Bazı anur türlerinde (Bufo viridis-Bufonidae; Rana ridibunda-Ranidae) derinin ince yapısı
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu çalışmada, farklı ortamlarda yaşayan iki amfibi türünde derinin ince yapısı elektron mikroskobu ile araştırılmış ve bazı morfometrik parametreler de değerlendirilmiştir. Karasal form Bufo viridis ve sucul form Rana ridibunda'da. epidermis dört ayntabakaya ayrılmıştır. St.korneum'ım en üst yüzeyinin ve bu tabaka ile sLgranülozı\m arasındaki subkorneal alanın yapısı, çalışılan türlerde belirgin biçimde farklıdır. Granülozum tabakasında bazı hücreler mukus salgısı ile doludur. Her iki türde granülozum ve spinozum hücrelerinde örtülü vesiküller gözlenmiştir. Spinozum hücreleri B.viridis'de R.ridibunda'ya oranla daha güçlü hücre iskeletine sahiptir ve hücreler arası bağlantıları da daha sıkıdır. Spinozum ve germinativum tabakalarında hücreler arası alan B.viridis'de daha dar iken R.ridibunda'da. tipik bir labirent görünümünde ve daha geniştir. R.ridibunda'da., söz konusu alanda ince, granüler bir madde yığılımı izlenmektedir.Epidermisde ayrıca, tabaka oluştuımaksızan bulunan diğer baza hücrelerin (plazma hücreleri; granüllü lökositler ve klorid hücreler gibi) ince yapılan belirlenmiştir. Epidermisin altındaki bazal tabaka B.riridis'de R.ridibunda'ya. oranla dermişe çok daha sıkı bağlanarak nüfuz etmektedir. R.ridibunda'da bu tabakada ayrıca kanalikül benzeri yapılar yer almaktadır. Su ve iyon geçişim mekanizmaları çerçevesinde her iki türde de bazal tabaka yapısında vesiküller gözlenmiştir. Spongiozum ve kompaktum tabakalarına ayrılarak incelenen dermis, başlıca bağ dokusu elemanlarından (kollagen, elastik, retiküler fibriller, fibroblastlar, makrofajlar, mast hücreleri) ve kromotoforlardan oluşmuştur. B.virUHs'de stspongiozum ve stkompaktum arasında kalsifiye, amorf bir tabaka yer almaktadır. Sonuç olarak, belirlenen bütün bu ince yapı bulguları ile, derinin farklı işlevleri uzantısındaki bağlantılar yorumlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Amphibia, Anura, deri, epidermis, dermis
The present study is on the fine skin structure of two different anurans living in different habitats. TEM studies were conducted on the skin samples and some morphometric parametres were also evaluated. Epidermis consists of four separate layers both in terrestrial form Bufo viridis and aquatic form Rana ridibunda. Structurally, the outermost layer of st. corneum and the subcorneal area located between stcorneum and stratum granulosum are distinctly different in the two species. Some cells of the granulosum are full of a mucoid secretion. Coated vesicles were observed within the granulosum and spinosum cells of the two species. The spinosum cell of B. viridis have a stronger cytoskeleton than those of R.ridibunda and, their junctional complexes are also stronger. While the intercellular spaces in spinosum and germinativum layers are narrower in B. viridis, in R.ridibunda the same area wider and typically labyrinthine. Within the same spaces of R.ridibunda, a finely granular material accumulation was also observed.VII Furthermore, the fine structures of plasma cells, granular leucocytes and chlorid cells were also established: In B.viridis the basal membrane under the epidermis binds much more strongly than that of other species. Some canalicular structures were also seen within the membrane of R.ridibunda. Some vesicles related to the mechanisms of water and ion transport were also observed in the basal membrane of the two species. The dermis was investigated as two separate layers of spongiosum and compactum, which were consisted of basic connective tissue elements (collagen, elastic and reticular fibers; fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells) and chromatophores. In B.viridis, there is a calcified amorphous layer between the stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. These findings on fine structure evaluated together with the different functions of the skin. Key words: Amphibia, Anura, skin, epidermis, dermis.
The present study is on the fine skin structure of two different anurans living in different habitats. TEM studies were conducted on the skin samples and some morphometric parametres were also evaluated. Epidermis consists of four separate layers both in terrestrial form Bufo viridis and aquatic form Rana ridibunda. Structurally, the outermost layer of st. corneum and the subcorneal area located between stcorneum and stratum granulosum are distinctly different in the two species. Some cells of the granulosum are full of a mucoid secretion. Coated vesicles were observed within the granulosum and spinosum cells of the two species. The spinosum cell of B. viridis have a stronger cytoskeleton than those of R.ridibunda and, their junctional complexes are also stronger. While the intercellular spaces in spinosum and germinativum layers are narrower in B. viridis, in R.ridibunda the same area wider and typically labyrinthine. Within the same spaces of R.ridibunda, a finely granular material accumulation was also observed.VII Furthermore, the fine structures of plasma cells, granular leucocytes and chlorid cells were also established: In B.viridis the basal membrane under the epidermis binds much more strongly than that of other species. Some canalicular structures were also seen within the membrane of R.ridibunda. Some vesicles related to the mechanisms of water and ion transport were also observed in the basal membrane of the two species. The dermis was investigated as two separate layers of spongiosum and compactum, which were consisted of basic connective tissue elements (collagen, elastic and reticular fibers; fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells) and chromatophores. In B.viridis, there is a calcified amorphous layer between the stratum spongiosum and stratum compactum. These findings on fine structure evaluated together with the different functions of the skin. Key words: Amphibia, Anura, skin, epidermis, dermis.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Amphibia, ; Amphibia, Amphibia, Anura, ; Deri, Skin, Epidermis, Epidermis, Kurbağalar, Frogs, Kuyruksuz kurbağalar, Anura, İki yaşamlılar, Amphibians