Kronik karaciğer hastalıklarında karaciğerde Helicobacter türlerinin araştırılması
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Helicobacter pylori gastrit ve duodenum ülserinin en önemli sebebidir. Bunun yanında Helicobacter pylori ve diğer bazı Helicobacter türlerine mide dışı dokularda da rastlanmaktadır. Karaciğer kanseri ve primer biliyer siroz gibi çeşitli karaciğer hastalıklarında da Helicobacter türlerinin rolü olabileceğine dair çalışmalar yayınlanmıştır. Amaç: Bu çalışmada çeşitli karaciğer hastalıklarında karaciğer dokusunda Helicobacter pylori ve diğer Helicobacter türlerinin varlığının araştırılması planlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: Farklı etyolojilere sahip kronik karaciğer hastalarında iğne biyopsisi ile elde edilen karaciğer biyopsilerinde PCR yöntemi ile Helicobacter pylori'nm üreaz genini ve Helicobacter türlerinin 16S ribozomal DNA'sını hedefleyen amplifikasyonlar yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Kırkbeşi kriptojenik karaciğer hastalığı, 30'u kronik HBV infeksiyonu, 21'i kronik HCV infeksiyonu, 17'si alkole bağlı olmayan karaciğer yağlanması, 15'i primer biliyer siroz, 12'si alkol dışı steatohepatit tanısı alan, 45'i diğer karaciğer hastalıklarına sahip 185 hastanın sadece "otoimmün hepatit+primer biliyer siroz overlap sendromu" tanısı alan birinde karaciğerde Helicobacter 16S ribozomal DNA'stna rastlanmıştır. Üreaz gen amplifikasyonu tüm hastalarda negatif bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Kronik karaciğer hastalıklarında karaciğer dokusunda Helicobacter türlerine ait genetik elemanlara rastlanmamış, bu nedenle kronik karaciğer hastalıklarının etyolojisinde Helicobacter türleriyle oluşan infeksiyonunun bir rolü olmadığı düşünülmüştür.
Helicobacter pylori is the major etiologic agent in gastritis and duodenal ulcer. Helicobacter pylori and some other Helicobacter species have been found in extragastric tissues as well. Some reports suggested a relation between Helicobater infection and various liver diseases, such as liver cancer, and primary biliary cirrhosis. Aim: to investigate the genetic elements of Helicobacter pylori and other Helicobacter species in liver tissues of the patients with various liver diseases by PCR. Materials and Methods: a part of the urease gene of Helicobacter pylori, and 16S ribosomal DNA of Helicobacter species were determined from the liver tissues of patients with chronic liver disease by PCR. Results: 185 patients with various liver disease (45 had crip-togenic liver disease, 30 had chronic HBV infection, 21 HCV infection, 17 steatosis hepatis, 15 primary biliary cirrhosis and 12 had nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and 45 other liver diseases) were included in the study. Only 1 patient with PBC and autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome had Helicobacter 16S ribosomal DNA in her liver tissue. None of the patients was found to be positive for the PCR of H. pylori urease gene. Conclusions: In this study, genetic elements of Helicobacter species were not detected in the liver tissues of the patients with chronic liver diseases. These results suggested that Helicobacter infections in the liver have almost no role in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases in our population.
Helicobacter pylori is the major etiologic agent in gastritis and duodenal ulcer. Helicobacter pylori and some other Helicobacter species have been found in extragastric tissues as well. Some reports suggested a relation between Helicobater infection and various liver diseases, such as liver cancer, and primary biliary cirrhosis. Aim: to investigate the genetic elements of Helicobacter pylori and other Helicobacter species in liver tissues of the patients with various liver diseases by PCR. Materials and Methods: a part of the urease gene of Helicobacter pylori, and 16S ribosomal DNA of Helicobacter species were determined from the liver tissues of patients with chronic liver disease by PCR. Results: 185 patients with various liver disease (45 had crip-togenic liver disease, 30 had chronic HBV infection, 21 HCV infection, 17 steatosis hepatis, 15 primary biliary cirrhosis and 12 had nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and 45 other liver diseases) were included in the study. Only 1 patient with PBC and autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome had Helicobacter 16S ribosomal DNA in her liver tissue. None of the patients was found to be positive for the PCR of H. pylori urease gene. Conclusions: In this study, genetic elements of Helicobacter species were not detected in the liver tissues of the patients with chronic liver diseases. These results suggested that Helicobacter infections in the liver have almost no role in the pathogenesis of chronic liver diseases in our population.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Gastroenteroloji ve Hepatoloji
Türkiye Klinikleri Gastroenterohepatoloji Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri