Civciv embriyolarında sekonder nörulasyon evrelerinin histolojik olarak incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
88 ÖZET Nörulasyon, nöral tüp oluşum sürecidir. Primer ve sekonder nörulasyon olmak üzere iki aşamada incelenebilir. Primer nörulasyon ektodermin proliferasyonu ile başlayan nöral plak oluşumu, nöral plak lateral kenarlarının katlanması ve katlantılarm yükselerek orta hatta birbirine yaklaşarak birleşmesiyle meydana gelir. Embriyonun kaudalinde meydana gelen sekonder nörulasyon ise, kuyruk tomurcuğundaki mezenşim hücrelerinin bir küme şeklinde yoğunlaşarak medullar kordu oluşturmasıyla başlar. Yapılan çalışmalar genellikle primer nörulasyon üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu çalışmada ise yoğun bir hücre kümesinin kanalizasyonu ile meydana gelen sekonder nörulasyon oluşumu incelenmiştir. Sekonder nörulasyon oluşumu Hamburger-Hamilton evrelerine göre evre 15'de bulunan 55 saatlik civciv embriyosunda incelendi. Embriyolar yumurtaların içinden alındıktan sonra, membranlarından diseke edilerek hemen uygun fiksatiflere alındı. Bir grup embriyoya ışık mikroskobu ve histokimyasal çalışma için parafın takibi yapıldı. Parafin bloklardan mikrotomda 2 mikronluk kesitler alınarak P.A.S. boyası ve Hematoksilen Eozin boyaması yapıldı. Işık mikroskobunda daha ayrıntılı histolojik bulgulara ulaşmak amacı ile civciv embriyolarının bir grubuna Elektronmikroskop takibi yapılarak epon blokları hazırlandı. Epon bloklardan ultramikrotom ile 1 mikronluk kesitler alınarak toluidin mavisi ile boyandı. Işık mikroskobunda incelenerek fotoğrafları çekildi. Sekonder nörulasyonun, civciv embriyosunun kaudal kısmında yer alan kuyruk tomurcuğundan gelişen medullar kordda meydana gelen kavitasyonlar ile oluştuğu saptandı. Civciv embriyolarında sekonder nörulasyonun, primer nöralasyondan farklı dört ana olayı içerdiği izlendi. Birinci olarak, kuyruk tomurcuğunun dorsal hücrelerinin biraraya gelmesiyle 'medullar kord' olarak tanımlanan yoğun bir hücre kümesinin oluşması; ikinci olarak oluşan alanın sınırlarının belirginleşmesi ve hücrelerin 'çevre hücreleri' ve 'merkezi hücreler'89 olarak farklılaşması; üçüncü olarak medullar kordda farklılaşan merkezi ve çevre hücreleri arasında kavitasyon oluşumu ve dördüncü olarak oluşan bütün lümenlerin birleşerek tek bir merkezi kanal haline gelmesi olarak tanımlandı. İncelenen zaman aralığında oluşan sekonder nöral tüp ve kuyruk mezenşiminde, histolojik kriterlere göre apoptotik hücreler tanımlandı. Bu apoptotik hücrelerin normal gelişim ve hücre sayısının kontrolünde kullanıldığı düşünüldü. Son zamanlarda artan araştırmalarla birlikte nörulasyonu anlamadaki büyük ilerlemelere rağmen nöral tüp defektleri önemli bir sağlık sorunu olarak sürmektedir. İnsanda nöral tüp kapanma kusuru, spina bifida olarak bilinen nöral tüp ve vertebra defektlerine ve şiddetli durumlarda paralizilere neden olabilmektedir. Ayrıca, sekonder nörulasyon evresindeki gelişim kusurları klinikte terminal miyelosistosel ve kalın filum terminale sendromu olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hücresel ve moleküler düzeyde mekanizmaların anlaşılmaya başlanmasına rağmen, hücrelerin davranışı ve etkilerinin anlaşılması, konjenital malformasy onları önlemede çözülmesi gereken bir problemdir. Sonuçta normal bir insanın oluşabilmesi için nöral tüp ne kadar önemli ise, normal bir nöral tüp oluşabilmesi için de sekonder nörulasyon o kadar önemlidir yargısının varıldığı bu çalışmadan çıkan ana fikir; ileride moleküler düzeyde yapılacak çalışmaların bu tür patolojilerde etkili ve başarılı bir tedavi olanağı için gerekli olduğudur
90 SUMMARY Neurulation is the process of the neural tube formation. It can be investigated in two categories as primary and secondary neurulation. Primary neurulation takes place by formation of neural plate that starts with the proliferation of ectoderm, folding of the neural plate lateral edges, and raising of these folds and approaching and joining of them in the middle zone. Secondary neurulation, on the other hand, takes place in the caudal of the embryo and starts with the formation of medullar cord via grouping and densification of mesenchyme cells in the tail bud. Earlier investigations have usually covered the primary neurulation. In this study, however, process of secondary neurulation that forms through canalization of a massive group of cells is investigated. Secondary neurulation is studied in stage 15 of 55-hour chick embryo based on the Hamburger-Hamilton stages. After the removal of embryos from the eggs, they were dissected from their membranes and put into proper fixatives. Paraffin procedure was applied to a group of embryos for the purpose of light microscopy and histochemical studies. P.A.S. and Hematoksilen Eozin staining were done to some 2- micron sections taken from the paraffin blocks. In order to achieve a better resolution under the light microscopy, some chick embryos were prepared according to the electron microscopy sample preparation procedures, and epon blocks were prepared accordingly. Some 1 -micron sections taken from the epon blocks were stained by toulin blue. Finally, embryos were studied under the light microscopy, and their photos were taken. It was found out that secondary neurulation was formed via cavitation of the medullar cord that developed from the tail bud in the caudal of the chick embryo. Different from the primary neurulation, secondary neurulation in chick embryos has four stages: First, formation of a massive group of cells identified as medullar cord91 via joining of dorsal cells of the tail bud. Second, appearance of the edges of the area of the cells grouped and differentiation of the cells as central and peripheral cells. Third, cavitation between the central and peripheral cells. Fourth, joining of all lumens and formation of one central canal. Apoptotic cells were identified according to the histologic criteria in the secondary neural tube and tail mesenchyme formed during the time period investigated. It was thought that these apoptotic cells were used in the normal development and control of the cell number. Neural tube defects still stay an important health problem, even though the understanding of the neurulation has advanced in the last years. Neural tube closure defects in humans may give rise to neural tube defects known as spina bifida, vertebrate defects, and in the extreme cases paralysis. In addition, defects that come to existence during the secondary neurulation are observed in clinical cases as terminal miyelosistosel and thick filum terminale syndrome. Although, mechanisms in the molecular and cellular level are now understood better, understanding of the cell behavior is important in preventing the congenital malformations. Finally, It was declared that secondary neurulation is very important in the process of neural tube formation as neural tube formation is very important in the development of a normal human. Molecular level studies can help cure neurulation pathologies.
90 SUMMARY Neurulation is the process of the neural tube formation. It can be investigated in two categories as primary and secondary neurulation. Primary neurulation takes place by formation of neural plate that starts with the proliferation of ectoderm, folding of the neural plate lateral edges, and raising of these folds and approaching and joining of them in the middle zone. Secondary neurulation, on the other hand, takes place in the caudal of the embryo and starts with the formation of medullar cord via grouping and densification of mesenchyme cells in the tail bud. Earlier investigations have usually covered the primary neurulation. In this study, however, process of secondary neurulation that forms through canalization of a massive group of cells is investigated. Secondary neurulation is studied in stage 15 of 55-hour chick embryo based on the Hamburger-Hamilton stages. After the removal of embryos from the eggs, they were dissected from their membranes and put into proper fixatives. Paraffin procedure was applied to a group of embryos for the purpose of light microscopy and histochemical studies. P.A.S. and Hematoksilen Eozin staining were done to some 2- micron sections taken from the paraffin blocks. In order to achieve a better resolution under the light microscopy, some chick embryos were prepared according to the electron microscopy sample preparation procedures, and epon blocks were prepared accordingly. Some 1 -micron sections taken from the epon blocks were stained by toulin blue. Finally, embryos were studied under the light microscopy, and their photos were taken. It was found out that secondary neurulation was formed via cavitation of the medullar cord that developed from the tail bud in the caudal of the chick embryo. Different from the primary neurulation, secondary neurulation in chick embryos has four stages: First, formation of a massive group of cells identified as medullar cord91 via joining of dorsal cells of the tail bud. Second, appearance of the edges of the area of the cells grouped and differentiation of the cells as central and peripheral cells. Third, cavitation between the central and peripheral cells. Fourth, joining of all lumens and formation of one central canal. Apoptotic cells were identified according to the histologic criteria in the secondary neural tube and tail mesenchyme formed during the time period investigated. It was thought that these apoptotic cells were used in the normal development and control of the cell number. Neural tube defects still stay an important health problem, even though the understanding of the neurulation has advanced in the last years. Neural tube closure defects in humans may give rise to neural tube defects known as spina bifida, vertebrate defects, and in the extreme cases paralysis. In addition, defects that come to existence during the secondary neurulation are observed in clinical cases as terminal miyelosistosel and thick filum terminale syndrome. Although, mechanisms in the molecular and cellular level are now understood better, understanding of the cell behavior is important in preventing the congenital malformations. Finally, It was declared that secondary neurulation is very important in the process of neural tube formation as neural tube formation is very important in the development of a normal human. Molecular level studies can help cure neurulation pathologies.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Morfoloji, Morphology, Veteriner Hekimliği, Veterinary Medicine