Büyük Menderes havzası sulama şebekelerinde organizasyon-yönetim sorunları ve yeni yönetim modelleri üzerinde araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET BÜYÜK MENDERES HAVZASI SULAMA ŞEBEKELERİNDE ORGANİZASYON- YÖNETİM SORUNLARI VE YENİ YÖNETİM MODELLERİ ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR KOÇ, Cengiz Doktora Tezi, Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Süer ANAÇ Eylül, 1997, 183 Sayfa Bu çalışma Büyük Menderes havzası sulama şebekelerinde işletme-bakım ve yönetim (İBY) etkinliklerini belirlemek ve su kullanıcıları temel alan yeni organizasyon modellerini geliştirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışma, kamu kurumunca (DSİ) işletilen ve Büyük Menderes havzasında yeralan Işıklı, Irgıllı, Çürüksu, Sarayköy, Nazilli, Akçay, Aydın ve Söke sulamaları işletme alanlarında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada İBY fiziksel, ekonomik ve kurumsal etkinlik göstergeleri belirlenmiştir. Fiziksel etkinlik göstergeleri; sulama alanı, sulama ve drenaj tesisleri ve sulama suyundan yararlanmaya ilişkin verilerden oluşmuştur. Ekonomik etkinlik göstergeleri olarak; işletme- bakım ve yönetim gelirleri ve giderleri, sulama ücreti toplama etkinliği ve finansal olarak kendine yeterlilik seçilmiştir. Kurumsal etkinlik göstergeleri ise, organizasyon personeli ve sayısı, su kullanıcı organizasyon etkinliği ve aktif çiftçi katılımı olarak ele alınmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, havza sulama şebekeleri etkinlik göstergeleri istenen düzeylerde gerçekleşmemiş, oldukça farklı ve geniş bir dağılım göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, sulama şebekelerinin etkinliklerini iyileştirmek; fiziksel, ekonomik ve kurumsal sürdürülebilirliklerini sağlamak için sulama birlikleri gibi su kullanıcıları temel alan organizasyonlara devredilmesi önerilmiştir. Sulama şebekelerinde devir programlarını yürütmek için gerekli aşama ve ayrıntılar akış şeması olarak verilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler : Büyük Menderes Havzası-Türkiye, sulama şebekeleri, performans değerlendirilmesi, performans göstergeleri, sulama yönetim organizasyonu, sulama yönetimini devir, organizasyon modelleri
ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS OF THE GREAT MENDERES BASIN IRRIGATION NETWORK AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW MODELS KOÇ, Cengiz Ph.D. Thesis Department of Farm Structures and Irrigation Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Süer ANAÇ September 1997, 183 pages The purpose of this research was to determine the effiencies of the management-operation and maintenance (MOM) and develop the water user based new organizational models in the Great Menderes basin irrigation schemes. The irrigation and drainage network of the basin was operated by State Hydraulic Works (DSİ), a public institute and was consist of 8 schemes, namely, Işıklı, Irgılh, Çürüksu, Sarayköy, Nazilli, Akçay, Aydın and Söke. In the study, physical, economic and institutional performance indicators of (MOM) were determined. The physical performance indicators were related to irrigated area, irrigation and drainage facilities, utilization of irrigation water. The economic parameters were selected as operation and maintenance expences and revenues, fee collection performances, financial self-suffiency. The institutional performance indices were taken as organization personnel, their numbers and efficiency of water user organization and activities of farmer participation. The results showed that the performance indicators were timely and spatially variable in the schemes and generally were not found at sufficient levels. Therefore, it was suggested that the irrigation schemes turned over to the water user organization such as irrigation districts in order to improve the performances and to provide physical, economic and institutional sustainability. The phases and details which would be applied for the turnover programmes of irrigation schemes have been given as flow diagrams. Keywords : Great Menderes Basin-Turkey, irrigation schemes, performance assesment, performance indicators, irrigation management-organization, irrigation management turnover, organization models.
ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS OF THE GREAT MENDERES BASIN IRRIGATION NETWORK AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW MODELS KOÇ, Cengiz Ph.D. Thesis Department of Farm Structures and Irrigation Supervisor : Prof.Dr. Süer ANAÇ September 1997, 183 pages The purpose of this research was to determine the effiencies of the management-operation and maintenance (MOM) and develop the water user based new organizational models in the Great Menderes basin irrigation schemes. The irrigation and drainage network of the basin was operated by State Hydraulic Works (DSİ), a public institute and was consist of 8 schemes, namely, Işıklı, Irgılh, Çürüksu, Sarayköy, Nazilli, Akçay, Aydın and Söke. In the study, physical, economic and institutional performance indicators of (MOM) were determined. The physical performance indicators were related to irrigated area, irrigation and drainage facilities, utilization of irrigation water. The economic parameters were selected as operation and maintenance expences and revenues, fee collection performances, financial self-suffiency. The institutional performance indices were taken as organization personnel, their numbers and efficiency of water user organization and activities of farmer participation. The results showed that the performance indicators were timely and spatially variable in the schemes and generally were not found at sufficient levels. Therefore, it was suggested that the irrigation schemes turned over to the water user organization such as irrigation districts in order to improve the performances and to provide physical, economic and institutional sustainability. The phases and details which would be applied for the turnover programmes of irrigation schemes have been given as flow diagrams. Keywords : Great Menderes Basin-Turkey, irrigation schemes, performance assesment, performance indicators, irrigation management-organization, irrigation management turnover, organization models.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Büyük Menderes havzası, Great Menderes basin, Sulama şebekesi, Irrigation network