Sanal gerçeklik ile bütünleştirilmiş roy adaptasyon modeli temelli hemşirelik uygulamalarının gençlerde sosyal kaygı düzeyine etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş: Genç bireylerdeki sosyal kaygının yüksek olması sosyal, akademik ve psikolojik zorluklara yol açması, erken başlayıp hızla kronikleşmesi, utangaçlık, sosyal izolasyon, yalnızlık gibi yaşam şeklinde bazı olumsuz durumların yaşanmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bireyin var olan kaygısı kronik bir hale dönüştüğünde, akran ve yakın ilişkiler başta olmak üzere sosyal etkileşimin bozularak, sosyal kaygı bozukluğu tanısına yönelik önemli bir risk oluşmaktadır. Roy Adaptasyon Modeli hemşirelik müdahaleleri genç bireylerin yaşamış olduğu sosyal kaygıya uygun bir yaklaşım olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Uygulanan müdahalelerin yenilikçi bir yaklaşım kapsamında sanal gerçeklik ile desteklenmesi, uygulanan girişimlerin etikçisini arttıracağı öngörülmüştür. Amaç: Araştırma, sanal gerçeklik ile bütünleştirilmiş Roy Adaptasyon Modeli temelli hemşirelik uygulamalarının gençlerin sosyal kaygı düzeyine olan etkisini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yöntem: Araştırma iki kontrol gruplu ve tek körlü randomize deneysel tiptedir. Ege Üniversitesi hazırlık sınıflarında okuyan ve "Liebowitz Sosyal Kaygı Ölçeği Kaygı Al Boyutu" toplam puanları 30 ve üzeri olan gençler araştırmanın hedef grubunu oluşturmuştur (N=242). Deney grubuna alınan katılımcılara Roy Adaptasyon Modeli temelli hemşirelik girişimleri sanal gerçeklik uygulaması ile birlikte kullanılmıştır. KG-I'deki katılımcılara ise sadece Roy Adaptasyon Modeli temelli hemşirelik girişimleri uygulanmış olup, KG-II'deki katılımcılara ise herhangi bir müdahalede bulunulmamıştır. Araştırmaya başlamadan önce etik kurul izni, araştırmanın yapıldığı kurumdan kurum izni ve katılımcılardan sözel ve yazılı onam alınmıştır. Araştırma verileri gerekli örneklem koşullarını yerine getiren 55 öğrenci üzerinden toplanmıştır. Veriler "Liebowitz Sosyal Kaygı Ölçeği", "Yaşam Doyum Ölçeği" " Bulunuşluk Ölçeği" ve ilgli literatür doğrultusunda geliştirilen "Birey Tanılama Formu" kullanılarak; ön-son ve izlem ölçümleriyle toplanmıştır. Verileri değerlendirilirken tanımlayıcı istatistiksel metotlar (sayı, yüzde, min-maks değerleri, ortalama ve standart sapma) kullanılmıştır. Normal dağılıma sahip olan verilerde niceliksel verilerin karşılaştırılmasında ikiden fazla bağımsız grup arasındaki fark için tek yönlü varyans analizi, ikiden fazla bağımlı değişken karşılaştırılmasında ise tekrarlı ölçümlerde varyans analizi testi kullanılmıştır. Normal dağılıma sahip olmayan verilerde ise ikiden fazla bağımsız grup arasındaki fark için Kruskal Wallis H testi, ikiden fazla bağımlı değişken karşılaştırılmasında ise Friedman testi kullanılmıştır. Kategorik değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiyi test etmek için ki kare tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırmada farklı zamanlardaki farklı girişimsel uygulamaların Liebowitz Sosyal Kaygı Ölçeği puanları üzerindeki etkisi incelendiğinde, Kaygı (F=24,005, p=0,000), Kaçınma (F=44,915, p=0,000) boyutları açısından gruplararası anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Uygulanan girişimin "Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği" puanları üzerindeki etkisi incelendiğinde ise (F=5,148, p=0,009), gruplararası anlamlı farklılık bulunmuştur. Gerçekleştirilen girişim programı, "Liebowitz Sosyal Kaygı Ölçeği" her iki alt boyutunda da deney grubu lehine etkili olumlu değişiklikler yaratmıştır. Yaşam Doyumu puanlarında ise sadece Roy Adaptasyon Temelli hemşirelik müdahaleleirn yapıldığı Kontrol-1 Grubu lehine olduğu belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Araştırma kapsamında Roy Adaptasyon Modeli temelli hemşirelik girişimleri; genç bireylerin sosyal kaygı ve kaçınmaya yönelik davranış ve tutumlarını Roy Adaptasyon Modeli hemşirelik girişimleri uygulanan ve girişimde bulunmayan kontrol gruplarına kıyasla daha etkin şekilde azalttığı görülümüştür. Sanal gerçeklik ile bütünleştirilmiş Roy Adaptasyon Modeli temelli hemşirelik girişimleri; genç bireylerin yaşam doyumunu arttırmasına rağmen bu artış isttaistiksel olarak anlamlı olmayıp; sadece Roy Adaptasyon Temelli hemşirelik müdahalelerinin uygulundığı deney grubunun gerisinde kalmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler; Sosyal kaygı; genç bireyler; Roy Adaptasyon Modeli; sanal gerçeklik; psikiyatri hemşireliği
Introduction:High social anxiety in young individuals can lead to social, academic and psychological difficulties, early onset and rapid chronicization can cause some negative situations in the form of life such as shyness, social isolation, loneliness. It is very important to plan theoretically based nursing interventions for this anxiety experienced by young individuals. The Roy Adaptation Model for anxiety experienced by young individuals is a very appropriate approach. It was seen as important to support the applied interventions with virtual reality within the scope of an innovative approach. Aim: The study was conducted to determine the effect of nursing practices based on the Roy Adaptation Model integrated with virtual reality on social anxiety and life satisfaction levels of young people. Method: The study was a single-blinded randomized experimental design with two control groups. The target group of the study consisted of young people studying in the preparatory classes of Ege University with Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale scores of 30 and above (N=242). Roy Adaptation-Based nursing ınterventions were used together with virtual reality for the participants in the experimental group. Only Roy Adaptation-Based nursing ınterventions were applied to the participants in CG-I, and no intervention was applied to the participants in CG-II. Before starting the study, ethics committee permission, institutional permission from the institution where the research was conducted, and verbal and written consent were obtained from the participants. Research data were collected from 55 students who fulfilled the necessary sampling conditions. The data were collected by using the "Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale", "Life Satisfaction Scale", "Presence Scale" and "Individual Diagnostic Form" developed in line with the literature; pre-post and follow-up measurements. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, min-max values, mean and standard deviation) were used to evaluate the data. One-way analysis of variance was used for the difference between more than two independent groups for the comparison of quantitative data in normally distributed data, and repeated measures analysis of variance test was used for the comparison of more than two dependent variables. For non-normally distributed data, Kruskal Wallis H test was used for the difference between more than two independent groups and Friedman test was used for the comparison of more than two dependent variables. Chi-square technique was used to test the relationship between categorical variables. Results: When the effect of different interventional interventions at different times on LBSQ scores was examined, a significant difference was found between the groups in terms of the dimensions of Anxiety (F: 24,005,024, p?0.05), Avoidance (F: 44,915, p?0.05), and when the effect of the intervention on the "LBSQ" scores was examined (F: 5,148, p?0.05), a significant difference was found between the groups. The intervention program created effective positive changes in favor of the experimental group in both sub-dimensions of "LBSBSS". In Life Satisfaction scores, it was determined that only the Control-1 Group, in which Roy Adaptation-Based nursing interventions were performed, was in favor of the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Within the scope of the study, Roy Adaptation Model-based nursing interventions were found to reduce the behaviors and attitudes of young individuals towards social anxiety and avoidance more effectively than other methods. Although Roy Adaptation Model-based nursing interventions increased the life satisfaction of young individuals, this increase was not statistically significant; it was only behind the group in which Roy Adaptation-Based nursing interventions were performed. Keywords; Social anxiety; young individuals; Roy Adaptation Model; virtual reality; randomized controlled trial
Introduction:High social anxiety in young individuals can lead to social, academic and psychological difficulties, early onset and rapid chronicization can cause some negative situations in the form of life such as shyness, social isolation, loneliness. It is very important to plan theoretically based nursing interventions for this anxiety experienced by young individuals. The Roy Adaptation Model for anxiety experienced by young individuals is a very appropriate approach. It was seen as important to support the applied interventions with virtual reality within the scope of an innovative approach. Aim: The study was conducted to determine the effect of nursing practices based on the Roy Adaptation Model integrated with virtual reality on social anxiety and life satisfaction levels of young people. Method: The study was a single-blinded randomized experimental design with two control groups. The target group of the study consisted of young people studying in the preparatory classes of Ege University with Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale scores of 30 and above (N=242). Roy Adaptation-Based nursing ınterventions were used together with virtual reality for the participants in the experimental group. Only Roy Adaptation-Based nursing ınterventions were applied to the participants in CG-I, and no intervention was applied to the participants in CG-II. Before starting the study, ethics committee permission, institutional permission from the institution where the research was conducted, and verbal and written consent were obtained from the participants. Research data were collected from 55 students who fulfilled the necessary sampling conditions. The data were collected by using the "Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale", "Life Satisfaction Scale", "Presence Scale" and "Individual Diagnostic Form" developed in line with the literature; pre-post and follow-up measurements. Descriptive statistical methods (number, percentage, min-max values, mean and standard deviation) were used to evaluate the data. One-way analysis of variance was used for the difference between more than two independent groups for the comparison of quantitative data in normally distributed data, and repeated measures analysis of variance test was used for the comparison of more than two dependent variables. For non-normally distributed data, Kruskal Wallis H test was used for the difference between more than two independent groups and Friedman test was used for the comparison of more than two dependent variables. Chi-square technique was used to test the relationship between categorical variables. Results: When the effect of different interventional interventions at different times on LBSQ scores was examined, a significant difference was found between the groups in terms of the dimensions of Anxiety (F: 24,005,024, p?0.05), Avoidance (F: 44,915, p?0.05), and when the effect of the intervention on the "LBSQ" scores was examined (F: 5,148, p?0.05), a significant difference was found between the groups. The intervention program created effective positive changes in favor of the experimental group in both sub-dimensions of "LBSBSS". In Life Satisfaction scores, it was determined that only the Control-1 Group, in which Roy Adaptation-Based nursing interventions were performed, was in favor of the experimental group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Within the scope of the study, Roy Adaptation Model-based nursing interventions were found to reduce the behaviors and attitudes of young individuals towards social anxiety and avoidance more effectively than other methods. Although Roy Adaptation Model-based nursing interventions increased the life satisfaction of young individuals, this increase was not statistically significant; it was only behind the group in which Roy Adaptation-Based nursing interventions were performed. Keywords; Social anxiety; young individuals; Roy Adaptation Model; virtual reality; randomized controlled trial
19.04.2024 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Hemşirelik, Nursing