Kozmetoloji hastalarında demografik özelliklerin, yaşam kalitesinin, beden imajının, kişilik özelliklerinin, yaşam olaylarının, anksiyete ve depresyon düzeyinin değerlendirilmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Kozmetik dermatolojiye talep son yıllarda önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Bu hastaların
psikolojik yönlerini bilmek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada kozmetik hastalarında yaşam kalitesi,
anksiyete ve depresyon düzeyleri, beden imajı olumsuzluklarıyla başa çıkma yöntemleri,
yaşam olayları ve karakter özelliklerinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve yöntem: Ege Üniversitesi Deri ve Zührevi Hastalıklar Anabilim Dalı Kozmetoloji
Ünitesine Kasım 2019-Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında başvuran kadın hastalar (≥18 yaş) olgu
grubu olarak seçilmiştir. Demografik özellikler formu, '' Dermatoloji Yaşam Kalitesi İndeksi '',
'' Hastane Anksiyete ve Depresyon Ölçeği '', '' Beden İmgesi Baş Etme Stratejileri Ölçeği '', ''
Cloninger’in Mizaç ve Karakter Envanteri '' ve '' Yaşam Olayları Kontrol Listesi-5 '' formları
hastaya verilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak analiz edilmiştir.
Bulgular: Olgu grubunda 36 kişi, kontrol grubunda 34 kişi bulunmaktadır. Olgu grubunun
yaş ortalaması 47.72 (±11.545), kontrol grubunun yaş ortalaması 40.59(±8.982) olarak
bulunmuştur. Dermatoloji yaşam kalitesi indeksi (DYKİ) toplam puanları incelendiğinde
olgu grubunda ortalama 1.14 (±1.515), kontrol grubunda ortalama 2.50(±3.847) olarak
bulunmuştur (p=0.471). Hastane anksiyete ve depresyon ölçeği sonuçlarında kontrol
grubunun depresyon alt ölçeği puan ortalaması 5.53 (±3.847), olgu grubunda depresyon alt
ölçeği puan ortalaması 3.44(±2.261) olarak bulunmuştur (p=0.030). Anksiyete alt ölçeği puan
ortalaması olgu grubunda 6.03 (±2.501), kontrol grubunda 7.56 (±4.069) olarak bulunmuştur
(p=0.261). Beden imgesi ile baş etme stratejileri ölçeği incelendiğinde görünüşü düzeltme alt
ölçeği puan ortalaması olgu grubunda 13.69 (±5.104), kontrol grubunda 12.21 (±6.104) olarak
bulunmuştur (p=0.179). Olumlu mantıksal kabullenme alt ölçeği puan ortalaması olgu
grubunda 19.33(±3.189), kontrol grubunda 17.76 (±4.533) olarak bulunmuştur (p=0.162).
Kaçınma alt ölçeği puan ortalaması olgu grubunda 6.92(±3.228), kontrol grubunda
7.21(±4.241) olarak bulunmuştur (p=0.925). Her iki grup arasında tüm alt ölçeklerde
istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmamıştır. Her iki grup arasında bizzat yaşanan olaylar
açısından istatiksel anlamlı fark saptanmamıştır. Cloninger mizaç ve karakter envanteri
incelendiğinde ödül bağımlılığı (RD) ölçeği (p=0.039), empati duyma (C2) alt ölçeği
(p=0.003) ve amaçlılık (S2) alt ölçeği (p=0.041) toplam puan ortalaması istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı olarak olgu grubunda daha fazla saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Çalışmamıza katılan hastalarda dermatoloji yaşam kalitesinin olumsuz etkilenmediği, anksiyete ve depresyon görülme oranının düşük olduğu, beden imgesi olumsuzluklarıyla
temel baş etme yöntemi olarak çoğunlukla olumlu mantıksal kabullenmenin seçildiği
saptandı. Hastalarda ülkemizde sık görülebilen doğal afet ve seyahat ederken kaza gibi
olayların dışındaki travmatik olayların az oranda görüldüğü saptandı. Hastaların karakter
özelliklerine bakıldığında bu hastaların empati yeteneği yüksek, hedefleri doğrultusunda
yaşayan, ödül bağımlılığı olan sosyal bireyler oldukları saptandı. Bizim çalışmamız bu
hastaların psikososyal özelliklerini tanımlayarak literatüre katkıda bulunmuştur. Ancak elde
edilen verilen desteklenmesi için daha geniş hasta grubuyla, erkek hastaları da içeren çok
merkezli çalışmalar gereklidir.
Introduction: Demand for cosmetic dermatology has increased significantly in recent years. It is important to know the psychological aspects of these patients. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the quality of life, anxiety and depression levels, coping methods for body image negativities, life events and character traits in cosmetology patients. Materials and methods: Female patients (≥18 years) who applied to the Cosmetology Unit of Ege University Dermatology and Venerology Department between November 2019 and June 2020 were selected as the case group. Demographic features form, '' Dermatology Life Quality Index'', '' Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale'', '' Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory'', '' Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory'' and '' Life Events Checklist- 5 '' forms were given to the patient. The obtained data were analyzed statistically. Results: There were 36 patients in the case group and 34 patients in the control group. The mean age was 47.72 (± 11.545) in the case group and 40.59 (± 8.982) in the control group. Dermatology quality of life index’s mean score was 1.14 (± 1.515) in the case group and 2.50 (± 3.847) in the control group (p= 0.471). Hospital anxiety and depression scale’s depression subscale mean score was 5.53 (± 3.847) in the control group and 3.44 (± 2.261) in the case group (p=0.30). The mean score of the anxiety subscale was 6.03 (± 2.501) in the case group and 7.56 (± 4.069) in the control group (p=0.261). Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory revealed that the mean score of the appearance fixing subscale was 13.69 (± 5.104) in the case group and 12.21 (± 6.104) in the control group (p=0.179). The mean positive rational acceptance subscale score was 19.33 (± 3.189) in the case group and 17.76 (± 4.533) in the control group (p=0.162). Avoidance subscale mean score was 6.92 (± 3.228) in the case group and 7.21 (± 4.241) in the control group (p= 0.925). No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of personal events. Cloninger temperament and character inventory revealed that the total mean score of the reward dependence (RD) scale (p=0.039), the empathy (C2) subscale (p=0.003) and the purposefulness (S2) subscale (p=0.041) was significantly higher in the case group. Conclusion: It was found that dermatology quality of life was not negatively affected in the patients who participated in our study, the incidence of anxiety and depression was low, and positive rational acceptance was mostly chosen as the main method of coping with body image negativities. It was found that traumatic events other than natural disasters and accidents while traveling were observed with a low rate. It was found that these patients were social individuals with high empathy, living in line with their goals, and reward dependent. Our study contributed to the literature by describing the psychosocial characteristics of these patients. However, multi-center studies with larger patient groups, including male patients, are required to support the data obtained.
Introduction: Demand for cosmetic dermatology has increased significantly in recent years. It is important to know the psychological aspects of these patients. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the quality of life, anxiety and depression levels, coping methods for body image negativities, life events and character traits in cosmetology patients. Materials and methods: Female patients (≥18 years) who applied to the Cosmetology Unit of Ege University Dermatology and Venerology Department between November 2019 and June 2020 were selected as the case group. Demographic features form, '' Dermatology Life Quality Index'', '' Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale'', '' Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory'', '' Cloninger’s Temperament and Character Inventory'' and '' Life Events Checklist- 5 '' forms were given to the patient. The obtained data were analyzed statistically. Results: There were 36 patients in the case group and 34 patients in the control group. The mean age was 47.72 (± 11.545) in the case group and 40.59 (± 8.982) in the control group. Dermatology quality of life index’s mean score was 1.14 (± 1.515) in the case group and 2.50 (± 3.847) in the control group (p= 0.471). Hospital anxiety and depression scale’s depression subscale mean score was 5.53 (± 3.847) in the control group and 3.44 (± 2.261) in the case group (p=0.30). The mean score of the anxiety subscale was 6.03 (± 2.501) in the case group and 7.56 (± 4.069) in the control group (p=0.261). Body Image Coping Strategies Inventory revealed that the mean score of the appearance fixing subscale was 13.69 (± 5.104) in the case group and 12.21 (± 6.104) in the control group (p=0.179). The mean positive rational acceptance subscale score was 19.33 (± 3.189) in the case group and 17.76 (± 4.533) in the control group (p=0.162). Avoidance subscale mean score was 6.92 (± 3.228) in the case group and 7.21 (± 4.241) in the control group (p= 0.925). No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of personal events. Cloninger temperament and character inventory revealed that the total mean score of the reward dependence (RD) scale (p=0.039), the empathy (C2) subscale (p=0.003) and the purposefulness (S2) subscale (p=0.041) was significantly higher in the case group. Conclusion: It was found that dermatology quality of life was not negatively affected in the patients who participated in our study, the incidence of anxiety and depression was low, and positive rational acceptance was mostly chosen as the main method of coping with body image negativities. It was found that traumatic events other than natural disasters and accidents while traveling were observed with a low rate. It was found that these patients were social individuals with high empathy, living in line with their goals, and reward dependent. Our study contributed to the literature by describing the psychosocial characteristics of these patients. However, multi-center studies with larger patient groups, including male patients, are required to support the data obtained.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Estetik, Yaşam Kalitesi, Beden İmajı, Esthetics, Quality of Life, Body Image