli gübre dağıtma makinaları, serpme gübreleme uygulamalarında en yaygın kullanılan makinalardır. Bu tip makinalarda dağılım düzgünlüğüne etki eden birçok parametre bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çift diskli gübre dağıtma makinasında dağılım düzgünlüğünü ifade eden varyasyon katsayısının (VK, %) matematiksel modelini elde ederek optimizasyonunu sağlamaktır. Bu amaca uygun olarak her üç gübre çeşidi için VK (%)'nın minimizasyonu ve ilerleme yönünde makinanın her iki yanına atılacak gübre miktarlarının izin verilen aralıklarda tutulması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmada yerli yapım çift diskli bir gübre dağıtma makinası ve üç farklı gübre (üre, kompoze gübre 15-15-15, kompoze gübre 20-20-0) kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada ele alınan değişkenler kanat yüksekliği (H), kanat açısı (α), gübre akış debisi (Q) ve disk çevre hızı (V) şeklindeki konstrüksiyona ve çalışma şartlarına ilişkin değişkenlerdir. Bu değişkenlerin her birinin dağılım düzgünlüğü üzerinde sadece ana etkileri değil interaksiyon halindeki etkileri de söz konusudur. Dolayısıyla değişkenlerin etkileşimlerini de içeren polinomiyal formda oluşturulan modeller, dağılım düzgünlüğü performansını matematiksel formda ifade etmiştir. Tepki Yüzeyleri Metodolojisi (TYM) uyarınca, her bir gübre için 31 deneme olmak üzere toplam 93 deneme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmalar ASAE 341.4 standardına uygun olarak yürütülmüştür. Değişkenlerin optimum değerleri, geliştirilen polinomiyal formdaki matematiksel modellerden hesaplanmış ve doğrulama denemeleri ile geçerlilikleri test edilmiştir. Doğrulama denemelerinin sonucunda gübre dağılım düzgünlüğünü ifade eden VK (%) değeri üre gübresi için %6,775, 15-15-15 kompoze gübresi için %8,135, 20-20-0 kompoze gübresi için %8,110 olarak "iyi" seviyede elde edilmiştir.
Disc broadcasters are the most widely used machines in fertilizer distribution applications. There are various parameters, which affects the distribution uniformity of these machines. The objective of this study was to obtain the mathematical models and optimize the distribution uniformity in twin-disc granular broadcast spreader. The ultimate goal expected from this study was to optimize the variables considered in the study in order to minimise the coefficient of variation (CV) for three different fertilizer used. In addition, the study was expected to help making the amount of fertilizer in both sides in longitudinal direction within allowed limits. A domestic twin-disc granular broadcast spreader was used along with three different granular fertilizers namely urea, compound fertilizer of 15-15-15, and compound fertilizer of 20-20-0. The variables considered in the study were the height of vanes (H), vane angle (α), fertilizer flow rate (Q) and disc peripheral speed (V), as they were related to construction and operating conditions in this fertilizer distribution phenomenon. Not only the main effects on the distribution uniformity of each of these variables, but also interactions of these variables are matter of this study. Therefore, the models formed in polynomial form, including the interactions of variables, were expressed the performance of distribution uniformity in mathematical form. In order to achieve the objectives set in this study, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used. Totally 93 experiments - 31 experiments for each fertilizer - conducted according to ASAE S341.4 standard. RSM has helped to develop mathematical functions in the form of polynomial models, the optimum level of the variables could be found from these models and the optimums were verified. According to the results of the verification tests, the twin-disc granular broadcast spreader provided "good" range of distribution uniformity which were 6,775 % for urea fertilizer 8,135 % for compound fertilizer of 15-15-15 and 8,110 % for compound fertilizer of 20-20-0.
Disc broadcasters are the most widely used machines in fertilizer distribution applications. There are various parameters, which affects the distribution uniformity of these machines. The objective of this study was to obtain the mathematical models and optimize the distribution uniformity in twin-disc granular broadcast spreader. The ultimate goal expected from this study was to optimize the variables considered in the study in order to minimise the coefficient of variation (CV) for three different fertilizer used. In addition, the study was expected to help making the amount of fertilizer in both sides in longitudinal direction within allowed limits. A domestic twin-disc granular broadcast spreader was used along with three different granular fertilizers namely urea, compound fertilizer of 15-15-15, and compound fertilizer of 20-20-0. The variables considered in the study were the height of vanes (H), vane angle (α), fertilizer flow rate (Q) and disc peripheral speed (V), as they were related to construction and operating conditions in this fertilizer distribution phenomenon. Not only the main effects on the distribution uniformity of each of these variables, but also interactions of these variables are matter of this study. Therefore, the models formed in polynomial form, including the interactions of variables, were expressed the performance of distribution uniformity in mathematical form. In order to achieve the objectives set in this study, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used. Totally 93 experiments - 31 experiments for each fertilizer - conducted according to ASAE S341.4 standard. RSM has helped to develop mathematical functions in the form of polynomial models, the optimum level of the variables could be found from these models and the optimums were verified. According to the results of the verification tests, the twin-disc granular broadcast spreader provided "good" range of distribution uniformity which were 6,775 % for urea fertilizer 8,135 % for compound fertilizer of 15-15-15 and 8,110 % for compound fertilizer of 20-20-0.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gübre Dağılımı, Varyasyon Katsayısı, Dağılım Deseni, Tepki Yüzeyleri Metodolojisi, Polinomiyal Modeller, Fertilizer Distribution, Coefficient of Variation, Distribution Pattern, Responce Surface Methodology, Polynomial Models