Mukozaya uygulanabilen antifungal etkili formülasyonların hazırlanması ın vitro / eks vivo karakterizasyonu
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışması kapsamında vajinal kandidiyazis tedavisi için suda
çözünürlüğü düşük azol grubu bir antifungal olan posakonazol (POS) ile
mukoadezif ve mukusa penetre olabilen iki farklı formülasyon hazırlanmış
ve bu formülasyonlar in vitro / eks vivo karakterizasyonları yapılarak
Tez çalışmasının ilk bölümünde, vajinaya uygulanacak mukoadezif bir
formülasyon geliştirilmesi amacı ile suksinil-beta-siklodekstrin (Suc-β-CD)
ile çalışılmıştır. Çok aşamalı bir reaksiyon yolağı izlenerek
merkaptonikotinamit’in (6-MNA) Suc-β-CD halkası üzerine konjugasyonu
sağlanmış ve oligomer Suc-β-CD’e mukoadezif özellik kazandırılmıştır.
Ardından elde edilen ürünlerin POS ile inklüzyon kompleksleri hazırlanarak
etkin maddenin çözünürlük özellikleri iyileştirilmiştir. İki farklı modifikasyon
oranı ile sentezlenen Suc-β-CD-MNA türevleri kimyasal olarak karakterize
edildiğinde elde edilen verilerde Suc-β–CD-MNA1 molekülüne
221,16±51,68 μmol / g, Suc-β-CD-MNA2 molekülüne ise 521,76±28,25
μmol / g 6-MNA’nın konjuge olduğu görülmüştür. Yapılan dissolüsyon
testinde Suc-β-CD-MNA1’in POS'un laktat tampon içindeki dissolüsyonunu
49,13 kat arttırdığı, Suc- β-CD-MNA2'nin ise 33,61 kat arttığı gözlenmiştir.
Mukoadezif özellikleri incelendiğinde, sentezlenen Suc-β-CD-MNA1 ve Suc-
β-CD-MNA2 ile hazırlanan inklüzyon kompleksleri modifiye edilmemiş Suc-
β-CD ile hazırlanan komplekslere kıyasla sırasıyla 21,574 ve 37,674 kat
daha yüksek mukoadezyon sergilemiştir. Suc-β-CD-MNA türevleri ve POS
ile hazırlanan inklüzyon komplekslerinin ayrıca sitotoksik profilleri ve
antifungal etkileri araştırılmıştır.
Tez çalışmasının ikinci bölümünde mukusa penetre olabilen bir
formülasyon kullanılarak POS’un hidrofilik mukus engelini aşarak epitel
tabakasına ulaşmasını sağlamak amaçlanmıştır.
SNEDDS’in (kendiliğinden emülsifiye olan nano ilaç taşıyıcı sistemler)
mukozal ilaç uygulama için önemli bir potansiyel taşıdığı son yıllarda
yapılan araştırmalarda ortaya çıkmıştır. SNEDDS damlacıkları deformasyon yetenekleri ve yüzey özellikleri sayesinde mukus tabakasına penetre
olabilirler. POS içeren SNEDDS damlacıklarının mukus penetrasyon
özelliğini arttırmak amacıyla mukolitik ajan N-asetilsistein (NAC) ile katyonik
polimer Eudragit RS 100 arasında iyonik bir kompleks (EU-NAC)
hazırlanmış ve SNEDDS formülasyonuna eklenmiştir. Hazırlanan
formülasyonlar, damlacık boyutu, polidispersite indeksi ve zeta potansiyel
açısından incelenmiş,kısa süreli ve uzun süreli stabilite testleri yapılmış,
etkin madde salım çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiş ayrıca mukus permeasyon
ve mukolitik özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerde mukolitik EUNAC
kompleksi içeren POS-EU-NAC-SNEDDS formülasyonunun, mukus
permeasyonunun mukolitik ajan içermeyen POS-SNEDDS formülasyonuna
göre 55,042 kat fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Yapılan in vitro mukolitik aktivite
testinde EU-NAC-SNEDDS formülasyonunun 4 saat sonunda mukus
viskozitesinin başlangıç değerinin yaklaşık %5’ine kadar düşürdüğü
gözlenmiştir. SNEDDS formülasyonlarının için antifungal etkileri ve
sitotoksik özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca SNEDDS
formülasyonlarından NAC salımını belirleyebilmek için Ellman Testi
prensiplerine dayanan yeni bir salım metodu geliştirilmiştir.
Mukozal dokuya ilaç uygulanmasında hem mukoadezif hem de mukusa
penetre olabilen sistemlerin kendilerine özgü avantajları vardır. Gelecekte
mukozal uygulamalar için ilaç geliştirilmesindeki eğilimin her iki tip
formülasyonun üstün özelliklerinin aynı formülasyonda kombine edilmesiyle
yeni ilaç taşıyıcı sistemlerin tasarlanması yönünde olacağı düşünülmektedir.
Within the scope of this thesis, two different formulations; mucoadhesive and mucous penetrating formulations have been prepared for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis with posaconazole (POS), a low water soluble azole group antifungal. These two formulations were further evaluated by in vitro / ex vivo characterization. In the first part of the thesis, succinyl-β-cyclodextrin (Suc-β-CD) was studied in order to develop mucoadhesive formulation to be applied to the vagina. Suc-β-CD was thiolated by pre-activation method to provide mucoadhesiveness to the oligomer, then inclusion complexes were prepared with POS to improve solubility properties of the active substance. Thiolated Suc-β-CD derivatives synthesized by two different modification rates have been chemically characterized. 521,76 ± 28,25 μmol / g 6-MNA was conjugated to the molecule. Suc-β–CD-MNA1 was found to increase the dissolution of POS in lactate buffer by 49,13 fold and Suc-β-CD-MNA2 increased by 33,61 fold. According to the results of mucoadhesion studies the inclusion complexes prepared with Suc- β-CD-MNA1 and Suc-β-CD-MNA2 exhibited 21,574 and 37,674 fold higher mucoadhesion than complexes prepared with unmodified Suc-β-CD, respectively. The cytotoxic profiles and antifungal effects of inclusion complexes prepared with Suc-β-CD-MNA derivatives and POS and derivatives were also investigated. In the second part of the thesis, the aim was to prepare a mucus permeating formulation that can reach the epithelial layer by passing the hydrophilic mucus barrier. Recently, studies showed that SNEDDS (self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems) have an important potential for mucosal drug administration. SNEDDS droplets are capable of penetrating the mucus layer due to their formation properties. In order to increase the mucus penetration of the formulation, an ionic complex between the mucolytic agent N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and the cationic polymer Eudragit RS 100 was prepared and added to the SNEDDS. Prepared formulations were examined in terms of particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential, active substance release studies were performed and mucus permeation and mucolytic properties were investigated. It was also observed that the SNEDDS formulation containing the EU-NAC complex reduced mucus viscosity to about 5% of the initial value after 4 hours. Antifungal efficacy and cytotoxicity tests were also performed for SNEDDS formulations. In addition, a new release method based on Ellman Test principles has been developed to determine NAC release from SNEDDS formulations. Both mucoadhesive and mucosal penetrating systems have their own advantages when administering drugs to mucosal tissue. The trend in drug development for mucosal administration in the future is thought to be to design new drug delivery systems by combining the superior properties of both types of formulations in the same formulation.
Within the scope of this thesis, two different formulations; mucoadhesive and mucous penetrating formulations have been prepared for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis with posaconazole (POS), a low water soluble azole group antifungal. These two formulations were further evaluated by in vitro / ex vivo characterization. In the first part of the thesis, succinyl-β-cyclodextrin (Suc-β-CD) was studied in order to develop mucoadhesive formulation to be applied to the vagina. Suc-β-CD was thiolated by pre-activation method to provide mucoadhesiveness to the oligomer, then inclusion complexes were prepared with POS to improve solubility properties of the active substance. Thiolated Suc-β-CD derivatives synthesized by two different modification rates have been chemically characterized. 521,76 ± 28,25 μmol / g 6-MNA was conjugated to the molecule. Suc-β–CD-MNA1 was found to increase the dissolution of POS in lactate buffer by 49,13 fold and Suc-β-CD-MNA2 increased by 33,61 fold. According to the results of mucoadhesion studies the inclusion complexes prepared with Suc- β-CD-MNA1 and Suc-β-CD-MNA2 exhibited 21,574 and 37,674 fold higher mucoadhesion than complexes prepared with unmodified Suc-β-CD, respectively. The cytotoxic profiles and antifungal effects of inclusion complexes prepared with Suc-β-CD-MNA derivatives and POS and derivatives were also investigated. In the second part of the thesis, the aim was to prepare a mucus permeating formulation that can reach the epithelial layer by passing the hydrophilic mucus barrier. Recently, studies showed that SNEDDS (self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems) have an important potential for mucosal drug administration. SNEDDS droplets are capable of penetrating the mucus layer due to their formation properties. In order to increase the mucus penetration of the formulation, an ionic complex between the mucolytic agent N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and the cationic polymer Eudragit RS 100 was prepared and added to the SNEDDS. Prepared formulations were examined in terms of particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential, active substance release studies were performed and mucus permeation and mucolytic properties were investigated. It was also observed that the SNEDDS formulation containing the EU-NAC complex reduced mucus viscosity to about 5% of the initial value after 4 hours. Antifungal efficacy and cytotoxicity tests were also performed for SNEDDS formulations. In addition, a new release method based on Ellman Test principles has been developed to determine NAC release from SNEDDS formulations. Both mucoadhesive and mucosal penetrating systems have their own advantages when administering drugs to mucosal tissue. The trend in drug development for mucosal administration in the future is thought to be to design new drug delivery systems by combining the superior properties of both types of formulations in the same formulation.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mukus, Mukoadezif, Antifungal, Vajinal, SNEDDS, Posakonazol, Mucus, Mucoadhesive, Antifungals, Vaginal, Posaconazole