Miyeloproliferatif neoplaziler'de gen mutasyonlarının sekans analiziyle belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Miyeloproliferatif Neoplaziler (MPN), periferik kanda bir veya daha fazla terminal miyeloid hücre hattının anormal proliferasyonu ile sonuçlanan heterojen bir grup hastalığıdır. Hematolojik malignitelerde genetik belirteçlerin tanı, takip ve tedavide önemli bir yeri vardır. Çalışmanın hipotezi, BCR-ABL1 Negatif MPN'lerde JAK2 gen mutasyonu negatif olgulardaki gen mutasyon profillerini araştırmak ve hastalıkların ilerlemesine katkıda bulunan genetik değişiklikleri kategorize etmektir. Bu nedenle JAK2 gen mutasyonu negatif MPN ön tanılı olguların periferik kan örneklerinden izole edilen DNA örnekleri ile yeni nesil dizileme yöntemi kullanılarak olgulardaki varyasyonlar saptanmıştır. Yeni nesil dizileme sonucunda olguların tamamında PTPN11 geninde yeni patojenik özellikte p.Glu110Val değişimi olan varyant tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca olguların yarısından fazlasında GNAS geninde yanlış anlamlı değişim bulunmuştur. GNAS geninde ekzon 8'de hem p.Arg199Pro değişimi hem de p.Asp196Ser değişimi tespit edilmiştir. MPN'lerin tanısında yer alan sürücü mutasyonlarından CALR geninde yeni bir varyant bulunurken MPL geninde herhangi bir varyant bulunmamıştır. Bu mutasyonlara ek olarak epigenetik değişimlerle ve kohezin mutasyonları ile ilişkili varyantlar da bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar değerlendirildiğinde PTPN11 ve GNAS geni hastalık prognozu için aday genler olarak değerlendirilebilir
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) are a heterogeneous group of diseases that result in abnormal proliferation of one oer more terminal myeloid cell lines in the peripheral blood. Genetic markers have an important place in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of hematological malignancies. The hypothesis of the study is to investigate the gene mutation profiles in JAK2 gene mutation-negative cases in BCR-ABL1 negative MPN and to categorize the genetic changes that contribute to the progression of the diseases. For this reason, DNA samples isolated from peripheral blood samples of cases with JAK2 gene mutation-negative MPN pre-diagnosis were determined by using next-generation sequencing method. As a result of next generation sequencing, a new pathogenic variant with p.Glu110Val change in the PTPN11 gene was identified in all cases. In addition, more than half of cases had a missense change in the GNAS gene. Both p.Arg199Pro change and p.Asp196Ser change were detected in exon 8 of the GNAS gene. While a new variant was found in the CALR gene, one of the driver mutations involved in the diagnosis of MPNs, no variant was found in the MPL gene. In addition to these mutations, variants associated with epigenetic changes and cohesin mutations have also been found. When the results are evaluated, PTPN11 and GNAS gene can be evaluated as candidate genes for disease prognosis.
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPN) are a heterogeneous group of diseases that result in abnormal proliferation of one oer more terminal myeloid cell lines in the peripheral blood. Genetic markers have an important place in the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of hematological malignancies. The hypothesis of the study is to investigate the gene mutation profiles in JAK2 gene mutation-negative cases in BCR-ABL1 negative MPN and to categorize the genetic changes that contribute to the progression of the diseases. For this reason, DNA samples isolated from peripheral blood samples of cases with JAK2 gene mutation-negative MPN pre-diagnosis were determined by using next-generation sequencing method. As a result of next generation sequencing, a new pathogenic variant with p.Glu110Val change in the PTPN11 gene was identified in all cases. In addition, more than half of cases had a missense change in the GNAS gene. Both p.Arg199Pro change and p.Asp196Ser change were detected in exon 8 of the GNAS gene. While a new variant was found in the CALR gene, one of the driver mutations involved in the diagnosis of MPNs, no variant was found in the MPL gene. In addition to these mutations, variants associated with epigenetic changes and cohesin mutations have also been found. When the results are evaluated, PTPN11 and GNAS gene can be evaluated as candidate genes for disease prognosis.
06.03.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hematoloji, Hematology, Tıbbi Biyoloji, Medical Biology, Dizi analizi, Sequence analysis, Genetik, Genetics, Miyeloproliferatif hastalıklar, Myeloproliferative disorders