Meme MRG'de saptanan kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşmaların histopatolojik korelasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Retrospektif özellikteki bu çalışmanın amacı, meme manyetik rezonans
görüntülemede (MRG) saptanan kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşma bulgusunun; dağılım
paterni, morfolojik özellikleri, iç kontrastlanma ve kinetik özellikleri ile lezyonların
histopatolojik tanılarının korele edilerek değerlendirilmesidir. Ayrıca malignite
saptanan olgularda histopatolojik tanı ve moleküler alt tipler göz önüne alınarak,
meme MRG’de kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşma bulgusunun dağılım paterni ve iç
kontrastlanma şeklinin kanser subtipleri ile ilişkili olabilecek sıklığı araştırılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem:
Çalışmamızda Ocak 2013- Kasım 2015 tarihleri arasında Ege Üniversitesi Tıp
Radyoloji Anabilim Dalında yapılan dinamik meme MRG tetkikinde kitlesel
olmayan parlaklaşma saptanan 104 olgu retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Ege
Üniversitesi Hastanesi Bilgi Sisteminde histopatolojik tanısı mevcut olmayan 25 olgu
ve MRG’de kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşmaya eşlik eden kitle saptanan 18 olgu çalışma
kapsamından çıkarıldı.
Çalışmaya dahil olan 61 olgunun yaşları 13 ile 75 arasında değişmekteydi. Yaş
ortalaması 48 idi. Altmış bir olguda 62 izole kitlesel olmayan patolojik
kontrastlanma saptandı. Lezyonlar morfolojik özellikleri, dağılım ve kontrastlanma
paternine, kontrastlanma kinetiğine, arka plan parlaklaşması durumuna ve ek bulgu
varlığına göre sınıflandırıldı. 62 lezyonun histopatolojik sonuçları; 39’u malign
(%62.9), 18’i benign (%29), 5’i yüksek riskli lezyon (%8.1) idi.
Görüntülemeler Siemens (Symphony Vision) marka 1,5T MRG cihazı ve
Siemens (Verio) marka 3T MRG cihazı ile gerçekleştirildi. İncelemelerde
konvansiyonel sekanslar ve kontrastlı dinamik görüntüler elde olundu. Kitlesel
olmayan parlaklaşma bulgusu dağılım şekli, iç kontrastlanma paternleri,
kontrastlanma kinetikleri ve değerlendirmeleri Amerikan Radyoloji Koleji (ACR) tarafından 2013 yılında basılan (5.Baskı) BI-RADS MRG Atlası’ndaki standart
terminoloji kullanılarak yapıldı.
Çalışmaya dahil olan hastaların verileri istatistiksel değerlendirmeye alındı.
İstatistiksel veriler IBM SPSS V.21 istatistik programı ile analiz edildi. İstatistik
analizi, Ege Üniversitesi İstatistik Bölümü tarafından yapıldı. Analizlere ilişkin
karar; veri setinde yer alan değişkenlerin ölçüm düzeyleri, sınıflama düzeyinde
olmasından dolayı ilişkinlerin tespiti çapraz tablo kullanımlı ki-kare testi ile yapıldı.
Bu testlerden Pearson ki kare ve Fisher ki kare sonuçları üzerinden değerlendirildi.
Sonuçlar %95 güven düzeyinde (α yanılgı payı %0.05) dikkate alınarak
MRG’de saptanan kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşma bulgularına dağılım açısından
bakıldığında; sırasıyla fokal (%25.8), segmental (%22.6), multirejyonal (%22.6),
rejyonal (%14.5), lineer (%8.1) ve diffüz (%6.5) tipler gözlendi. Çalışmamızda
literatüre benzer şekilde (farklı çalışmalarda değişken oranlarda da olsa); fokal
dağılım paterni gösteren parlaklaşmalarda daha çok benign; segmental ya da rejyonal
dağılım paterni gösteren lezyonlarda ise malign histopatolojik sonuçlar izlendi.
Lezyonların iç kontrastlanması ise en sık heterojen tipte (%50) izlenirken, homojen
(%19.4), kümeleşen halkasal (%16.1) ve küme (%14.5) şeklinde kontrastlanma
yaklaşık benzer sıklıktaydı. Çalışmamızda hem malign olgularda hem de benign
olgularda heterojen iç kontrastlanma en sık görülen iç kontrastlanma şekli idi. İç
kontrastlanma özellikleri ile histopatoloji sonuçları arasında istatistiksel olarak
anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı. Çalışmamızda dağılım paternleri arasında diffüz
(%100), multirejyonal (%95.2) ve segmental (%90.5) tipler yüksek spesifite
göstermekteydi. İç kontrastlanma tiplerinde ise kümeleşen halkasal (%95.2) ve küme
tipinde (%90.5) yüksek spesifite saptandı. Kümeleşen halkasal kontrastlanmada %90,
kümede %77 pozitif prediktif değerine ulaşıldı. Kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşma bulgusuna eşlik edebilen diğer bulgular
incelendiğinde; meme başı çekintisi, cilt kalınlaşması ve invazyonu, ödem, yapısal
distorsiyon, aksillar lenfadenopati, göğüs duvarı invazyonu gibi ek bulguların varlığı
histopatolojik sonucun malign olacağını öngörmesi açısından anlamlı bulundu.
Kontrastlanma kinetiği açısından çalışmamızda hem benign hem malign
lezyonlarda daha çok tip 2 ve 3 kontrastlanma kinetiğine rastlandı. Malign
lezyonlarda tip 3 kontrastlanma kinetiği sıklığı daha fazla olsa da malign/benign
lezyon ayrımında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı. Çalışmamızda
literatürle uyumlu olarak, meme MRG’de kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşma gösteren
alandan yapılan doku örneklenmesinin histopatolojik olarak nasıl sonuçlanacağını
öngörmemize kinetik parametrelerin hiçbir katkısının olmadığı saptandı.
İmmünohistokimyasal belirteçlere (ER, PR, HER-2, Ki-67) dayanılarak yapılan
meme karsinomu sınıflaması luminal A, luminal B, HER-2 ve triple negatif şeklinde
idi. Çalışmamızda gerek kitlesel olmayan parlaklaşmanın dağılım paterni gerekse iç
kontrastlanma özellikleri ile moleküler alt gruplar arasında anlamlı ilişki saptanmadı.
Olguların Ki-67 indeksleri <%10, %10-30, >%30 şeklinde kategorize edildi.
Çalışmamızda fokal dağılım gösteren kitlesel olmayan malign lezyonların
tamamında Ki-67 indeksi %10’un altında olduğunu saptandı. Diğer dağılım
paternlerinde ise indeks %10-30 aralığında ve %30’un üzerinde bulundu. Bu nedenle
mitotik indeksin lezyonların dağılım morfolojilerini ve paternlerini etkileyebileceği
Meme karsinomu kendine özgü klinik, histopatolojik ve moleküler özelliklere
sahip farklı biyolojik davranışlar sergileyen heterojen bir tümördür. Memede
manyetik rezonans görüntülemenin lezyon saptayabilme yeteneği ve problem çözücü
yönü ile kullanım sıklığı ise gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. MRG’de kitlesel olmayan
lezyonları tanımlamada ve değerlendirmede dağılım paterni, iç kontrastlanması, arka
plan parlaklaşması ve ek bulgu özellikleri önemlidir. Histopatolojik olarak benign
veya malign tanıyı öngörmede bu morfolojik özellikler fikir verebilir. Moleküler
özellikler tümör davranışını belirlemesinin yanında morfolojisini ve görüntüleme
özelliklerini de etkilemektedir, ancak alt tip ayrımında altın standart histopatolojik
incelemedir. Özellikle görüntüleme rehberliğindeki biyopsi yöntemlerinin arttığı
günümüzde, histopatolojik korelasyonda, MRG’de kitlesel olmayan
kontrastlanmanın dağılım patern özelliği ile oluşan malign-benign öngörümüzü
histopatolojik sonuçlar ile karşılaştırarak, biyopsinin tekrarı ya da izlem protokolüne
ilişkin kararımız tekrar değerlendirilmelidir.
Arka plan parlaklaşmasına bakıldığında en sık ‘minimal’ (%50) daha sonra
sırasıyla ‘belirgin’(%19.3), ‘ılımlı’(%17.8) ve ‘hafif’(%12.9) boyanma saptandı.
Arka plan parlaklaşması ile lezyonun malign olması arasında anlamlı ilişki saptandı.
Bu durum özellikle ‘belirgin’ ve ‘asimetrik’ arka plan parlaklaşmasında öne
Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features and enhancement kinetics with a correlation of histopathologic diagnoses of non-mass enhancement (NME) in breast MRI. Additionally, in cases diagnosed with malignant tumors, we investigated whether internal enhancement features and distribution patterns of NME are correlated with molecular subtypes of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: We included 104 patients diagnosed with non-mass enhancement (NME) in breast MRI that were scanned in Ege University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology between January 2013-November 2015. Patients without histopathologic diagnoses (25 cases) and the ones with mass (18 cases) were excluded. Lesions were classified based on their distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features, enhancement kinetics, background parenchymal enhancement and presence of additional findings. The histopathological results of the lesions (n=62) were malignant (n=39, %62,9), benign (n=18, %29) and high risk lesions (n=5, %8.1). Imaging was performed by Siemens Symphony Vision, 1,5T MRI, and Siemens Verio 3T MRI devices. Conventional sequences and contrast-enhanced dynamic images were obtained from these studies. NME distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features and enhancement kinetics and their evaluations were based on the lexicon described in ACR BI-RADS Atlas (5th edition, 2013). Statistical analysis of the data obtained from the study was done with IBM SPSS (Statistical package for the social sciences) V21, by Department of Statistics at Ege University. Cross-tabulation and chi-square test were used since the components of data consisted of classifications, mainly Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact test. Confidence intervals were chosen as %95 (with α error of %0.05). Results: Distribution patterns of NME’s were distributed as focal (%25.8), segmental (%22.6), multiregional (%22.6), regional (%14.5), linear (%8.1) and diffuse (%6.5). In our study, similar to the other studies in the literature, focal distribution was associated with benign histology, while segmental or regional patterns were associated with malignant. Lesion enhancement with contrast was most commonly seen as heterogeneous type (%50), while homogeneous (%19.4), clustered ring (%16.1) and clumped (%14.5) internal enhancement patterns were of similar rates. Both in malignant and benign cases, the heterogeneous internal enhancement was the most common type of contrast enhancement. No significant association between internal enhancement characteristics and histopathologic results was found. Among distribution patterns, the most specific one was the diffuse type (%100), followed by multiregional (%95,2) and segmental (%90,5). Specifity among internal enhancement patterns were highest for the clustered ring (%95,2) and clumped (%90,5). Positive predictive values for the clustered ring and clumped were %90 and %77, respectively. Background parenchymal enhancement was most commonly seen as minimal type (%50), followed by significant (%19,3), moderate (%17,8) and mild (%12,9). Association between background parenchymal enhancement and malignancy was also established, especially for ‘significant’ and ‘asymmetric’ types. Other findings that may accompany NME were nipple retraction, thickening of skin and skin invasion, edema, structural distortion, axillar lymphadenopathy, chest wall invasion, which were found significant for prediction of malignancy. Type 2 and 3 enhancement kinetics were the most common type for both malignant and benign lesions. While type 3 was seen more in malignant lesions, no significant associations were found for the distinction between malignant or benign lesions. The results were similar to the former studies in literature, parameters of enhancement kinetics did not play a role in predicting histopathological nature of tissues sampled from NME. Breast carcinoma classification based on immunohistochemical studies were based on ER, PR, HER-2, Ki-67 positivities, and types were luminal A, luminal B, HER-2 and triple negative. No associations between distribution patterns, internal enhancement patterns, and molecular subtypes were found. Ki-67 indices of cases were categorized as <%10, %10-30, >%30. All of the non-mass malignant lesions with focal distribution had Ki-67 index <%10. For other distribution patterns, indices were %10-30 or >%30. We believe this finding shows mitotic indices might have effects on distribution patterns. Conclusion: Breast carcinomas are heterogeneous tumors which might show different clinical, histopathological and molecular properties. MRI of the breast is being used increasingly because of its ability to spot lesions and solve problems encountered. For evaluating NME in MRI, distribution patterns, internal enhancement features, background parenchymal enhancement and additional features are important, since they can give insight into benign or malignant nature of the lesion. While molecular phenotypes might effect tumor behavior, morphologic or imaging features, histopathologic studies are the gold standard for the distinction of subtypes. In an age when image-guided biopsies are routinely performed, it might be wise to use enhancement and distribution properties of NME’s in MRI for prediction of histopathologic results and for making correlations and for deciding on this basis whether to repeat the biopsy or to make changes necessary in follow-up protocols when in need.
Purpose: The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluate the distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features and enhancement kinetics with a correlation of histopathologic diagnoses of non-mass enhancement (NME) in breast MRI. Additionally, in cases diagnosed with malignant tumors, we investigated whether internal enhancement features and distribution patterns of NME are correlated with molecular subtypes of breast cancer. Materials and Methods: We included 104 patients diagnosed with non-mass enhancement (NME) in breast MRI that were scanned in Ege University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology between January 2013-November 2015. Patients without histopathologic diagnoses (25 cases) and the ones with mass (18 cases) were excluded. Lesions were classified based on their distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features, enhancement kinetics, background parenchymal enhancement and presence of additional findings. The histopathological results of the lesions (n=62) were malignant (n=39, %62,9), benign (n=18, %29) and high risk lesions (n=5, %8.1). Imaging was performed by Siemens Symphony Vision, 1,5T MRI, and Siemens Verio 3T MRI devices. Conventional sequences and contrast-enhanced dynamic images were obtained from these studies. NME distribution patterns, morphologic properties, internal enhancement features and enhancement kinetics and their evaluations were based on the lexicon described in ACR BI-RADS Atlas (5th edition, 2013). Statistical analysis of the data obtained from the study was done with IBM SPSS (Statistical package for the social sciences) V21, by Department of Statistics at Ege University. Cross-tabulation and chi-square test were used since the components of data consisted of classifications, mainly Pearson Chi-Square and Fisher’s Exact test. Confidence intervals were chosen as %95 (with α error of %0.05). Results: Distribution patterns of NME’s were distributed as focal (%25.8), segmental (%22.6), multiregional (%22.6), regional (%14.5), linear (%8.1) and diffuse (%6.5). In our study, similar to the other studies in the literature, focal distribution was associated with benign histology, while segmental or regional patterns were associated with malignant. Lesion enhancement with contrast was most commonly seen as heterogeneous type (%50), while homogeneous (%19.4), clustered ring (%16.1) and clumped (%14.5) internal enhancement patterns were of similar rates. Both in malignant and benign cases, the heterogeneous internal enhancement was the most common type of contrast enhancement. No significant association between internal enhancement characteristics and histopathologic results was found. Among distribution patterns, the most specific one was the diffuse type (%100), followed by multiregional (%95,2) and segmental (%90,5). Specifity among internal enhancement patterns were highest for the clustered ring (%95,2) and clumped (%90,5). Positive predictive values for the clustered ring and clumped were %90 and %77, respectively. Background parenchymal enhancement was most commonly seen as minimal type (%50), followed by significant (%19,3), moderate (%17,8) and mild (%12,9). Association between background parenchymal enhancement and malignancy was also established, especially for ‘significant’ and ‘asymmetric’ types. Other findings that may accompany NME were nipple retraction, thickening of skin and skin invasion, edema, structural distortion, axillar lymphadenopathy, chest wall invasion, which were found significant for prediction of malignancy. Type 2 and 3 enhancement kinetics were the most common type for both malignant and benign lesions. While type 3 was seen more in malignant lesions, no significant associations were found for the distinction between malignant or benign lesions. The results were similar to the former studies in literature, parameters of enhancement kinetics did not play a role in predicting histopathological nature of tissues sampled from NME. Breast carcinoma classification based on immunohistochemical studies were based on ER, PR, HER-2, Ki-67 positivities, and types were luminal A, luminal B, HER-2 and triple negative. No associations between distribution patterns, internal enhancement patterns, and molecular subtypes were found. Ki-67 indices of cases were categorized as <%10, %10-30, >%30. All of the non-mass malignant lesions with focal distribution had Ki-67 index <%10. For other distribution patterns, indices were %10-30 or >%30. We believe this finding shows mitotic indices might have effects on distribution patterns. Conclusion: Breast carcinomas are heterogeneous tumors which might show different clinical, histopathological and molecular properties. MRI of the breast is being used increasingly because of its ability to spot lesions and solve problems encountered. For evaluating NME in MRI, distribution patterns, internal enhancement features, background parenchymal enhancement and additional features are important, since they can give insight into benign or malignant nature of the lesion. While molecular phenotypes might effect tumor behavior, morphologic or imaging features, histopathologic studies are the gold standard for the distinction of subtypes. In an age when image-guided biopsies are routinely performed, it might be wise to use enhancement and distribution properties of NME’s in MRI for prediction of histopathologic results and for making correlations and for deciding on this basis whether to repeat the biopsy or to make changes necessary in follow-up protocols when in need.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kitlesel Olmayan Parlaklaşma, Meme MRG, Histopatolojik Korelasyon, Moleküler Sınıflama, Non-Mass Enhancement, Breast MRI, Histopathologic Correlation, Molecular Classification