Organik fotonik sistemlerde kullanılabilecek perilendiimit türevlerinin sentezi ve fotofiziksel karakterizasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde, Organik Fotonik Teknolojilerde kullanılabileceği deneysel veriler ile
kanıtlanmış, farklı hacimsel gruplara sahip asetilen köprülü perilendiimit (PDI) ve
perilen tetraester (PTE) türevleri sentezlendi ve FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, GS-MSASAP
ve MALDI-TOF ile yapıları karakterize edildi. PTE ve PDI türevlerinin
fotofiziksel ve elektrokimyasal özelliklerinin yanı sıra, uyarılmış singlet hal ekziton
ve fotoindüklenmiş absorpsiyon bölgelerinin (PIA) karakterizasyonları, zamanla
ilişkili tek foton sayımı (TCSPS), yüksek hassasiyetli yoğunlaştırılmış yük
bağlaşımlı aygıt (iCCD)-kamera bağlantılı ultra hızlı zaman çözümlemeli
fotolüminesans ve fs-pump prob geçici absorpsiyon spektroskopi (TAS) teknikleri
ile gerçekleştirildi. Sentezlenen tüm perilen türevlerinin, kuantum verimleri ≥%90,
fluoresans yaşam ömürleri (τ) 3-6 ns ve bozunma sıcaklıkları ≥300°C’dir.
Elektrokimyasal ölçümlerde, PDI türevleri sadece indirgenme (PDI6 hariç), PTE
türevleri ise hem indirgenme hem de yükseltgenme pikleri sergilemiştir. PDI6’nın
bipolar özelliği sebebiyle hem indirgenme hem de yükseltgenme piki tespit
edilmiştir. PDI6 yapısında bulunan elektron verici ve alıcı gruplar arasındaki
etkileşim çözgene bağlı olarak değişmektedir; kloroform ortamında, hızlı ve kalıcı
elektron transferi, tolüen ortamında ise geri dönüşümlü ve yavaş bir elektron
transferi. PDI’lerin körfez pozisyonlarına yerleştirilen asetilen ve fenil asetilen
köprüleri indirgenme potansiyellerini (~0,05 ile 0,10V kadar) düşürmüş ve soğurma
dalga boylarını, sırasıyla 25 ve 51 nm kırmızı bölgeye kaydırmıştır. Bazı PTE ve
PDI türevlerinin dalgaboyu dönüştürücü olarak kullanılabileceği de gösterilmiştir.
In this thesis, acetylene-bridged PDI and PTE derivatives with different volumetric groups, which have been proven to be used in Organic Photonics Technologies with experimental data, were synthesized and their structures were characterized by FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, GS-MS-ASAP and MALDI-TOF. In addition to the photophysical and electrochemical properties of PTE and PDI derivatives, as well as the characterizations of the excited singlet state exciton and photoinduced absorption regions (PIA) were performed by TCSPS, ultra-fast time resolved PL with high sensitivity iCCD camera and fs-pump probe TAS techniques. All synthesized perylene derivatives have 90% quantum yields, 3-6 ns fluorescence lifetimes (τ) and ≥300°C decomposition temperatures. In electrochemical measurements, PDI derivatives (except PDI6) exhibited only reduction peaks while PTE derivatives exhibited both reduction and oxidation peaks. Due to the bipolar property of the PDI6 derivative, both the reduction and the oxidation peak were determined. The interaction between the electron donor and acceptor groups in PDI6 structure changes depending on the solvent; fast and permanent electron transfer in chloroform environment, a reversible and slow electron transfer in the toluene medium. The acetylene and phenyl acetylene bridges placed in the bay positions of the PDIs reduced their reduction potential (~ 0.05 to 0.10V) and shifted the absorption wavelengths to the red region of 25 and 51 nm, respectively. It has also been shown that some PTE and PDI derivatives can be used as wavelength converters.
In this thesis, acetylene-bridged PDI and PTE derivatives with different volumetric groups, which have been proven to be used in Organic Photonics Technologies with experimental data, were synthesized and their structures were characterized by FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, GS-MS-ASAP and MALDI-TOF. In addition to the photophysical and electrochemical properties of PTE and PDI derivatives, as well as the characterizations of the excited singlet state exciton and photoinduced absorption regions (PIA) were performed by TCSPS, ultra-fast time resolved PL with high sensitivity iCCD camera and fs-pump probe TAS techniques. All synthesized perylene derivatives have 90% quantum yields, 3-6 ns fluorescence lifetimes (τ) and ≥300°C decomposition temperatures. In electrochemical measurements, PDI derivatives (except PDI6) exhibited only reduction peaks while PTE derivatives exhibited both reduction and oxidation peaks. Due to the bipolar property of the PDI6 derivative, both the reduction and the oxidation peak were determined. The interaction between the electron donor and acceptor groups in PDI6 structure changes depending on the solvent; fast and permanent electron transfer in chloroform environment, a reversible and slow electron transfer in the toluene medium. The acetylene and phenyl acetylene bridges placed in the bay positions of the PDIs reduced their reduction potential (~ 0.05 to 0.10V) and shifted the absorption wavelengths to the red region of 25 and 51 nm, respectively. It has also been shown that some PTE and PDI derivatives can be used as wavelength converters.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Perilen, Fotofizik, Ekziton Dinamikleri, Zaman Çözümlemeli PL, iCCD Kamera, Geçici Absorpsiyon Spektroskopisi (TAS), Fotonik, Perylene, Photophysics, Exciton Dynamics, Time Dependent PL, iCCD Camera, Transient Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS), Photonics